For aficionados of the iconic 80s vintage British ITV TV horror series Hammer house of Horror (1989), who want a boxset friendly subset of only these revisit episodes extracted from Captain Roy's Rocket Radio Show. Created to celebrate Doctor Who Day on Saturday 23nd November 2024 because, by Hades, Hammer House of Horror is schlocktastically wizard!
My other podcasts:
Captain Roy's Rocket Radio Show: THE UK Geek Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/id550323008,
WIZARD Classic Doctor Who https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/id1781322439.
I'm at roymathur.com, archive.org/details/@roymathur, @roymathur@mastodon.social, @RoyMathur on Twitter until it goes fazoom, and please support me at ko-fi.com/U7U72359G.