open source YouTube
what if you could view media personally hosted on holographic VPN virtual server cloud algorithmic co-ops
what if viewers and posters could pick and choose between millions of admin notifications and settings, eg instead of monolithic platform dictation, you could subscribe to a watchlist for bad actors, or choose extensions to add to your cloud account to flag stuff you like and don't like
what if the default was transparency and accountability, ie the default made it easy to see behind the scenes, who made accusations when about what, what the specific accusations are, reasoning, references, evidence, chain of evidence, etc, that users would have to go out of their way to turn off transparency and accountability references, etc
that transparent accountable platforms were benefited from open source assistance, eg Wikipedia can operate on a shoe string because millions of volunteers,
by default users get tremendous free and cheap assistance from open communities,
users are free to close off open transparency accountability, but they lose many free resources, and either have inferior offerings or must spend lots of time and money to compete with free open source
what if you could choose ad revenue providers, and control and cater ad content, placement, settings, etc,
what if audiences could support with more than just likes and donations, what if viewers could donate cloud storage or processing, or volunteer to help edit or draft content
what if video streaming could be as collaborative as Google docs multiple accounts collaborating on videos and channels
what if the default was open source licensing, with easy toggles for alternative licensing and custom licensing
what if licensing rights were standard meta data for web scraping indexing search etc
what if co-ops could be formed with algorithmic protocols similar to cryptos algorithmic emergent properties, eg someone could code a protocol that generates revenue and retains a fraction for the digital entity organization, the digital organization then uses funds to purchase cloud space and offer free posting to new users up to say 2 gigs, and payout and larger limits with success, etc
but it's all controlled and anonymous, if you want, by users, not dictated from boardrooms and Congress -
Draft ideas for a short story attempting to illustrate the unseen loads of anxiety, social struggles, misaprehension, over thinking, and other things that are hard to explain or be accepted others who haven't gone through it
for this first part it's just trying to cover the hardship, but eventually i'd like to work on covering how to actually help,
massive campaigns have been waged to fight for decency for many things, but we still can be incredibly obtuse and even cruel whenever faced with things outside our experience
here's one more thing to add to the pile of pity, but maybe some day we could have a little maturity, patience, benefit of the doubt, like a generalized form of compasion, understanding, maybe even learn without a trillion dollar hollywood lecture campaign and millions marching in the streets
sorry that's cynical, but moods can gallop
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
to be filled in later
to be filled in later
thoughts on how to improve mechanics of government
dramatization of concepts
this section covers struggles with the system as is
i have dry theories about solutions, but stories seem to reach hearts better, so i'm working on developing the ideas into ways that help paint a more vivid picture
a family in a fun happy future, explore the world, deep questions, and go on adventures,
drafts of scenes for a book i'm working on
Story ideas, invention ideas, writing strategies
what if you could program matter,
what happens when a nerdy chaotic family tries out a new parenting plan with tax write offs
excerpts from a novel i'm working on
need editing
why not teach kindergartners calculus get the moring stuff done with and spend the rest of the time with real stuff
top gun training improvement
math game
mr spell
loading library
What is learning
Mapping the mind
Imagination Mapping modeling the world
Machine learning
Data sets
Mixed age classrooms