In the world, especially in America, there is a common activity that is known for bringing families, friends, and strangers together, such as Sports especially our favorites such as Football, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Cheer/Dance, etc. However, Blended Families often face issues when it comes to the participation of all parties including the kids, payments, coaching, fundraising, etc. In this episode, we will discuss some of these challenges and ways to overcome them with our special guests.
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Today, we discuss with Dr. Cornell Cornish, the owner of CTC Chiropractic. We cover the KEY to building a successful marriage, business, and blended family. We also discuss overcoming stigmas of building a business with your spouse, business expansion and healthy family units.
Let WE chat about it…Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this episode of the WE Blended and Blessed Podcast, Wayne & Erica (WE) discuss the challenges of bringing custody cases to court with the Honorable Judge Calvin Johnson and Dr. Deidre D. Hayes, DSW, BCD, LCSW-BACS. We discuss the impacts of introducing the justice system in custody cases, legal fees, and the affects to children and parents alike.
#weblendedandblessed #blendedfamily #podcast #custodyPlease be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
Let’s be honest how many times in life have we raised our hands to be corrected by our spouses, partners, parents, or teachers. Typically we do not, information is usually issued to us either voluntary or involuntary. Although we learn best when we are taught, guided, and/or counsoled on how to do a certain task via physical, written, or visual demonstration. It can often land different positive or negative when received from someone that loves or cares for us the most, especially in a marriage. The words and tone chosen, can be very impactful to our partner, so must chose wisely. Let WE Chat about it….
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Let’s face it, kids are going to do things that they will require correction, guidance, discipline, patience, love and Jesus! So what happens when you are faced with a situation, whereby you as the bonus parent need to provide or assist the bio parent with the the correction action and/or discipline required for bonus child. In some instances, this can go left real quick because we can be overprotective of our children and reluctant to allow another person who is not the bio parent step in all matters pertaining to the child. WE are no different than many people in blended families, so how do we blend gracefully, effectively, and respectfully through the ch
Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
In this episode, WE discuss the Superbowl but more importantly sports with your spouse, kids, and co-parent. WE uncover topics related to women enjoying sports with their partner, kids participating in sports (boys in football), and enjoying the sports moment with you co-parent.
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In Season 3 episode 1, Wayne & Erica (WE) discuss the goal of marriage, the chase and how to make marriage cool again. The video version of this podcast can be found on our channel
Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @theguidrygang_ | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
In the final episode of season 2, WE review the marathon of marriage with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Marla Williams. WE review their marathon of marriage as they approach 20 years of holy matrimony. In this episode we will cover the failing statistics of the black marriage in America, importance of having relationship with God in marriage, rearing of children, and traits to look for in your future partner.
Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
In this week’s episode, we continue our marriage series. Marrying young vs old, comparing and contrasting the differences age makes when making one of the biggest decisions of life. Our special guests this week are Mr. & Mrs. David and Shirelle Lodge.
Let WE chat about it!
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In this episode, we go beyond the blending of families, but the blending of cultures in marriage. Today we will discuss with Jorge & Deidre "Dede" Espinoza about blended cultures through their union, rearing of children, and bringing the families together through your union.
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When you and your spouse are at the altar, there are many thoughts that come to mind, in particular, I'm about to spend the rest of my life together with this human. So after 6 to12 months of wedding planning, sometimes longer, for this lavish party with family and friends and then a honeymoon. The dust begins to settle and real life begins. The days of real work is here, as everything you do now can't be undone by just packing your personal items and walking away. During the honeymoon phase, couples are learning more than what they thought about their new Husband or Wife, such as the value and elements of marriage, areas of improvements and advice for healthier unions.
Let WE chat about it with our special guests....
Please download from all major platforms: Macho Mane by Webbstar. WE do not own the rights to music, it is supported by artist: Webbstar.Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
In marriages, there are many things that will cause distractions and/or disruptions in your relationship, if you let it. While divorce rates remain consistent with the typical issues being infidelity, sex, finances, communication, and now social media being named amongst the top marital issues per several online sites. In this episode, WE will talk about the pitfalls of increased phone usage, social media connection and tips on installing healthy phone boundaries.
Let WE chat about.....Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
In this episode, WE take lessons from Cherie Harris, Brenda Donatto, and Greg Batiste on the topic of “Marriage: Until Death Do Us Part”. WE navigate the areas of losing our partners and the life after, raising kids, finances, and dating again.
Let WE chat about …
(Please note this 3 panel interview was conducted virtually and WE faced some technical difficulties with audio quality, apologies in advance.)Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
The rearing of children doesn't come with a playbook, one that kids respond to 100% of the time. Just as parents make mistakes, kids do as well and require correction/redirection. So what does the correction/redirection look like in a blended household? Does it involve physical discipline or verbal correction, does the discipline change when bonus kids enter the picture? In this episode, WE will chat about physical discipline and verbal correction in blended families. Things can go left quick, how do you keep them straight? Let WE chat about it.....
Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
In a world with many options, people enter into relationships seeking many things, such as love & happiness, safety & security, validation, confirmation, partnership, completion, etc. the list goes on and on. But often times, one component is overlooked, spirituality. Understanding this connection with your partner can help either establish, rebuild or deepen your relationship with God. In this episode, WE will discuss religion in relationships, attending church (or not), and overcoming challenges when in disagreement over church/religion in relationships. Let WE chat about it....
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Hit us up with any questions or comments, email is [email protected]Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
Let's face it, the black community has been behind the eight-ball when it comes to seeking mental health services and implementing the teachings in our relationships and families. We have allowed labels such as seeing a shrink, labeled crazy and depressed. Today WE are joined by Dr. Donna Barnes of Gracefully Purposed Counseling to discuss mental health in marriages and blended families. Let WE chat about it...
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Hit us up with any questions or comments, email is [email protected]Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
In follow-up to last week's topic on gender roles, we discussed the number of households with two parents working and with the number on the rise. We would like to share our thoughts on work-life balance in marriages and families, where is the sweet spot? Men are known for having demanding careers, but what about woman, are they too at risk for imbalance. In this episode, we will review work-life balance, money substituting for time, and the cutoff point for work and personal time? There are168 hours in a week how are you spending it.....
Let WE Chat about it......
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Hit us up with any questions or comments, email is [email protected]Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
In recent trends, gender roles are being discussed as the evolution of the woman continues, which is leaving some men in the hot seat. While recent legislation has taken 100 steps backwards in women's rights, the role of women continues to evolve and no longer fit in the box defined by man from many years ago. In this episode, WE will chat about gender roles in today's society, roles in managing the household, and reshaping roles to progress within marriages. Let WE chat about it.....
Before you dive in, please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @everythingiswe_nola hit us up with any questions or comments, email is [email protected]Please be sure to like, follow, or leave us a comment on our Instagram page @weblendedandblessedpodcast | Facebook: WE Blended & Blessed Podcast | TikTok: @weblended&blessed | Twitter: @webandbpod | email: [email protected]
In our communities, several people are suffering with various mental health issues with no outlet and relief. Like adults, children also face challenges whereby they have trouble overcoming life challenges without access, knowledge or support to see medical professionals. Today we will chat with Tarkisha Wallace, LPC-S, NCC a mental health professional that specializes in children and adults. Let we chat about mental health in our community, over coming trauma from relationships, and healthy ways to move forward in life.
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In this episode, WE will chat about irritating moments that occur during the course of a relationship. Some of these moments occur monthly due to forces of nature or freaks of nature one would say. These irritable moments can be devastating if not managed and communicated properly. Let WE chat about it and examine these moments and discuss ways to overcome them in your relationship.
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