
  • Despite their revolutionary zeal, followers of Marx have failed to create real economic democracies, frequently ending up with one-party systems that mirror the capitalist structures they sought to overthrow. A compelling alternative exists: a modern vision for economic democracy and employee-owned cooperatives. By examining the historical missteps and unveiling innovative approaches, we discover how true democratic firms can thrive today.

    David Ellerman is a distinguished economist, philosopher, and author with a career focused on the crossroads of economics, philosophy, and organizational theory. He has held prominent roles, such as an economic advisor at the World Bank, where he played a key role in shaping development policy and institutional reforms. Before his time at the World Bank, David was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Riverside, and lectured at Boston University.

    In this episode, Dart and David discuss:
    - The historical context of labor contracts and alienation
    - Differences between alienable and inalienable rights
    - The link between performance management systems and American slavery
    - The flawed basis of Marxist and traditional economic theories
    - Real-world examples of democratic firms and worker cooperatives
    - The evolution and impact of ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans)
    - The psychological cost of layoffs in an organization
    - The role of economic theories in shaping organizational practices
    - And other topics…

    David Ellerman is a renowned economist, philosopher, and author who has dedicated his career to exploring the intersections of economics, philosophy, and organizational theory. David has held influential positions, including serving as an economic advisor at the World Bank, where he contributed to development policy and institutional reforms. Prior to his tenure at the World Bank, he also served as a visiting scholar at the University of California, Riverside, and as a lecturer at Boston University.

    David's books include Helping People Help Themselves and The Democratic Worker-Owned Firm, both of which have been highly regarded in the fields of economics and organizational theory. He has also written extensively for academic journals and popular outlets, contributing to the discourse on economic development, property theory, and worker ownership. David holds his BA in Mathematics from MIT and his PhD in Economics from Boston University.

    Resources mentioned:
    Helping People Help Themselves by David Ellerman:
    The Democratic Worker-Owned Firm by David Ellerman:
    Mondragon Corporation:
    Anna's Archive:

    Connect with David:

  • Kentaro Toyama spent a decade designing technologies to fight global poverty and improve education and health. As co-founder of Microsoft Research India lab, he made a troubling discovery – innovative technologies can’t create change on their own. Realizing that social progress depends more on people than on the technology they use, Kentaro became a self-proclaimed “geek heretic” who now teaches others the importance of putting people over tech.

    Kentaro Toyama is W.K. Kellogg Professor of Community Information at the University of Michigan, a fellow of the Dalai Lama Center at MIT, and author of Geek Heresy. Kentaro is also the co-founder of Microsoft Research India, where he helped grow the lab into 60 full-time research staff.

    In this episode, Dart and Kentaro discuss:
    - Why technology needs a human touch to succeed
    - Kentaro’s leadership at Microsoft Research India
    - The 10 fallacies of technology
    - Why the most important areas of focus are unmeasurable
    - The pitfalls of focusing on the end-goal
    - How to create societal change
    - Innovation versus tried-and-true approaches
    - The law of amplification
    - 3 elements of intrinsic growth
    - And other topics…

    Kentaro Toyama is W.K. Kellogg Professor of Community Information at the University of Michigan School of Information, a fellow of the Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT, and author of Geek Heresy: Rescuing Social Change from the Cult of Technology. Before moving to Michigan, Kentaro co-founded Microsoft Research India, where he helped grow the lab into 60 full-time research staff.

    Kentaro received his PhD in Computer Science from Yale and his bachelors in mathematics from Harvard University. He went on to establish the Technology for Emerging Markets research group, which investigates how the world’s poorest communities interact with technology and ways to support socioeconomic development. Kentaro is also a former researcher for UC Berkeley and former co-editor-in-chief of the Information Technologies and International Development journal.

    Resources mentioned:
    Geek Heresy, by Kentaro Toyama:

    Connect with Kentaro:

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  • Work for Humans wants to understand what people want from work – but every perspective is different. One person’s dream job is another person’s nightmare, making it challenging to define fulfilling work. Derek Sivers captures this struggle in his book, How to Live, which presents 27 drastically different yet equally valid life views. Through his work, Derek guides others in shaping their own meaningful and unique lives.

