Topics: Sanctification Is Complete (Hebrews 10:10), Sanctification Happens Once, Sanctification Is Not Lifelong (Hebrews 10:14), Jesus' Blood Sanctified, The Bible Doesnât Sanctify Us, Faith Sanctified Us (Acts 26:18), Works Donât Sanctify, Good Deeds Donât Sanctify, Repentance Isnât Sanctification, Animal Blood Sacrifices Foreshadowed Sanctification, Hebrews 9-10, Jesus' Sacrifice Is Final, Christians Are Perfected, Saints Are Sanctified, Sanctification Isnât Self-Improvement, Holiness Is Sanctification, Purification and Consecration, Growth Isnât Sanctification, Salvation and Sanctification Are Simultaneous, Identity Sanctification Isnât Behavior Change, The Law Doesnât Sanctify, Sacrifices Were Temporary, Jesus' Sanctification Is Eternal (Hebrews 10:12), Sanctification Isnât Progressive, Effort Isnât Required, Traditions Distort Sanctification, The Bible Doesnât Sanctify, Jesus Alone Sanctifies, We Are Set Apart, Sin Doesnât Undo Sanctification, We Donât Sanctify Ourselves, 1 Corinthians 6:11, Works Are Not a Requirement for Sanctification, Holiness Is Christâs Work, Ephesians 5:25-26, Jesus' Blood Secures Sanctification, Sanctification Isnât Drawing Near, We Are Already One With God, Saints Arenât Still Being Sanctified, The Temple Foreshadowed Christ, Christâs Blood Sanctifies Once, Hebrews Confirms Finished Sanctification, Hebrews 9:24-26, Jesus Completed Holiness, Sanctification Is Eternal, Itâs Not Achieved in Heaven, Jesus Ended Sacrifices, The Old Covenant Couldnât Permanently Sanctify, Christianity Isnât Self-Sanctification, False Humility Doesnât Sanctify, The Gospel Is Finished Sanctification, Sanctification Is by Grace, True Sanctification Is by Faith
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Topics: The Lordâs Prayer, God's Has Kingdom Come In Jesus, God's Will Has Already Been Done In Jesus, Weâve Already Received Our Daily Bread in Jesus, Forgiveness Not conditional on Forgiving Others, Lead us Not into Temptation of breaking the Law of Moses, Christians Have Been Delivered From the Evil One, God Forgives Even if We Donât Forgive, Repeating Prayers Does Not Make Them More Effective, Taking the Lordâs Prayer Literally Leads to Legalistic Condemnation, The Sermon on the Mount Was Teaching True Standards of the Law, Jesus Did Not Give Sermons, Constantine Introduced Sermons into Christian gatherings, Lordâs Prayer for Christians, Romans 10:4, John 17 contains the true Lordâs Prayer for Christians, Jesusâ Prayer in Matthew 6 Emphasized Human Effort Rather Than Grace, Jesus Exposed Hypocrisy of those Trusting the Law for Righteousness, Luke 11, John the Baptist Prayer, Jesus gave law-based answers to Law-based Questions, âDonât pray like the Gentilesâ Excluded Non-Jews from the Lordâs Prayer, Ephesians 2:12 states Gentiles Excluded from that Old Covenant, The Kingdom of God Refers to Jesus Himself, Mark 1:15 declares the Kingdomâs fulfillment in Christâs Coming, Galatians 4:4-5, Jesus Born Under the Law to Redeem Those under the Law, Jesusâ coming to Earth fulfilled Godâs will, Communion, Eucharist John 6:35, Hunger and Thirst No More, Believers Already Spiritually Satisfied in Christ
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Topics: Predestination, Biblical Predestination, False Predestination, Role of Free Will in Salvation, Predestination and God's Love, Predestination vs. Calvinism and Arminianism, Invitation of Gentiles Into God's Family, Meaning of Ephesians 1-3, Romans 9-11 and the Jewish Rejection of Christ, Impact of Legalism on Salvation, God's Sovereignty and Human Responsibility, The Gospel as Good News for all People, The Elect as the Body of Christ, Stumbling Block of Jesus for the Jews, Faith vs. Works of the Law in Salvation, Role of Grace in Predestination, Inclusion of Gentiles in Godâs plan, Misinterpretation of Romans 9, God's Mercy in Salvation, Abraham's Promise and its fulfillment, Purpose of the Law Before Christ, Predestination as God's Predetermined Plan for Salvation, Spiritual Significance of Being Children of the Promise, Transformation of Believers Into a New Creation, Meaning of âMany are Called, Few are Chosen," Rejection of Christ by Legalistic Jews, Dangers of Relying on Works for Righteousness, How Faith in Jesus Replaces the Law, Role of the Holy Spirit in Guiding Believers, Ultimate Glorification of Believers in Christ
