It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins Mark Harris (@TallblokeUK), Patrick Samphire (@patricksamphire) and Mike (@WeirdTalesPod) for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
Egwene's escape from the SeanchanMoiraine and Lan's beach walkPerrin, & Hopper's demiseMat blows the hornThe 'final' battleAlso:How not to push an arrow through your legWhy the Ways need an A-ZWould the Heroes of the Horn turn up for a pub fight? --
Find us on Twitter:
Email us:
--Shaun @spstevenswriter
Check out Shaun's books here:
Mark @TallblokeUK
Patrick @patricksamphire
Check out Patrick's books here:
Mike @WeirdTalesPod
Check out the Weird Tales Podcast here: Weird Tales Pod
Read: The Colin Malatrat Museum of Curious Oddities and Strange Antiquities--
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins Mark Harris (@TallblokeUK), Patrick Samphire (@patricksamphire) and Mike (@WeirdTalesPod) for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
General reaction to episode 7What the **** is going on with Mat’s storyline today?How is Ishamael able to use the One Power and not go mad. Or is he mad?The nephew, Barthanes.The motivation for joining Lanfear at the end – is she an ally now? [spoiler alert: unlikely] Quickies:Do warders age slowly like their Aes Sedai, or are they like cats and you need a new one every ten years?Could the Dragon Reborn have been a girl, in theory?Why didn't Egwene destroy her slaver when she channelled? --
Find us on Twitter:
Email us:
--Shaun @spstevenswriter
Check out Shaun's books here:
Mark @TallblokeUK
Patrick @patricksamphire
Check out Patrick's books here:
Mike @WeirdTalesPod
Check out the Weird Tales Podcast here: Weird Tales Pod
Read: The Colin Malatrat Museum of Curious Oddities and Strange Antiquities--
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins Mark Harris (@TallblokeUK), Patrick Samphire (@patricksamphire) and Mike (@WeirdTalesPod) for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
General reaction to episode 6Loial's side adventureSeanchan, damane, sul'dam and slaveryLanfear's magical abilitiesThe death of Liandrin's son --
Find us on Twitter:
Email us:
--Shaun @spstevenswriter
Check out Shaun's books here:
Mark @TallblokeUK
Patrick @patricksamphire
Check out Patrick's books here:
Mike @WeirdTalesPod
Check out the Weird Tales Podcast here: Weird Tales Pod
Read: The Colin Malatrat Museum of Curious Oddities and Strange Antiquities--
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins Mark Harris (@TallblokeUK), Patrick Samphire (@patricksamphire) and Mike (@WeirdTalesPod) for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
General reaction to episode 5Perrin and Aviendha: Who are the Aiel? Who are the White Cloaks? Romance on the horizon?Liandrin, Seanchan & Ishamael: Seanchan history. Why give away the horn? Why does Ishamael think he can stop the Wheel turning? Is Liandrin Black Ajah? --
Find us on Twitter:
Email us:
--Shaun @spstevenswriter
Check out Shaun's books here:
Mark @TallblokeUK
Patrick @patricksamphire
Check out Patrick's books here:
Mike @WeirdTalesPod
Check out the Weird Tales Podcast here: Weird Tales Pod
Read: The Colin Malatrat Museum of Curious Oddities and Strange Antiquities--
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins Mark Harris (@TallblokeUK), Patrick Samphire (@patricksamphire) and Mike (@WeirdTalesPod) for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
General reaction to episode 4Liandrin’s shenanigansWarder loreSelene aka Lanfear --
Find us on Twitter:
Email us:
--Shaun @spstevenswriter
Check out Shaun's books here:
Mark @TallblokeUK
Patrick @patricksamphire
Check out Patrick's books here:
Mike @WeirdTalesPod
Check out the Weird Tales Podcast here: Weird Tales Pod
Read: The Colin Malatrat Museum of Curious Oddities and Strange Antiquities--
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins Mark Harris (@TallblokeUK), Patrick Samphire (@patricksamphire) and Mike (@WeirdTalesPod) for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
Episodes 1-3Rand at the Foregate
Moiraine's story
Find us on Twitter:
Email us:
--Shaun @spstevenswriter
Check out Shaun's books here: www.shaunpaulstevens.comMark @TallblokeUK
Patrick @patricksamphire
Check out Patrick's books here: patricksamphire.comMike @WeirdTalesPod
Check out the Weird Tales Podcast here: Weird Tales Pod
Read: The Colin Malatrat Museum of Curious Oddities and Strange Antiquities--
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins Mark Harris (@TallblokeUK), Patrick Samphire (@patricksamphire) and Mike (@WeirdTalesPod) for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
Episodes 1-3The White Tower
Elayne Trakand, the daughter-heir of Andor