    Derek Sivers is an author, entrepreneur, and speaker known for founding CD Baby, the largest seller of independent music of its time. After selling CD Baby for $22 million in 2008 and donating all the money to charity, Derek began writing and sharing his insights on business, creativity, and living a fulfilling life.

    In this episode, Dart and Derek discuss:
    - How our beliefs direct our actions
    - The 27 ways to live from Derek’s book
    - Crafting a company’s personality
    - Using beliefs as a listening tool at work
    - Derek’s biggest surprise in writing How to Live
    - Nature vs. nurture
    - Data models as philosophical experiences
    - And other topics…

    Derek Sivers is an author, entrepreneur, and speaker known for founding CD Baby, once the largest seller of independent music. Derek sold CD Baby for $22M in 2008 and donated all the money to charity, transitioning to writing and sharing insights on business, creativity, and personal development. His books, such as How to Live, offer practical advice and philosophical reflections on living a meaningful life. His latest book, Useful Not True, will be released in 2024.

    Resources mentioned:
    How to Live, by Derek Sivers:
    Useful Not True, by Derek Sivers:
    “50 Conversations in Bangalore and Chennai,” by Derek Sivers:

    Connect with Derek:

  • Paul Zak has been on a quest for two decades to understand the neuroscience of human connection, human happiness, and effective teamwork. From the Pentagon to Fortune 500 boardrooms to the rainforest of Papua New Guinea, Paul’s research has now led him to found Immersion Neuroscience, the first company to track and measure real-time immersion in experiences. His latest book, Immersion, uses 50,000 brain measurements to show readers how to create high-impact marketing, entertainment, training, customer experiences, and employee experiences.

    Paul J. Zak is an acclaimed professor, speaker, and neuroscientist who is ranked in the top 0.3% of most-cited scientists worldwide. During his career, he started the interdisciplinary fields of neuroeconomics, neuromanagement, and neuromarketing. Paul has written three general audience books, is a 5-time TED speaker with over two million views, and has spoken to audiences across 30 countries, including recent talks at NATO Supreme Headquarters, Google, Facebook, and Harvard University.

    In this episode, Dart and Paul discuss:
    - What it means to be immersed in your work experience
    - Work as a social-emotional hub
    - How oxytocin creates trust, empathy, and care at work
    - 2 things you need to create an extraordinary experience
    - The research behind effective advertising
    - Neuromanagement
    - The connection between autonomy, mastery, and job satisfaction
    - Scientific reasons why dogs are better than cats
    - And other topics…

    Paul J. Zak is an acclaimed professor, speaker, and neuroscientist who is ranked in the top 0.3% of most-cited scientists with over 180 published papers and more than 19,000 citations to his research. His two decades of research have taken him from the Pentagon to Fortune 500 boardrooms to the rainforest of Papua New Guinea. During his career, he has also started several interdisciplinary fields including neuroeconomics, neuromanagement, and neuromarketing. He has written three general audience books, is a 5-time TED speaker with over two million views, and has spoken to audiences across 30 countries.

    Paul is the founder of Immersion Neuroscience, the first company to track and measure immersion in experiences in real time. His latest book, Immersion, identifies the neurologic basis for extraordinary experiences and uses 50,000 brain measurements to show readers how to create high-impact marketing, entertainment, training, customer experiences, and employee experiences.

    Paul holds his doctorate in economics from the University of Pennsylvania and completed post-doctoral training in neuroimaging at Harvard University. He has taught at Caltech, Arizona State University, UC Riverside, and USC Law and is a current professor at Claremont Graduate University.

    Resources mentioned:
    Immersion, by Paul J. Zak:

    Connect with Paul:

  • Matt Higgins was a struggling teen, working at McDonald’s for $3.75/hr to put food on the table for his ailing mother. When he saw the pay increase offered to college students, he decided to do something unorthodox; he dropped out of high school, got his GED, and enrolled in college. Adults tried to talk him out of it, but Matt knew this was the right choice for him.

    This was Matt's first "burn the boats" moment, but it wasn't his last. In fact, Matt believes this burn-the-boats mindset has defined his career, and has led him to places like Shark Tank, Harvard Business School, and beyond. Today, he joins us on Work For Humans to discuss the Burn the Boats philosophy.