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Topics: Misinterpretation of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, Influence of Talmud on Early Church, What âAs the Law Says" Really Means, Historical Context of Early Church Gatherings, Role of Women in the Ecclesia vs. Modern Church Settings, First Church Buildings and Their Impact on Doctrine, Oral Traditions of Judaism and Their Influence, Difference Between God's Law and Man-Made Traditions, How Paul Confronted Judaizers and Their Teachings, Real Meaning of 1 Timothy 2:11-12, Greek Myths of Artemis and Influence in Ephesus, Significance of âQuietâ vs. âSilentâ in Scripture, Historical Background of the Temple of Artemis, âRoleâ of Women, Misinterpretation of âSaved Through Childbearingâ in 1 Timothy 2:15, Endless Genealogies and Jewish Obsession with Lineage, Real Purpose of Paulâs Letter to Timothy, Context of False Doctrines Paul Was Combating, Influence of Greek Goddess Diana Worship on Early Church Beliefs, Role of Pricilla in Teaching Men, Absence of a Hierarchical Leadership in the Early Church, Biblical Definition of Pastor, Transformation of Pastorship into a Church Position/Occupation, Constantineâs Role in Institutionalizing the Church, Greek Philosophersâ Influence on Church Doctrine, Corruption of Biblical Leadership by Early Church Fathers, Jesusâ Teaching Against Hierarchical Leadership, The Biblical Role of Elders in the Church
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Topics: Judas, Judas Iscariot, Was Judas saved?, Can Someone Lose Their salvation?, Role of Judas in Christian Theology, Judging Salvation Based on Actions, Paulâs Warning Against Judging Others' Salvation, Legalismâ Impact, Was Judas condemned?, Betrayal of Jesus by Judas, Free will or Predestination for Judas, Nature of Godâs Desire for all to be Saved, Satan entering Judas, Significance of Pentecost in Spiritual Protection, The Son of perdition: What does it mean?, Contextual interpretation of John 17:12, The fulfillment of Scripture through Judas, The debate on Judasâ Repentance, Was Judasâ Remorse True Repentance?, Fate of Judas, Implications of Matthew 27:3-4, Suicide and Salvation, 1 John 5:16, The Unforgivable sin: What is it really?, Betrayal of Christ: Are We All guilty?, Replacement of Judas, Importance of Trusting Godâs Judgment, Enduring Nature of Christâs Love and Mercy
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Topics: OSAS, Once Saved Always Saved, Salvation as Irrevocable Gift, Concept of Being Born Again, Biblical Examples of Spiritual Birth, Understanding John 3 and Nicodemus, Permanence of Spiritual Birth, The Life of Christ as Our Salvation, Eternal Security Through Christâs Life, John 14:19, Role of Faith in Permanent Salvation, Misconceptions About Losing Salvation, Difference Between Eternal and Everlasting Life, Impact of Adamâs Sin on Humanity, Restoration of Life Through Christ, Understanding John 10:10 and Eternal Life, Jesus as Source of Our Salvation, Power of Christâs Resurrection, Hebrews 7:25 and Complete Salvation, Role of Grace in Eternal Security, The Obedience of Faith or Obedience of Works/Actions, Understanding John 3:36 in Context, Why Church Fathers are Not the Ultimate Authority, Errors in Early Church Traditions, Pagan Influences on Christianity, Colossians 3:4 and Christ as Our Life, The Blood of Christ and Sanctification, Romans 6:10 and Christâs Everlasting Life, The Meaning of Hebrews 9:26 in Salvation, True Definition of Holiness, False Teachers in 2 Peter 2:20-22, Misinterpretations of 1 Corinthians 15:1-2
