
  • Deeply concerned with the rise of communism after the start of the Cold War, Harding University (then known as Harding College) worked with film studio John Sutherland Productions to produce a series of short animated films "to create a deeper understanding of what has made America the finest place in the world to live"! In this short about inflation, the Devil appears as a business tycoon and tries to sway John Q. Public at a dinner.

  • udge Jackson begins the confirmation process for the Supreme Court and reveals to everyone that for a Harvard graduate she either knows absolutely nothing or that she is just a damned liar of the worst kind. Put under the gun by Republicans Judge Jackson admits she can’t define what a woman is. Now it’s important to remember we were all told that her nomination was historic because she was the first woman of color to be brought to the Supreme Court as a diversity hire, but if she doesn’t know what a woman is how are we supposed to believe that she even is a woman? Maybe she’s a man, in which case it’s not historic because Clarence Thomas is already a Supreme Court Justice who is black and a man…. Oh wait that’s right, he’s a conservative which means he isn’t actually black (according to the left) so in that case Judge Jackson’s nomination is still historic regardless of her gender.

    If none of this makes sense to you that’s because the logic train that far leftists ride everyday is actually a bunch of psycho babble wokeist devil talk. A mere collection of non-sensical ramblings from a lunatic mind that has infected people to the point where a woman doesn’t know what a woman is. That’s all happening today on the Woke is Broke Podcast.

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  • Transgender swimmer Lea Thomas wins yet another swim tournament, provoking anger and confusion from female athletes and their families. But as sanity begins to become more of a minority amongst the thinking of the left, one has to wonder where are all the voices from the women who are effectively being erased? Where is the outcry and protesting? The reality is that the damage the transgender movement is doing to women is something that can only be overcome by actual women. Women who need to speak out and defend themselves, defend other girls from a radical ideology that says real women don’t even have the right to exist. Of course the only way to do that is stand in defense of reality, stand in defense of the truth, even if speaking that truth comes with a cost. That’s all happening today on the Woke is Broke Podcast.

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  • In a startling revelation, classrooms in San Antonio,TX were revealed to have been segregated in an apparent work around of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Under the guise of a social experiment 5th graders were sectioned off into two groups. One for blondes and red heads (you know, because there’s just so many non-white students with blonde and red hair) and one for dark haired students. The fair haired kids were brought to tears after being told by their teachers that they were less intelligent than the other group and forced to clean up the other groups mess. The abuse didn’t stop there though, the fair haired children were then given a puzzle that was missing pieces so as to continue to frustrate and humiliate the children with an assignment they could not complete.

    As if all of that wasn’t bad enough the children were then shown a Spike Lee documentary going over the racial killing of five young black girls. A film that contained graphic images of autopsy photos of the dead children. It is amazing how after sixty years, leftists still believe that they are some how heroes for segregating children in the name of progress, and that belittling, traumatizing and abusing fifth graders displays just how they as educators have earned the moral authority to teach values to your kids. Once again it’s important to note that for a leftist anything is excusable so long as the person doing it feels good about themselves. That’s all happening today on the Woke is Broke Podcast.

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  • The Biden Administrations contempt for the American people is on full display as Biden sends tiktokers to peddle propaganda on his behalf. Namely, the propaganda that Putin is to blame for all of the problems we have been seeing in our country since he proceeded to run our nation into the ground. Problems like inflation, high gas prices, an overheated property market, a shipping crisis; Biden would actually have you believe that all of these issues started roughly a month ago when Putin invaded Ukraine. In reality he’s hoping that he and his cronies can somehow Jedi mind swipe you into forgetting the last fourteen months and recognizing all these issues not only existed already, but were exponentially exasperated by Bidens policies.

    Additionally, crazy face herself Nancy Pelosi touts the Biden lie that government spending has nothing to do with inflation, but she doesn’t stop with only one ridiculous statement. She actually goes so far as to say that government spending doesn’t add to the national deficit, it lowers the national deficit. Honestly, listening to democrats older than Methuselah talk about economics is like listening to schizophrenics teach mathematics. That’s all happening today on the Woke is Broke Podcast.

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  • Five black middle school students viciously attack other students for being white, putting on full display the natural result of creating a society hell bent on anti-racism. As children across the country are poisoned with teachings of hate it’s more important than ever for us all to stand up to the radical racial indoctrination taking place in our school system and society abroad. Otherwise racial beatings and other disgusting examples of hate will only continue to grow. At the end of the day, it isn’t good intentions that make the world a better place. Its good actions and the willingness to do the right thing even in the face of great cost that will pull us back into the light as a society.

    Additionally North Korea tests intercontinental ballistic missiles as the Biden administration smiles and waves in their direction. It’s always good to see the worst people in existence growing their power and reach in the face of an administration that doesn’t seem to have a pair of balls, as evidenced by Joe Biden declining to help Poland send fighter jets to Ukraine. An act of cowardice that will be felt as the Russia/Ukraine war continues.