    Matt is the co-founder and CEO of RSE Ventures, a private equity firm that incubates and invests in enterprises like the International Champions Cup, RESY, and the Drone Racing League. He is the recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, a current executive fellow at Harvard Business School, and the author of Burn the Boats.

    In this episode, Dart and Matt discuss:
    - How backup plans subvert our potential
    - Emotional intelligence and intuition in decision-making
    - Using anxiety to drive us
    - Assessing opportunity costs
    - Extracting value from negative situations
    - Acting early and taking risks for greater results
    - Elon Musk and Twitter
    - And other topics…

    Matt Higgins is an operator, investor, business builder, and co-founder and CEO of RSE Ventures. Matt Began his career as the youngest press secretary in New York City, later becoming an executive for the New York Jets and the Miami Dolphins. As CEO of RSE Ventures, Matt and co-founder Stephen Ross have helped establish enterprises like the International Champions Cup, RESY, and the Drone Racing League.

    Matt received his bachelor’s degree from Queens College and his JD from Fordham University. He was a guest shark on ABC’s Shark Tank and is an executive fellow at Harvard Business School. In 2019, Matt received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor for making it his mission to share his wealth of knowledge with those less fortunate. Matt recently published his first book, Burn the Boats, to continue to inspire others to toss Plan B overboard and go all in on Plan A.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Burn the Boats, by Matt Higgins:

    Connect with Matt:

  • Work for Humans host Dart Lindsley experienced a distressing moment in the hospital when his father was left in a wheelchair facing a wall while awaiting radiology. This small but significant oversight in the hospital's system pointed to an issue in many major systems – a lack of human-centered care. Recognizing these widespread oversights, design and strategy expert Deirdre Cerminaro seeks to address such problems through human-centered systems thinking. By redesigning systems to prioritize human experiences, Deirdre now teaches others how to problem solve by combining systems and human-centric design.

    Deirdre Cerminaro is a creative strategist, IDEO U instructor, and speaker who excels in organizational design, strategy, and human-centered systems thinking. With over 15 years of experience, including her time as an architectural designer and former Executive Director at IDEO, Deirdre is dedicated to using systems design to build a more equitable future. Her notable projects range from launching a venture to close the digital skills gap in Latin America to building a global DE&I framework for a Fortune 10 Company.

    In this episode, Dart and Deirdre discuss:
    - How Deirdre designs her own experience of work
    - Human-Centered Systems Thinking
    - Real-world problems combining systems and human-centric design
    - Deirdre’s experience creating and scaling a K-12 school system internationally
    - The relationship between mental models and systems
    - Best practices in systems mapping
    - How to use the “Zoom In and Zoom Out” design tool
    - Managing trade-offs between stakeholders
    - And other topics…

    Deirdre holds a B.A. in Cognitive Science and an MBA from Yale University. Beyond her professional achievements, Deirdre spends as much time as possible outdoors. She has cycled across the U.S. twice and also hiked the 211-mile John Muir Trail.

    Resources mentioned:
    “Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast” TED Talk:

    Connect with Deirdre:

    IDEO U Human-Centered Systems Thinking course: Use Promocode SYSTEMSDESIGN for 20% before August 1st

  • Joe Pine has a knack for seeing workplace trends ahead of others. As a co-founder of Strategic Horizons LLP, he has helped organizations innovatively increase economic value for over three decades.

    Joe is a pioneer behind the experience economy, and he is now trailblazing the concept of a transformation economy in his latest book. Join us as we discuss the fifth and final economic offering and how it can impact employees and customers alike.

    Joseph Pine II is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and management advisor to Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurial start-ups.

    In this episode, Dart and Joe discuss:
    - Joe’s latest writing project on the transformation economy
    - Examples of transformative experiences
    - The economic value of customer transformation
    - How to recognize different types of transformation
    - Work as a transformation offering
    - The correlation between transformation and wealth
    - How to create transformative experiences for individual aspirations
    - Joe’s outlook on the experience-design profession
    - And other topics…

    Joseph Pine II is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and management advisor to Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurial start-ups. Joe is a co-founder of Strategic Horizons LLP and a lecturer at Northeastern University. His best-selling book, The Experience Economy, has been published in 15 languages and used as a company guide for over 20 years. He is now pioneering the idea of a Transformation Economy through the development of his latest book.

