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Although life is full of highs and lows, more time is spent in those in-between moments. Determining how to spend your time on any day takes intentionality. This podcast is about doing the small everyday things which enable you to do the grand things in your marriage, home and family. Live a life you will remember. Invest your days in things that will last longer than you. Remember, your life is not a dress rehearsal. If you delay doing what is important, you might never have the chance to really do what you want to do.
جنبًا إلى جنب مع شركاء ملتزمين بتغيير العالم، يقود مايكل يوسف الطريق للناس الذين يعيشون في الظلام الروحي ليكتشفوا نور المسيح. من خلال إعلان الحقيقة بشغف وبدون تنازلات من خلال أساليب مبتكرة، يقوم هذا الفريق الدولي من الخبراء بتفرد بتقديم الأمل في الحياة في المنزل وحول العالم بطريقة ثورية.
Welcome to Oh Hey Truth! Our hope and aim is to meet women where they are in their everyday lives. To equip women to be in and of the Word as we dive deep into THE TRUTH of God’s Word. When we spend our days studying and meditating on His Word - our hearts, our minds, and our lives will bring glory to the one who made us. In His image, we were made. In His image, we are called to live. May we join you brave women on this great adventure as we seek the Lord together. We hope you feel welcome here!
This feed is a grab bag of thoughts, reflections, and tomfoolery. The Bible will be talked about, other books will be talked about, concepts will be wrestled with, Jesus will be made much of. -
Official Account of His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef. Metropolitan of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States. Contact by e-mail at [email protected]