    And finally the man, the myth, the legend, the one and only Tom Brady has announced that he is stepping out of his short lived retirement and returning to the Florida Buccaneers for a 23rd season of football. Hopefully he can get another Super Bowl ring out of it but I suppose only time will tell. That’s all happening today on the Woke is Broke Podcast.

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  • Deeply concerned with the rise of communism after the start of the Cold War, Harding University (then known as Harding College) worked with film studio John Sutherland Productions to produce a series of short animated films "to create a deeper understanding of what has made America the finest place in the world to live"! Inside Crackle Corners takes place inside a chicken colony, where everybody learns about the competitive market and its benefits to the consumer.

  • In todays episode we go over over the long history of leftist educators possessing a sense of entitlement that leads them to actually believe that they are to be the ones who have the sole authority to teach values to children. Despite of course that when the values of these academics are in fact instilled in your kids it inevitably leads to madness and moral insanity.

    We analyze a debate between the late conservative author and academic William F. Buckley Jr. and the then Super Intendant of California Schools Bill Honig, covering the discussion regarding school voucher programs and the privatization of the education system.

    And finally we expose the mainstream media bias once and for all in their abysmal covering of the Parental Rights in Education Bill recently passed in Florida that prevents teachers from instructing 5, 6 and 7 year old children on LGBT themes, sexual values, and gender ideology. The bill of course has been lambasted by pseudo intellectual leftist pinheads who have taken to calling it the “Don’t Say Gay Bill” despite no such words ever being stated or made present in the actual bill. A defamatory and verifiably false monicker that was shared by virtually all major news outlets. That’s all happening today on the Woke is Broke Podcast.

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  • In an absolutely stunning move by the Biden Administration, a man involved in the 9/11 terrorist attack is currently being released from Guantanamo Bay and is being sent to receive psychiatric care in Saudi Arabia. As Biden’s Justice Department targets police, parents, Christians, Tea Partiers, and Republicans, his Department of Defense is actively releasing terrorists and siding with tyrannical regimes. Case in point. While Biden has cut off ties with Russian oil in an attempt to punish Putin for Ukraine, his administration is now in talks to lift sanctions on Venezuela so we may receive oil from them. Nothing like replacing one tyrant in charge of a communistic hellscape with another.

    Additionally gas prices reach an all time high, and Biden of course lies his butt off blaming Russia entirely. It must be amazing to think the American people are stupid enough to not remember that he has been in the White House for 14 months now with gas rising ever since, meanwhile the Russia/Ukraine conflict is only a few weeks old. But what can I say, Biden after all is a dementia ridden liar. That’s all happening today on the Woke is Broke Podcast.

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  • Top CNN reporter with down syndrome John Harwood highlights why Democrats are going to lose in the next several elections in what can only be described as a journalistic wet fart. In an article he published over the weekend Mr. Harwood seeks to blame Trump for the Russia/Ukraine war because…. Trump held a beauty pageant in Moscow back in 2013. As the left scrambles to blame everyone and everything (other than themselves) for their irredeemable policies and intellectual fallacies they reveal more and more that they are individuals incapable of understanding that their actions have extremely negative consequences on literally everyone other than them.

    Additionally George Takei has come under fire for suggesting Americans should be prepared to sacrifice a little in order to support Ukraine. But are those criticisms just? We’ll be talking about that today on the Woke is Broke Podcast.

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  • I give my reaction to Biden's abysmal state of the union, calling out his nonsensical BS with some of my own nonsensical BS.

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  • Deeply concerned with the rise of communism after the start of the Cold War, Harding University (then known as Harding College) worked with film studio John Sutherland Productions to produce a series of short animated films "to create a deeper understanding of what has made America the finest place in the world to live"! In Why Play Leap Frog a factory worker named Joe gets an economics lesson explaining why a doll that has only ten cents worth of materials costs two dollars at the toy shop.

  • In last nights state of the union Biden did a complete 180 when it came to defunding the police. He also announced he will cut our national deficit in half by the end of the year by continuing to spend trillions of dollars, fix prices on medicine, crack down on private industries who are engaging in “corporate greed,” and increasing the minimum wage. If that sounds like everything he’s attempted to do already, and that has led us to where we are economically, it’s because it is. Just more of the same from a brain dead old man who’s blindly spending us all into oblivion.

    Additionally 90's action star Steven Seagal sides with Putin on the Ukraine/Russia conflict, and Kamala Harris breaks down that situation in true Michael Scott fashion. Also members of the Squad express their disdain for Biden’s fund the police stance, and acting legend Sam Elliott speaks out against the Oscar nominated gay cowboy flick, Power of the Dog.

    That’s all happening today on the Woke is Broke Podcast. Stay safe, stay informed, and God bless.