    Joe is a Senior Fellow with the Design Futures Council and the European Centre for the Experience Economy. He previously served as a Visiting Scholar with the MIT Design Lab, a professor at Duke University, a lecturer at Columbia University, and a manager with IBM. Joe has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business Review. His other published works include Infinite Possibility, Authenticity, and Mass Customization.

    Resources mentioned:
    The Experience Economy¸ by Joseph Pine II:
    Mass Customization, by Joseph Pine II:
    Work, Pray, Code, by Carolyn Chen:
    The Anatomy of Genres, by John Truby:
    The World Experience Organization Summit:

    Connect with Joe:

  • Many people offer predictions about the future of work, but only a handful are trained futurists who know how to influence that future effectively. Reanna Browne stands out by making the future of work her specialty. With a thorough academic background and a decade of experience in strategic foresight, Reanna guides public, private, and start-up companies in navigating change, cultivating resilience, and using the present to shape a more promising future of work.

    Reanna Browne is an academically trained futurist, former elite athlete, and the founder of Work Futures, a global consultancy firm specializing in strategic foresight. She is a leader in her field and has earned recognition as one of the “World’s Top Female Futurists” among fellow practitioners.

    In this episode, Dart and Reanna discuss:
    - The field of futures and foresight and the job of a trained futurist
    - The largest misunderstandings we have about the future
    - How to use the present to change what lies ahead
    - What led Reanna to study the future of work
    - The largest changes we see emerging around work
    - Steps we can take today to change the future of work
    - And other topics…

    Reanna Browne is an academically trained futurist, former elite athlete, and the founder of Work Futures, a global consultancy firm specializing in strategic foresight. With over a decade of experience in strategic workforce planning, Reanna guides public, private, and start-up organizations in navigating change, cultivating resilience, and using the present to shape a more promising future of work. She has been recognized as one of the “World’s Top Female Futurists” by fellow practitioners.

    Presently, Reanna serves on the Future of Work Advisory Panel for the Australian HR Institute, drawing on her extensive academic background. She holds an MA in Strategic Foresight from Swinburne University and a post-graduate qualification from the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia. She is also a distinguished graduate of the Finland Futures Academy and the Shillington School of Graphic Design.

    Resources mentioned:
    Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned, by Kenneth O. Stanley:
    “The Bitter Lesson,” by Rich Sutton:
    Enlightenment Now, by Stephen Pinker:

    Connect with Reanna:
    Work Futures:

  • Artificial intelligence technologies are transforming our world, with innovations like LLMs and VR becoming part of everyday life and the workplace. Marlene de Koning, HR tech and experience expert, sees an opportunity to enhance employee well-being by improving how we use these technologies at work, bridging the gap between technology and business strategy.

    Marlene de Koning is the author of HR Tech Strategy and the Director at PwC Nederland, where she leads the HR Tech & Digital team. With over a decade of experience in the HR and employee experience industry, she has worked extensively with global clients such as LinkedIn and Microsoft to enhance the world of work.

    In this episode, Dart and Marlene discuss:
    - Technology-driven employee experiences
    - The misuse of HR technology
    - How LLMs, AI, and AR are impacting the work experience
    - Surprising areas where companies are using augmented reality
    - One vital skill new technologies will demand
    - Differences between human capital and human capability management
    - 5 stages of hybrid work
    - Personalizing work experience through technology
    - And other topics…

    Marlene de Koning is an author, start-up mentor, and the Director at PwC Nederland, where she leads the HR Tech & Digital team. With over a decade of experience in the HR and employee experience industry, she has worked with global clients such as LinkedIn and Microsoft to enhance the world of work. Her latest book, HR Tech Strategy, dissects the formula for aligning technology-driven employee experiences with profitable business results.

    Within Microsoft, Marlene worked on the Microsoft Startups team, served as the Director of Solutions Design for Workplace Intelligence and Director of GTM Strategy, and consulted as the Director of Work & Employee Experience. During her time with LinkedIn, she served on Team Lead Solutions, as a Senior Solutions Consultant and Global Project Lead, and New Product and Solutions Consultant for Northern Europe.