Egwene, Nynaeve, The Arches
Matt and Liandrin
Find us on Twitter:
Email us:
--Shaun @spstevenswriter
Check out Shaun's books here: www.shaunpaulstevens.comMark @TallblokeUK
Patrick @patricksamphire
Check out Patrick's books here: patricksamphire.comMike @WeirdTalesPod
Check out the Weird Tales Podcast here: Weird Tales Pod
Read: The Colin Malatrat Museum of Curious Oddities and Strange Antiquities--
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins Mark Harris (@TallblokeUK), Patrick Samphire (@patricksamphire) and Mike (@WeirdTalesPod) for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
Reaction to Season 2 - Episodes 1-3
Dark Friends
The Hunt for the Horn
--Find us on Twitter:
Email us:
--Shaun @spstevenswriter
Check out Shaun's books here: www.shaunpaulstevens.comMark @TallblokeUK
Patrick @patricksamphire
Check out Patrick's books here: patricksamphire.comMike @WeirdTalesPod
Check out the Weird Tales Podcast here: Weird Tales Pod
Read: The Colin Malatrat Museum of Curious Oddities and Strange Antiquities--
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins @_MountainRae, @MDavidSchafer and Mark Harris for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
The Final Battle The Wheel The Dark One Padan Fain and the Horn of Valere Season Wrap-up
Find us on Twitter:
Shaun @spstevenswriter
Rae @_MountainRae
Mark @TallblokeUK
Matthew @MDavidSchaferEmail us:
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins @_MountainRae, @MDavidSchafer and Mark Harris for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
The Ways Fal Dara – the Walled city The Love Triangle Team Rand and Moiraine
Find us on Twitter:
Shaun @spstevenswriter
Rae @_MountainRae
Mark @TallblokeUK
Matthew @MDavidSchaferEmail us:
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins @_MountainRae, @MDavidSchafer and Mark Harris for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode. With special guest: Jason Schafer.
This weeks topics:
The White Tower, Pillow Friends Siuan Sanche, the Amyrlin Seat The Dragon Reborn - Who are they? How do they know? Why the big secret? Waygates, the Ways, and the Eye of the World
Find us on Twitter:
Shaun @spstevenswriter
Rae @_MountainRae
Matthew @MDavidSchafer
Mark @TallblokeUKEmail us:
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins @_MountainRae, @MDavidSchafer and Mark Harris for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
Symbolism and Ritual Tar Valon and Loial the Ogier Aes Sedai rings Politics of the White Tower
Find us on Twitter:
Shaun @spstevenswriter
Rae @_MountainRae
Matthew @MDavidSchaferEmail us:
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins @_MountainRae, @MDavidSchafer and Mark Harris for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics:
Shielding Logain Ablar Rand & Mat visit a farm – chased by a mechanical zombie? More Tinker fun, Amish sensibilities The Warders Ablar’s army Gentling Logain Ablar WoT’s feminist credentials Nynaeve’s awesome powers
Find us on Twitter:
Shaun @spstevenswriter
Rae @_MountainRae
Matthew @MDavidSchaferEmail us:
Show Summary:
WikipediaMusic credits:
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins @_MountainRae, @MDavidSchafer and Mark Harris for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics
The village & Thom
Diversity and a lack of gay characters
The Tinkers are Irish!
Tam & the heron marked blade
The Song
Maps are good!
Music and soundtrack
Liandrin & the Red Sisters
Nicholas Eames – honourable mention
WOT audiobooks
David Gemmell’s Legend – honourable mention – Russell Crowe or Brian Blessed to play Druss?Find us on Twitter
Shaun @spstevenswriter
Rae @_MountainRae
Matthew @MDavidSchaferEmail us
Music credits
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins @_MountainRae, @MDavidSchafer and Mark Harris for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics
Shadar Logoth
Character ages
GOT comparisons
The White Cloaks
TrollocsFind us on Twitter
Shaun @spstevenswriter
Rae @_MountainRae
Matthew @MDavidSchaferEmail us
Music credits
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha -
It’s another episode of Wheel of Time: After Time, the warts-and-all TV review show for fans who never read the books.
Fantasy author Shaun Paul Stevens (@spstevenswriter) joins @_MountainRae, @MDavidSchafer and Mark Harris for another no-holds-barred, slightly irreverent look at the latest Wheel of Time episode.
This weeks topics
The magnanimous Jeff Bezos
Initial Thoughts
Production values
So many characters!
How will the TV show relate to the books? Who is it for?Find us on Twitter
Shaun @spstevenswriter
Rae @_MountainRae
Matthew @MDavidSchaferEmail us
Music credits
Intro/ outro: Julius H
Episode Summary: Zakhar Valaha