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Topics: Misconception of God's Anger, Understanding the New Covenant in Christ, Significance Of Jesusâ Blood for Forgiveness, Truth About Romans 5:1, Peace With God, Role of Godâs Kindness in Leading to Repentance, Fallacy of Needing to Repent of Sins to be Forgiven, Historical Influence of Frontier Revivalists, Emotionalism of Revivalist Preaching, Origins Of the Altar Call and Its Impact, Dangers of Performance-Based Salvation, Why Confession of Sins Doesnât Bring Forgiveness, Real Meaning of 1 John 1:9, Contrast Between Atonement and Propitiation, Why Jesus' Sacrifice Was Once-for-All, True Definition of Biblical Repentance, How Fear-Based Teaching Distorts Grace, Role of Levitical Priesthood in Old Testament Forgiveness, Why Godâs Patience Never Runs Out, Error of Believing God Requires Continual Confession, Significance Of Hebrews 9:22 In Forgiveness, Why Future Sins Are Already Forgiven, Problem With Adding Human Traditions to Salvation, Jesusâ True Commandments or Mosesâ Commandments, Misunderstanding of âIf You Love Me, Keep My Commandments,â Why Following the 613 Commandments is Impossible, Importance of Distinguishing Between Old And New Covenant, How Galatians 5:3 Warns Against Picking and Choosing from the Law, Misunderstanding of Faith Plus Works in Jamesâ Letter, Distinction Between the Law of Moses and Gospel of Grace, Why Salvation Is by Grace Alone through Faith in Christ
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Topics: Judgment Day, Rewards in Heaven, Crowns in Scripture, Hebrews 9:27, Christ in You (Colossians 1:26-27), Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), Parable of the Vineyard Workers (Matthew 20:1-16), Judgment Based on Jesusâ Work, John 5:24, The Great White Throne Judgment, Revelation 20:11-15, The Bema Seat Judgment Explained, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Reward of the Inheritance (Colossians 3:23-24), Misinterpretation of "Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant" (Matthew 25:21), Servants or Friends (John 15:15), Judgment of Unbelief in Christ and Working According to the Law (Romans 14:12), Context of 2 Corinthians 5:10, Finality of Christâs Sacrifice (Hebrews 9:15), Symbolism of Crowns, James 1:12, Crown of Righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8), Crown of Glory (1 Peter 5:4), Meaning of Casting Crowns (Revelation 4:10), 1 Corinthians 9:25, Jesus Alone is King (Hebrews 2:7), Sufficiency of Christâs Blood, Hebrews 13:5, Salvation by Grace Not Works, Futility of âEarningâ Rewards, Isaiah 64:6, Role of Faith in Judgment, Judgment of Unbelievers, Revelation 22:12, Eternal Security in Christ, John 10:28, Rewards vs. the Gospel, Perfection of Godâs Love (1 John 4:18), Judgment of Sin Already Paid, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Misuse of James 3:1 about Teaching, Refinement of Incorrect Teaching, 1 Corinthians 3, Role of Works in Christian Life, Assurance of Our Salvation, Jesus' Death as the Basis for Inheritance (Hebrews 9:15), Meaning of Being Co-Seated with Christ (Ephesians 2:6), Judgment of Believers vs. Unbelievers, Role of Faith not Performance, Christ as the Reward, Colossians 2:10, Futility of Human Effort for Rewards and Crowns, Not Judged for Sins Because Jesus Was Judged
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Topics: Walk Away From Being Christian, Born Again Meaning (John 3:7), Permanency of Spiritual Rebirth, John 3, Jesusâ Conversation with Nicodemus, Flesh vs. Spirit Birth, Finality of Being Born Again, Belief Grants Spiritual Birth, Grace vs. Works for Salvation, Role of Faith in Salvation, Misunderstanding Salvation as Works, James vs. Paul on Salvation, Legalism in the Church, Misuse of âeven the demons believeâ (James 2:19), Role of Holy Spirit in Rebirth, Leaving Church System but Not God, Tradition of Men vs. True Christianity, Broken System of Man-Made Religion, Criticisms of Box Church Practices, Misrepresenting Jesus in Churches, Why Works Donât Determine Salvation, Problem of Mixing the Covenants, Grace Replaced Law, Trusting Jesus for Salvation, Misconceptions About Repentance, Why Sin Canât Undo Salvation, Godâs Forgiveness of All sins, Once-for-All Sacrifice of Christ, Performance Based Faith Error, True Salvation vs. Church Participation, Understanding Spiritual DNA, Apostasy, Role of Cross in Salvation, Jesusâ Fulfillment of the Law, How Salvation Is a Gift, Comparing Spiritual and Physical Birth, Trusting Grace Over Effort, Why Christians leave Religious Systems, Damage of Pastoral Abuse, False teachings in Churches, Simplicity of Belief, Problem With Church Hierarchy, Walking Away From Tradition, Walking Away From Religious System