    Resources mentioned:
    HR Tech Strategy, by Marlene de Koning:

    Connect with Marlene:
    PwC Nederland:

  • Bill Duane has been navigating complex situations since he was a child, but facing his father’s death as an adult created an experience that he didn’t have an answer for. Trying to come to terms with his situation, Bill realized that what he needed wasn’t more safety – it was more meaning. Through his exploration of diverse disciplines like Buddhism and AI, Bill is now able to help other companies and individuals create more meaningful work through reflection, innovation, and growth.

    Bill Duane is the principal at Bill Duane and Associates, a consulting firm focused on innovation that serves notable clients such as Google, Amazon, and The White House.

    In this episode, Dart and Bill discuss:
    - Blending disciplines like Buddhism and AI to foster innovation
    - Bill’s intellectual and spiritual history
    - The relationship between technology and humanity
    - How to change a company’s standard model of thinking
    - Spaces where limitless growth is ineffective
    - Optimizing work for the medium and long-term
    - Utilizing love and care to problem-solve at work
    - And other topics…

    Bill Duane is the principal at Bill Duane and Associates, a consulting firm focused on innovation. With 12 years of experience at Google and a decade in consulting, Bill specializes in navigating change and complexity across industries like tech, healthcare, finance, and media. His clients include Google, Amazon, and The White House, among others.

    With studies in neuroscience, Bill integrates AI, team effectiveness, and mindfulness to drive innovative work approaches and collaboration. He shares his expertise through his AI workshops at Stanford’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design and as the Director of Strategy and Implementation at the Center for the Study of Apparent Selves, where he works on applied AI ethics. Bill also holds a Research Fellowship at Kathmandu University as part of this effort.

    Resources mentioned:
    “The Real Problem with the OpenAI Drama,” by Bill Duane:
    “The Techno-Optimist Manifesto,” by Marc Andreessen:
    “Can Buddhism help humanity (and AI) navigate the AI revolution?” by the Center for the Study of Apparent Selves:
    Care as a Driver of Intelligence in Humans and AI:
    159 Doctor:
    Technological Approach to Mind Everywhere:
    Bioelectricity: the Software of the Body:
    How evolution creates problem-solving machines:
    “Technological Approach to Mind Everywhere,” by Michael Levin:

    Connect with Bill:

  • Losing your job in the U.S. means more than losing your income. It often means losing access to crucial medications and healthcare. Adrian Salazar, the Head of Culture and Integrity at SafetyWing, advocates for a shift away from fear-driven work decisions. Through his role, he is actively involved in creating a social safety net and the first-ever internet-based country for workers around the globe.

    Adrian Salazar is the Head of Culture and Integrity at SafetyWing, a company pioneering the first global safety net and internet-based country.

    In this episode, Dart and Adrian discuss:
    - What it means to be Head of Culture and Integrity
    - Creating the first country on the internet
    - Building a social safety net
    - Overcoming obstacles when creating company culture
    - Why every company needs a value structure
    - SafetyWing’s values and how they’re lived out within the company
    - Why we should doubt the things we learn
    - The value in taking risks and making mistakes
    - And other topics…

    Adrian Salazar is the Head of Culture and Integrity at SafetyWing, a company pioneering the concept of the first internet-based country to offer equal opportunities worldwide. SafetyWing is working to create a global safety net, offering insurance, healthcare, retirement options, and income protection to nomads, remote workers, and individuals around the world.

    Adrian graduated from Tancsics Mihaly Secondary School of Economics in Salgotarjan, Hungary, and also holds a certification in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). With a background in user experience, design, and administration, he previously served as Head of Brand at Mealco and Head of Design at both Selva and Kensium Solutions.

    Resources mentioned:
    The Core Value Equation, by Darius Mirshahzadeh:

    Connect with Adrian:

  • For hundreds of years, Western culture has emphasized individualism, mirrored by many companies’ focus on quarterly profits. After seeing the limitations of this short-term thinking, futurist Ari Wallach decided to forge a new path through Longpath Labs. By focusing on generational empathy, Longpath’s work connects with past generations while simultaneously creating a legacy for future ones, fostering innovation and sustainable success.

    Ari Wallach is a futurist, social systems strategist, author, and founder of Longpath Labs, a leading think tank addressing long-term thinking and systemic issues to create a more sustainable and equitable future.