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  • Vladimir Putin commences an invasion on Ukraine in an unprovoked act of vodka tasting communist aggression. Though he seems at the moment to have bitten off more than he can chew as Ukraine and the Western Allies unite to bring crippling sanctions on the global front, and deadly battle on the local front. Biden of course is claiming credit for new more aggressive economic penalties against Russia after offering a slew of weak sanctions against the communist country last week. In reality Europe has led the way with Biden reluctantly following like a scared child.

    Far left actor Sean Penn reveals that he is in Ukraine filming a documentary on the Russian invasion, proving once and for all that he’s even crazier than originally believed. An actress delivers slam poetry to Putin about how much better his life would be if she were his mother. Elon Musk becomes an international hero, delivering internet to Ukraine in the height of the ongoing battle, achieving more than the Biden Administration ever has in regards to tangible support for Ukraine.

    The killer of a four year old will not stand trial in a successful insanity plea, but is it really justice? And finally Goldman Sachs announces that they were once again wrong regarding inflation and that the road ahead is gonna be a bumpy one financially.

    That's all happening today on the Woke is Broke Podcast. Stay safe, stay informed, and God bless.

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  • Teen TikTok star Ava Majury is heading to court over her second stalker. Her first stalker was shot and killed by her father, after he attempted to break into their home wielding a shotgun. But don't let that fool you, the reality is is that both the parents of this poor young girl have abandoned their responsibilities as providers and protectors by creating a situation in which their daughter was at risk in the first place. In a world where instant gratification reins supreme, the father and mother of Ava Majury put financial gain and apathy ahead of their responsibilities to shield their child from the dangers of the internet.

    Additionally a public library affiliated program in Texas is paying children money to attend a sex-ed camp where they will be formerly indoctrinated into LGBTQ+lmnop ideology. And who says the left isn't trying to steal your kids?

    Also a democrat congressman from Arizona demands that the American Trucker Convoy headed to Washington D.C. have their trucks seized and redistributed. Stephen King weighs in on the Russia/Ukraine fiasco, and Kyle Rittenhouse makes some exciting announcements.

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  • Canada has devolved into complete and total tyranny as their police transform themselves into the militant wing of a weak and cowardly fascist. Running down protesters on horse, beating journalists and civilians alike, freezing the bank accounts of single mothers for donating $50 to the trucker cause, and announcing that even if the protesters go home, they will be followed and hunted down for legal and financial punishment. The Canadian police have bankrupted both the meaning and the value of the badges they carry and deserve no sympathy. At least not anymore sympathy than say the Chinese police who disappear and torture people.

    Trudeau himself has successfully gathered the votes necessary to extend the Emergency's Act (Marshal Law), despite the fact that for all intents and purposes the trucker movement is now over. Let it never be said that small dicked, insecure, Fidel Castro looking stooges like Trudeau are anything other than predictable and sad.

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  • In honor of black history month CNN decided to help increase racial divisions by releasing an article chronicling how black people needed to be viewed and valued based on the color of their skin in order for them to feel seen and heard. The article also had the decency to state white people made blackness a curse and a sin.

    Additionally a fifteen year old tiktok star is in the news. Her father (a former policeman) shot and killed his young daughters online stalker who had attempted to break into their home wielding a shotgun. But is this father a hero?

    Finally Russia has been given the green light to invade Ukraine. US intel suggests they are currently forming a list of potential Ukrainian dissenters to torture, kill, and disappear once Ukraine itself has fallen. The vodka drinking, potato eating Russian droogs of course deny these claims despite their long history of doing just that to Russian dissenters. And the White House of course maintains their support of Ukraine by doing absolutely nothing in the face Ukrainian extermination, subjugation and genocide at the hands of Vladimir Putin. Thank God we have a bunch of spineless bureaucrats running our international allyships into the ground.

    As always stay safe, stay informed, and God bless.

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  • Back from his sabbatical former politifact employee and recently reformed leftist Paddy O'Stoolesample reviews the new Adam McKay flick Don't Look Up (an allegory for climate change). The film has been nominated for best picture in both the Oscars and the Academy Awards, but is it worth it?............. No. Donate to the Show:

  • In the season 3 Premiere we go over the lefts attempt to bankrupt the meaning of the term anti-semitism in order to propagate control over what they call hate speech. In other words, the left wishes to erase ignore actual racism and hatred in order to control speech that is neither hateful nor racist, but rather just contradictory to their illogical view of the world and mankind. We dive into the phenomenon that is Whoopi Goldberg expressing her a-historical view of World War 2. We also go over the Olympics and Joe Biden's attempts to give nuclear capabilities to terrorists through weakness and appeasement. That's happening today on the Woke is Broke Podcast. As always stay safe, stay informed and God bless. Donate to the Show: Buy My Book:

  • Deeply concerned with the rise of communism after the start of the Cold War, Harding University (then known as Harding College) worked with film studio John Sutherland Productions to produce a series of short animated films "to create a deeper understanding of what has made America the finest place in the world to live"! In Albert in Blunderland the dangers and evils of state-planning boards and a controlled, planned economy are explored.