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Topics: 613 commandments in the Law, Significance of 10 Commandments, Indivisibility of the Law, Role of Holy Spirit Before the Law, Historical Context of Jews and the Law, Formation of 12 Tribes of Israel, Covenant Between God and Israel, Ratification of Old Covenant Through Blood, Flaws in the Old Covenant Agreement, Purpose of Old Testament Law, Jeremiahâs Prophecy of New Covenant, Jesusâ Descent From Tribe of Judah, New Covenant Through Jesus, Difference Between Old and New Covenants, Role of Gentiles in the New Covenant, Requirements of the Law vs. Faith, Paulâs Teaching on Righteousness (2 Corinthians 5, Romans 6), Romans 6:14 and Living Under Grace, Grace vs. Law in Christian Morality, Jesusâ fulfillment of the Law, Meaning of "It is finished" on the Cross (John 19:30), Colossians 2:16 and Freedom From the Law, Symbolism of the Law as a Shadow, Reality and Substance of Christ, Significance of Transfiguration, Godâs Command to Listen to Jesus, Hebrews 1 on God Speaking through His Son, The Spiritâs Ministry after Pentecost, Redemption of Jews from Law, Necessity of Jesus Being Born Under the Law, Understanding Morality Through the Spirit, Insufficiency of Human Effort for Righteousness, Paulâs warning Against Teachers of the Law (1 Timothy 1:7), 36. Abolishment of the Law at the Cross, Ephesians 2:15 Abolishment of Law, Colossians 2:14 Lawâs cancellation, Significance of 3,000 deaths at Mount Sinai, Salvation of 3,000 at Pentecost, Lawâs Purpose to Increase Sin and Highlight Grace, Inability to Cherry-Pick Commandments Law, Role of Law in Revealing Human Imperfection, Grace as Teacher of Holiness (Titus 2:11-12), Symbolism of Law and Prophets Disappearing, Lasting impact of Jesusâ Fulfillment of the Law, Freedom of Christians From Lawâs Obligations, Contrast between Righteousness through Law and Grace, Permanence of Holy Spirit in Believers
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Topics: James Teaching Law Observance, James' Role in Early Church, James' Actions in Acts 15, Grace vs. Law in Early Christianity, Peterâs rebuke of Law Following in Acts 15, Division between James' Group and Grace Group, Requirements for Gentiles to be Saved in Acts 15, James and Temple Practices, James and Elders Refused the Great Commission, The Letter of Hebrews Addressing Judaic Work, Salvation by Grace Alone in Acts 15 Rejected by James, Acts 21 and James Instructing Paul to Perform Temple work, Gender Roles and the Talmud, The Talmudâs view of Women, Paulâs Correction over Law and Talmud in 1 Corinthians 14, James' Epistle Advocating Adherence to the Law, Faith Without Works Is Dead, Love Your Neighbor as Yourself in James, Use of Term âBlasphemer" in James 2, The Law's role in Caring for Widows and Orphans, Paulâs view of the Law in Romans 6:14 Galatians 5:18 and 3:10, Meaning of James 2:10 About Breaking the Law, Christians Judged by the Law or Grace, Jesus' Promise of No Judgment for Believers (John 5:24), Cleansing and Purification Rituals in James 4:8, Believers as Saints vs. Sinners, Paul's Reference to "chief of sinners" in 1 Timothy, Jamesâ View on Teaching and Stricter Judgment (James 3:1), Paulâs Teaching on Error in 1 Corinthians 3, Justification by Works in James vs. Grace in Romans 4:4-5, James' perspective on the Tongue and Defilement, Endurance of Job (James 5:11) vs. Jesus (Hebrews 12:2), James' Teaching on Oaths and Swearing, Anointing With Oil Jewish Practice, Anointing of the Holy Spirit in 1 John 2:20, Righteous Person's Prayer Availing Much (James 5:16), Holy Spirit Interceding in Prayer (Romans 8:26), Turning a Sinner From Error (James 5:20), Torah Observers and James' Teachings, The Lawâs perfection requirement (Matthew 5:48), Antinomianism Accusations, Cherry-picking the Law, Narrow Gate of Grace vs. Wide Road of Destruction, Hebrew Roots movement, James' Connection to Jewish Tradition, Paulâs Emphasis on Grace Through Faith, Historical Context of Epistle of James, Early Church Debates Over Salvation