    In this episode, Dart and Ali discuss:
    - Using history and predictions to create innovation and community
    - The megatrends that Longpath tracks and why
    - The pros and cons of long-path thinking versus short-path
    - Transgenerational empathy
    - How to create a meta-cultural perspective within a company
    - What the long-path crowd thinking about the next 1000 years
    - And other topics…

    Ari Wallach is a futurist, social systems strategist, author, and founder of Longpath Labs, a leading think tank addressing long-term thinking and systemic issues to create a more sustainable and equitable future. Ari’s captivating TED Talk on Longpath has captivated audiences with over 2.5 million times and translations into 19 languages. Additionally, he is also the host of “A Brief History of the Future” on PBS and holds a board position at the Bologna Business School in Italy.

    Ari earned his BA in Peace and Conflict Studies from UC Berkeley. Before leading Longpath, Ari established and led Synthesis Corp., a strategic innovation consultancy serving clients like CNN, Volkswagen Global, and the US State Department. He is also a former adjunct associate professor at Columbia University, where he lectured on innovation, AI, and the future of governance.

    Resources mentioned:
    Longpath, by Ari Wallach:
    American Nations, by Colin Woodard:
    Who Do We Choose to Be? by Margaret Wheatley:

    Connect with Ali:
    “A Brief History of the Future” on PBS:

  • When Elena Aylott was asked to lead Global Communications and Employee Experience at Oriflame Cosmetics, she was disillusioned with the traditional, administrative focus of HR. Recognizing the opportunity to drive real change, Elena accepted the role and worked to shift Oriflame towards a new approach. By initiating change and focusing on human-centered work, Elena revolutionized the global employee experience across 60+ countries, impacting thousands of employees and emerging as a champion for people-centric workplaces.

    Elena Aylott is a seasoned executive in People and Communications, the current Founder & CEO of Aylott Group, and the former VP of Global Communications and Employee Experience at Oriflame Cosmetics.

    In this episode, Dart and Elena discuss:
    - The challenges, successes, and future of people-centered CPOs
    - Elena’s experience as a human-centered CPO for Oriflame
    - Addressing policies that create negative employee experiences
    - Creating individualized workplace experiences on a large scale
    - The importance of acts of kindness at work
    - Using language to change work culture
    - How Elena built an HR team with no HR staff
    - The relationship between personal branding, leadership, and community building
    - And other topics…

    Elena Aylott is a seasoned executive renowned for her transformative leadership in People and Communications. As the Founder & CEO of Aylott Group, she specializes in Strategic Community Management and Personal Branding for Experts and Leaders. As the former VP of Global Communications and Employee Experience at Oriflame Cosmetics, Elena revolutionized the global employee experience across 60+ countries, 4500 employees, and 2.1 million independent brand partners. Her initiatives shifted HR and Global Communications, fostering belonging and optimizing business efficiency.

    Elena is also a Business and Leadership Advisor to Wisory, as well as a Certified Leadership Coach for the EuroAcademy Leadership Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. She is a member of the TEDxStockholm Speakers’ team and is proficient in three languages.

    Resources mentioned:
    The Employee Experience Advantage, by Jacob Morgan:
    The Power of Moments, by Chip and Dan Heath:
    The Experience Economy, by Joseph Pine:
    Mass Customization, by Joseph Pine:

    Connect with Elena:
    Aylott Group:

  • Thomas Huebl has firsthand experience with the deep-rooted nature of collective trauma. From engaging with Israeli descendants of Holocaust survivors to coaching executives at international firms, he understands just how deeply ingrained collective trauma is in society. For over 20 years, Thomas has been dedicated to leading dialogues on collective trauma across generations, professions, and cultures. His efforts have touched the lives of thousands, fostering reflection, learning, and healing worldwide.

    Thomas Huebl, Ph.D., is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator specializing in collective trauma healing and cultural change within systems. With over two decades of experience, he has impacted over 100,000 individuals worldwide through his teachings.

    In this episode, Dart and Thomas discuss:
    - Trauma and its relevance to companies
    - Key takeaways from the book Attuned
    - How trauma is transmitted through generations
    - Post-traumatic learning
    - Examples of collective trauma
    - How trauma manifests within a company
    - Healing trauma and contributing to a collective good
    - What it feels like to work in a healthy company
    - And other topics…

    Thomas Huebl, Ph.D., is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator specializing in collective trauma healing and cultural change within systems. With over 20 years of experience, he has impacted over 100,000 individuals worldwide through his teachings. His authored works, including Attuned, The Power of We, and Healing Collective Trauma, have gained widespread recognition, including being featured in Oprah Daily’s “10 Books to Help with Old, Painful Traumas.”

