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Hosted by trashy babes Rax King and Amber Rollo. If you've ever asked yourself "would Susan Sontag have enjoyed 'Jersey Shore'," why did Twinkie file for bankruptcy, or if you don't know how to read and at this point you know it's too late to ask, this is the podcast for you!
Welcome to The Dig Bible Podcast, do you have a curious mind? Often thought to yourself there has to be more to these stories in my Bible. Is knowing the “whys” important to you? Then you’ve found the right place! We are looking for those people that know there is more than what we’ve been taught. We are looking for those people that their beliefs that don’t “fit into the box”, and know that “For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” We believe that to truly understand the Bible we must put ourselves in the mindset of the writers, and to do that we must restore the “supernatural worldview” of the original audience to which they were writing to! So, with that being said don’t care to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty? LET’S DIG! Questions, comments, suggestions on future episode ideas we’d love to hear from you: Join in on the conversations and exclusive content with our facebook group:
To show off is to boast about one’s achievements or display oneself to best advantage. The ShowOff podcast series brings summaries from the international discussions The Show Must Go ON/OFFline which address the performing arts’ sensitivity and responsiveness to contemporary social, political and human civilisation issues. The series is featuring guests drawn from the ranks of theatre and dance artists, curators, cultural managers and theorists from the Central and Eastern European region and from other countries from all over the world. In dialogue with them, we try to map the performing arts’ emerging strategies and responses to global paradigm shifts.
The series is produced by the PerformCzech team at the Arts and Theatre Institute and in collaboration with international partners such as the European project Create to Connect -> Create to Impact project and the Performing Arts Central Europe (PACE.V4) network. The series are produced with support from the International Visegrad Fund, Creative Europe program and the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic. -
Sip & Savor takes an in-depth look at some of the buzziest destinations to eat and drink in Houston and beyond, featuring interviews with cool creatives who make up the city's diverse culinary landscape. Digging deep into the melting pot, the podcast showcases a broad spectrum of cuisines — from good ol' fashioned Texas barbecue to world-famous Viet-Cajun crawfish, and everything in between. Hosted by native Houstonian and veteran food writer Megha McSwain, the show offers an unpretentious look at festive places to — you guessed it — sip and savor!Subscribe on all podcasting apps, rate & review on iTunes and Apple Podcasts!Follow us on social media at @hotpinkhouston and @eddpodnetPresented by the Eat Drink Dine Podcast Network
Jsme dvě ségry, Nicole a Lucka. Možná nás znáte jako A Cup of Style. Sdílíme svoje životy, pohledy na svět a zážitky na sociálních sítích a rády přijímáme nové výzvy. Co takhle zkusit podcast? Proč ne! Odkryjeme vám trochu jinou stránku nás dvou, takovou, která vypluje na povrch, když přestaneme řešit okolní svět a jen tak si se ségrou povídáme. Kontaktovat nás můžete na
You’ve read the headlines and seen the Instagram photos, but you’ve never heard them like this. Now it’s time to take you behind the scenes of one of the most followed families on Instagram with over 13 million followers. Hanging with the Hembrow’s is your backstage pass to the secret lives of the Hembrow sisters.
Jsme dva. Milujeme svobodu. Milujeme anarchii. Milujeme kapitalismus. Milujeme se navzájem xD
Mluvíme o volnotržní bezstátní společnosti; ano, víme, jak to vypadá, i nám ta myšlenka zpočátku připadala absurdní… Zkuste jí však dát šanci; odmítnout ji můžete vždy.
Motto: „Dobří lidé se neřídí špatnými zákony.“
– Tereza Urzová; tvůrce Svobodného přístavu; hlava Institutu Ludwiga von Misese; členka Students for Liberty
– Urza (; autor knihy Anarchokapitalismus; tvůrce Svobodného přístavu; spoluzakladatel a hlava Institutu Ludwiga von Misese; člen předsednictva Svobody učení -
Ahoj, jsem Kristián z Jedno Kafe - Espresso & Brew baru v centru Liberce. Pravidelně u nás v kavárně pořádáme různé akce a chtěli jsme, aby po nich zůstala i jiná památka než vzpomínka. Proto vznikl podcast, díky kterému se můžete spolu s námi zastavit Na Jedno Kafe s významnými osobnostmi nejen z kávového světa.
Tomas Sedlacek is a university lecturer and media commentator on philosophy of economics. He gained widespread recognition for his book "Economics of Good and Evil" (Oxford University Press), which has been translated into 22 languages. Sedlacek has advised former Czech President Vaclav Havel, and has lectured at the World Economic Forum and various venues around the world. For 16 years he was a Chief Macroeconomic Strategist at the largest Czech bank, and has been a longstanding member of Czech National Economic Council. II production & graphic design @TerezaSlapotova2023 II
An eight-part documentary series based on a sonic expedition into the infrastructures and ecosystems. A philosopher of technology accompanied by field recordists with geophone, hydrophone and other special mics search for hidden sounds of our civilization. What messages about its future does humankind receive at a power plant, CO2 storage, oil-well, aquaponic farm and other places that model our world?
Informacinis kultūros žurnalas, kiekvieną darbo dienos rytą supažindinantis su kultūros įvykiais, kritikų vertinimais, literatūros, kino, muzikos naujienomis bei reiškiniais, kurie atsiduria ir už tradicinio kultūros lauko ribų. Laida transliuojama kiekvieną darbo dieną 07.05 val.
Jsem Ejvi, jsem autorkou blogu, spoluzakladatelkou agentury Sparkle Events, jsem máma a jsem váhy. Právě moje znamení se dost odráží na mé povaze a tak vznikl nápad na Podcast ČAS VAH. Bude tak trochu o všem, co se mi honí hlavou, ať už lifestyle a fashion témata, ale i mateřství, práce, podnikání nebo zkrátka nějakých životních úvahách. Mým cílem je podpořit mluvené slovo, abychom méně koukali do mobilů a na sociální sítě, ale více i poslouchali a je jedno, jestli u toho budete vařit, řídit, sportovat, uklízet, pracovat... a nebo se třeba procházet s kočárkem. Chtěla bych vás prostřednictvím tohohle podcastu inspirovat, motivovat, ale někdy třeba jen pobavit nebo odreagovat. Tak to se mnou pojďte zvážit :).