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Topics: Scariest Bible Verses, Bible Verses Taught Out of Context, Understanding Hebrews 10:26-27, Animal Sacrifices Vs. Jesusâ Sacrifice, Hebrews and Unbelieving Jews, The Book of Life in Revelation 3:5, Jesus Never Blotting Out Names, Christian Security of Salvation, Context of Hebrews 6:4-6, Falling Away from Belief in Christ, Law Observance Vs. Grace Alone, Symbolic Meanings in Revelation, Lukewarm Church In Laodicea, Jesus Spitting Out Lukewarm Deeds/Works, Purposefulness in Christian Life, Hot and Cold Works, Matthew 7:21-23 In Context, False Prophets and Their Fruit, Distinguishing Believers from Unbelievers, John 10:27-28 Eternal Security, Jesus Knows His Sheep, John 6 and the Will Of The Father, Pharisees and Lawlessness, 1 Timothy 1, the Purpose of the Law, Christâs Finished Work on the Cross, Perfect Love Casting Out Fear, Understanding Symbolic Language In The Bible, Misconceptions About Revelation, Importance of Bible Context, Fear Rooted In Man-Made Traditions, Jesusâ Victory Over Sin, Romans 5:1 and Peace With God, Romans 5:9 Salvation From Wrath, Overcoming Fear in Faith, False Signs And Wonders, Devilâs Deceptions In Miracles, Hebrews 9-10 And The Finality Of Jesusâ Sacrifice, Proof-Texting Dangers, Historical Additions of Bible Chapters and Verses, Protestant Scholastics And Doctrinal Errors, Tree Symbolism Vs. Branch Symbolism, John 7 Living Water, The Cross as the Ultimate Sacrifice, Jesusâ Consistent Message Of âDonât Be Afraid,â Revelation 3:16 and Christian Laziness, Examples Of Hot and Cold Deeds/Works, Lukewarm Deeds Insignificance, Jewish Practices and Jesusâ Fulfillment of Those Practices, Christian Life as Bearing Fruit not Fruit Production, Role of Holy Spirit, Misconceptions about Matthew 7, Trusting Jesus for Salvation, Avoiding Religious Fear, Eternal Security of Believers
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Topics: Biblical Church Definition, Meaning of Ecclesia, Biblical vs. Traditional Church, Rise of Church Buildings, Warnings Against Traditions, Ignatius and One-Bishop Rule, Constantine, Reformationâs Use of Pastor, Christ as Church Head, Unbiblical Leadership, 1 Corinthians vs. Modern Church, Holy Spiritâs Role, No Church Occupations, Pastoral Worship Issues, Pastorsâ Influence, Misuse of Hebrews 13:17, Gifts vs Quasi-Leadership, Jewish Leadership In Hebrews, Sermons vs. Gatherings, AA Meetings Reflect Church Gathering Model, Box Church Culture, Love in Gatherings, Critiquing Hierarchy, Individual Roles In Christâs Body, We Are Fused With God Through Faith, Hebrews 13:17, Obeying Leaders Means Believing in Jesus, The Obedience of Faith vs. The Obedience of the Law, No Punishment From Leaders, Judgment Belongs to God, The Blasphemous Message of Faith in Jesus, Hebrews 13:17 Not About Pastors or Church Leadership, Pastors and Elders are not the Same In Scripture, Poimenas is Plural Gift Without Authority or Gender Restriction, Biblical Elders are Mature Believers Not Leaders With Power, Elders Have Qualifications Not Church Leadership, 1 Timothy 3:1-7 is Elders in Everyday Life Not a Church Board, Ephesusâ Greek Myths And Paulâs Rebuttals for Timothy, Artemis Worship vs. The Gospel In Ephesus, Paulâs Modesty Advice Refutes Artemis Myths Not Church Rules, Titus 1:5-9 is Elders Supporting Titusâ Faith Not Church Governance, 1 Peter 5:2-3 is Shepherds Watching Over Others Not Ruling Over Others, Persecuted Elders Encouraged to Continue Caring for Fellow Believers, Biblical Pastor is a Gift, Not A Role Of Power, No Biblical Basis For Pastor-Led Flocks Or Salaries, Christ Is the Chief Shepherd Not Human Leaders, All Members Of Christâs Body Are Equal And Necessary, God Honors Every Member Of His Body Equally, Christ Alone Is the Head Of The Church, Trust The Spirit Of Christ To Lead Not Human Authority
