Go run 3 miles, join a gym, get a trainer, keep exercising everyday, do core exercises, cut your carbs, drink meal replacement shakes! These are some common phrases I heard from SO MANY people especially in the last decade. Surprisingly I did many of the above (not consistently) but never saw results. What I was missing was the work needed in the kitchen! That is why I decided to start my podcast so I can share my journey as I figured out how to live a well-rounded healthy lifestyle. I want to be able to share the many things I tried, what worked for me and what didn't, and be able to motivate the many others who I know are struggling with eating healthy and living healthy. Sometimes it isn't always about focusing on how to lose weight, or how to be able to lift the heaviest weight at the gym, or even running the fastest mile. Sometimes it is about making that change for yourself, one day a time, one habit at a time and you will automatically see results whether it is weight loss, maintenance, or gain. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for transformation pics, exercise ideas, and of course food photography, as I share what I went through mentally and physically throughout this transformation!