We are somehow on yet another episode about Quark getting laid as we review "Profit and Loss"! Garak and our favorite bartender are two great tastes that taste great together as we have an episode of romance, intrigue, and an complete lack of coherent storytelling in the final act...but hey, who cares when the rest is this good!
The third time is a charm on the Dax backstory episode as we review the shockingly good "Playing God". When some guy with limited personality shows up to learn the secrets of having a slug in the gut, we get some wacky science nonsense, O'Brien and Kira trying to indulge their murder lust, and just enough time to talk over Bajor having some suspect laws on the books.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Sometimes it's a boring day in the Trek office as we review "Shadowplay"! Nothing but a lot of old man actors not pronouncing words right in the A plot, but hey - at least we find out Quark isn't above nefariously getting Kira laid so as to commit crimes!
Somehow, Commander Sisko winds up in an accidental episode of Roots as we watch "Paradise"! In between all the torture and forced field labor, can Ben and Miles find a way to deprogram a cult? Meanwhile, we find out Dax is very casual about runabout safety standards.
We get a double dose of Irish Suffering as we review "Whispers"! Miles is doing some dramatic monologues as he tries to unravel a conspiracy, but can anything really compare to Keiko hitting the runner-runner on Sisko having to tell her bad news about her husband?
We get a bit too much TNG in our DS9 as we tackle the very odd "Armageddon Game". When Miles and Julian go on an under explained work trip, some local Christmas Elves decide to murder everyone. Why is this happening? Who knows, but at least we know Julian loves feet.
Despite all his rage, Odo is just some goo in a cage as we review "The Alternate. When Odo's step-dad pops in to annoy his son, a monster hunt ensues, O'Brien gets sent into Viet Cong tunnels, and this ensemble show casually demonstrates its power.
Our heroes have to wade through some real underbaked nonsense as we try to make some sense of "Rivals"! When a local space con man finds a handy device that breaks laws of probability, wacky events ensue! Seriously, the best part of this involves Julian and Miles playing racquetball.
We have a true V'Ger Please special as we interview Matt, the mind behind the YouTube channel 'Feral Historian'! We dig deep on our Star Trek takes, his approach to making such layered video essays, and if there was any way to have ever made Enterprise watchable.
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Nothing quite like like a good dose of Voyager style goo hair and untreated skin rashes to make a bad episode worse as we review "Sanctuary". Get ready to hear a very obvious message over and over for the world's least sympathetic victims of the week. Even Kira and Quark can't save this one.
The most eligible widower on the Space Flying J meets the most fetching space elf of all time as we review "Second Sight". When the world's most charming douchebag shows up to Genesis device a star, Sisko falls in love with his wife. Kind of? Really just watch this one for the Ben/Jake scenes.
It's a dark and stormy night on Azeroth (literally) as we review "Necessary Evil". Odo puts on his sharp suit and fedora as he works to crack the case of an old murder. We got femme fatales, kablamo guns, conspiracies, Dukat, stabbed security guards, dramatic narrations...what else could you want?
Nothing like a story of tragic romance featuring a character named Pel to excite your hosts as they review "Rules of Acquisition"! When Zek shows up to bribe Kira and send Quark on a wine buying mission, we Twelfth Night the heck out of the Gamma Quad. Can Dax help Quark find love?
Nothing like a mid-season script hackjob to bring your hosts down as we review the difficult "Melora". A deeply irritating woman comes to DS9, Julian is attracted to her for no particular reason, we get clumsy disability allegory, but at least Odo gets to watch Quark suffer!
When a humble tailor can't keep his hands to himself, we are gifted the opportunity to review "Cardassians"! After Garak gets bit, the galaxy's most complex custody battle takes place. O'Brian gets to be extremely racist, Dukat gets to chew scenery, and Bashir might want to think about locking his door.
Our man Death Row Sisko starts throwing ALL the hands as we enjoy "Invasive Procedures". When nebbish John Glover Trill shows up to claim the Dax symbiote, the most wild throwdown ever seen in Trek pops off. Did Tim Russ get hit so hard it made Tuvok bad at security? You decide!
The air is thick with plot resolutions as we wrap up the Bajoran Coup arc with "The Siege"! While Space Nixon tries to seal the deal, Sisko and company engage in annoying antics, Kira and Dax bond while nearly dying, and we stand in wonder of delightful creative arrogance of it all.
The Space Nixon action is only heating up as we review "The Circle". We are only two episodes in and it's like we are reading a book with this level of plot density. Bajoran coups! Single shot comedy scenes! Very sexy orbs! Jump in for a wild ride.
The Deep Space Nine Quality Train hits us hard right out of the gate, as we review the Season 2 premiere - "The Homecoming". When Space Nixon show us talking about to Make Azeroth Great Again, you can count on Kira to rescue a famous Bajoran leader with the help of a loveable Irish pimp. All this before Sisko has even finished his coffee!
We wrap up our look at the "Genesis Trilogy" as we review the classic "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home"! Joseph defends this light comedy classic, while Peter insists that it's just bad, dated, nonsense slop. Who is right? Listen and find out!
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