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Topics: Unity or Division in Early Church, Debate on Circumcision, Faith by Grace Alone vs Law, James' Leadership, James' Letter to Gentiles, Paul's Missionary Journeys, Jerusalem Council Decisions, Role of Pharisees, Peter Defends Grace, Gentile Inclusion, Tensions Between Believers, Impact of Council of Jerusalem, Paul's Response to Jamesâ Demands, Four Mosaic Commandments Debate, Mixing Covenants, Paul Preaches Christ Alone, Apostolic Unity and Disunity, Old Testament Influence on Early Church, Peter on Faith and Grace Alone, Paulâs Evangelism Focus was Jesus, Timothy's Circumcision, Nazarite Vow in Acts 18 and Acts 21, Jewish Zealots Attack Paul, Accusations in Jerusalem by Judaizers, Gentiles in the Temple, Grace vs Law Believers in Jesus, Acts Chapter 15-21, Acts 15:11, Acts 15:19, Acts 15:29, Acts 16:3, Acts 16:4, Acts 21:20, Acts 21:23-24, Acts 21:28, Acts 21:40, Acts 22:1
Was James Being Legalistic in Acts 15 and Acts 21?
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Did Paul Deliver the Acts 15 Letter to EVERY town He Visited?
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A Once-Sided Decision of Pushing Law into Grace
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Topics: Acts 15, Acts 21, James, Council of Jerusalem, Letter Sent from James to Gentiles, Circumcision for New Believers, Grace Alone, Peter Rebukes James, Tradition of the Jews, Apostles Didn't Agree With James, Men from James not Having Authorization, Gentiles Had to Follow Parts of the Law, Not Grossing Out the Jews, Letter Paul Had from James, Paul Rejected at Synagogues, James and Elders Didn't Welcome Paul, James Forced Paul to Do Temple Work, Paul Wasn't Being Famed With Anti-Jew Narrative, Paul Wasn't Evangelizing in Acts 21, Zealots tried to Kill Paul, James Didn't Have any New Testament Letters for Doctrine
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Topics: Old Covenant, New Covenant, Jesus, Rightly Dividing, Jews, Gentiles, Law, Grace, Bible Verses, Context, Understanding Covenant-Mixture Interpretations, Scripture, Gospel, Salvation, Faith, Covenant, Teachings, Graceful Living, Application, Old Testament, New Testament, Jesus' Role, Dividing Wall of Hostility, God's Word, Apostles, Epistles, Context of Parables, Law-Based Prayer, Matthew 6, Grace-Based Prayer, John 17, Holiness, Be Holy, Study Fearlessly and with Confidence
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Topics: Faith Plus Works, James, Faith Without Works Is Dead, James 2:14-26, James Chapters 1-5, Hebrews 11, Hebrews 4:10-11, Hebrews 10, Without Faith Itâs Impossible to Please God, Works of the Law, Works Plus Faith, Draw Near to God, Cleanse and Purify Yourself, James 4:8, Strive to Enter Rest, God Rested, Hebrews 4:10-11, After Working Jesus Sat Down, Disobedience of Faith, Old Testament Trade-Off System, Judaism Plus Jesus, Erroneous Grace-Based Narrative of James, Evidence of Faith Through Works, Faith Alone Is Evidence, Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 11:6, Substance of Things Hoped For, Made Perfect Through Blood of Jesus, Hebrews 10:14, Saved By Grace Through Faith, Ephesians 2:8-10, Surrounded by Great Cloud of Witnesses
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Topics: Justification, James, Pastoral Dominance, Acts 15, Acts 21, Abraham and Rahab, Council of Jerusalem, Response of Faith, Judaizers in Antioch, Peter Not Eating With Gentiles, James Disagreeing Gospel is Grace Alone, Error of Pastors in Charge at Church, Church History, Lies or Error, Grace Narratives on James, Twisting Scripture on James, Acts 15:19-29, Galatians 2:16, Romans 4:5, Yoke of Slavery on Gentiles, Works Donât Justify Anyone, Error of Showing Faith is Genuine, Genesis 15:6, Joshua 2, Justified in Front of Men, James Pressured Paul, Cleanse Your Hands, Purify Yourself, James Still Going to the Temple, Love One Another, Donât Create Factions Over James
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Topics: James 1-2, James 2:14-25, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 4:1-5, Romans 11:6, Jamesâ View of Faith And Works, Paulâs Teaching on Grace And Faith, The Role of Works in Salvation, Abrahamâs Faith Versus Works Debate, The Concept of Being Justified by Faith, Contrasting Definitions of the Law, The Law as Liberty Versus Death, Jamesâ Perspective on the Law of Moses, Paulâs Critique of Legalism, Faith Without Works Versus Faith Alone, The Perfect Law of Liberty in James, Ministry of Death in Paulâs Teaching, The Relationship Between Faith and Righteousness, Abrahamâs Journey of Faith In Genesis, The Thief on the Cross and Salvation, Contextual Misinterpretations Of James, Gaslighting In Religious Debates, Red Herrings In Theological Discussions, The Role Of Pastors in Church Doctrine, Questioning Traditional Church Hierarchies, Misuse Of The Title âPastor,â Donations And Power Dynamics In Ministries, Cult-Like Behaviors In Church Leadership, Judging Faith by Works Or Belief, The Spirit Versus the Flesh in Galatians, How Law Observance Influences Sin, Blessings in Christ Versus Blessings by Works, Conviction by the Law Versus Grace, James And Paul On Hearing and Doing, The Historical Context Of Jamesâ Epistle, The Jerusalem Council And Grace, Peterâs Conflict With James, Jesusâ Teachings Versus Jamesâ Epistle, The Bread Of Life in John 6, Works Of The Law Versus Works of Faith, Covenant Mixture Teachings, New Covenant Community Challenges, The Purpose of James in The Bible, Cognitive Dissonance In Doctrine, The Impact Of Legalism On Believers, False Narratives from Church Traditions, Identifying Religious Double-Talk, Freedom In Christ Versus Law Bondage, Faith as a Gift Of God, Judging Others Based On Works, Good Works As A Product Of Faith, Paulâs View Of the Body Of Christ
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Topics: James, Faith Without Works, James 1, James 2, James 2:14-24, Most Pastors Wonât Teach Truth About James, James and Paul Did Not Agree, Donât Take James Out of the Bible, Works of the Law, I Would Agree If I Could Proof-Text, Read James 1 and 2 Together, James Written Before Acts 15, Acts 21 James Rebukes Paul for Not Teaching Law of Moses, Proof-texing John 6:29 Only Way to Say James and Jesus Agreed, 5-Page Letter and Proof-texting, James 1 and 2 Reveals Context of Faith Without Works Is Dead, James Teaches Law Plus Jesus, Lists Multiple Commandments in the Law then Says Faith Without These Deeds Are Dead, Take Care of Widows Orphans and Less Fortunate, Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, Do Not Murder, Do Not Commit Adultery, James 2:14, James 2:15, James 2:16, James 2:17, James 2:18, James 2:19, James 2:20, James 2:21, James 2:22, James 2:23, James 2:24, Be a Doer of the Word, Logon, Implanted Word Able to Save Your Soul, That Which is Said is the Law, Address to Those Under the Law, To the 12 Tribes, We Will Do Everything in the Law, Exodus 19, If You This You Will Be Blessed, Look into Perfect Law Of Liberty and Do, Blessed in Your Doing, Deuteronomy 8, If you Do This I Will Bless You, Law of Liberty and Royal Law is James Describing Law of Moses, Jews Did not Have a Law of Liberty or Royal Law, Donât Be a Hearer But a Doer, Be Ye Doers, What Jesus said in John 6 Compared to What James said in James 2, James Says the Opposite, The Work of God is to Believe in the One Whom He Has Sent, The Work of God Is Not the Work of the Law, Jesus Says Nothing About Specific Response of Faith, What Works to Do to Get Food that Doesnât Spoil, He Just Fed the 5,000, They Wanted More Food, Compares Himself to the Manna Fed to Ancestors, Food From Heaven that Did not Spoil, He is that Bread, Believe in Him and You are Doing the Work Required, James Lists Specific Things to Do and Jesus Doesnât Do That, If You Read James 1 and 2 Together Youâll See that Faith Without Works Is Dead Is Works of the Law, Double-Talk, Works of Judaism With Jesus
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