    As an executive coach and trainer, Thomas leads innovative frameworks such as the Collective Trauma Integration Process. His commitment to trauma-informed leadership is reflected in his founding of The Pocket Project NGO and the Academy of Inner Science. Thomas has also served as an advisor and guest faculty for universities and organizations, and he is currently a visiting scholar at the Wyss Institute at Harvard University.

    Resources mentioned:
    Attuned, by Thomas Huebl:
    Healing Collective Trauma, by Thomas Huebl:
    The Power of We, by Thomas Huebl:
    Modern Mystic, by Thomas Huebl:

    Connect with Thomas:

  • In a world where headlines often drown out research and analysis, the Pew Research Center stands out through its comprehensive studies and analyses. From demographics to societal issues, Associate Director of Research Juliana Horowitz helps us explore the facts behind American workplace trends.

    Dr. Juliana Horowitz is the Associate Director of Research at Pew Research Center. She has over fifteen years of experience in designing and managing both domestic and international survey projects, covering a wide range of social issues from workplace culture to political landscapes.

    In this episode, Dart and Juliana discuss:
    - The mission of the Pew Research Center
    - Work trends during the COVID pandemic
    - Selecting research focus areas
    - How Americans view their jobs
    - Why Americans quit during the Great Resignation
    - How the pandemic reshaped work in America
    - And other topics…

    Dr. Juliana Menasce Horowitz serves as the Associate Director of Research at Pew Research Center, a distinguished and nonpartisan research organization known for its rigorous methodology and comprehensive studies. With over fifteen years of experience designing and managing survey projects, Juliana is involved in all stages of the research process, from spearheading major survey initiatives to analyzing poll data. Her research portfolio covers a wide range of social issues including racial attitudes, gender equality, the culture of work, the changing American family, and economic well-being.

    Juliana holds a doctorate in political science from the University of Maryland at College Park. Before joining the Pew Research Center, she also contributed to the Center for American Politics and Citizenship at the University of Maryland.

    Resources mentioned:
    “How Americans View Their Jobs,” by Juliana Horowitz:
    “Majority of workers who quit a job in 2021 cite low pay, no opportunities for advancement, feeling disrespected,” by Juliana Horowitz:
    “COVID-19 Pandemic Continues To Reshape Work in America,” by Juliana Horowitz:

    Connect with Juliana:
    Pew Research Center:

  • Every building comes with a set of expectations. Students are quiet in a library, but loud on a playground. Adults are focused in their deckchairs yet chatty on bar stools. Witnessing the limitations of conventional building design, Jan Golembiewski began to leverage design psychology to improve the lives of different groups, from inmates to the elderly. As one of the world’s leading researchers in architectural design psychology, Dr. Golembiewski works to create spaces that prioritize health and overall flourishing.

    Dr. Jan Golembiewski is the director and nominated architect of Psychological Design, as well as the co-founder and CEO of Earthbuilt Technology. Dr. Golembiewski is committed to understanding how the built environment impacts human health and well-being, conducting extensive research on the intersection of design and psychology and salutogenic design.

    In this episode, Dart and Jan discuss:
    - A unique design approach called salutogenesis
    - Designing a workplace where employees can thrive
    - Salutogenic architecture
    - Balancing affordances and choices in design
    - The narrative context embedded in architecture
    - How money-driven architecture affects livability
    - The key traits of salutogenic architects
    - And other topics…

    Dr. Jan Golembiewski is one of the world’s leading researchers in architectural design psychology. He is the director and nominated architect of Psychological Design, as well as the co-founder and CEO of Earthbuilt Technology. Dr. Golembiewski is committed to understanding how the built environment impacts human health and well-being, conducting extensive research on the intersection of design and psychology. Through his work on salutogenic design psychology, he creates spaces that encourage not only productivity but individual flourishing.

    Dr. Golembiewski received his Ph.D. in architecture from the University of Sydney. He currently serves as an editorial board member for the Prudence Journal of Medicine and Medical Science and The Rangsit Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. His work has earned him a fellowship in the Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health, and he is the only designer hired by the Schizophrenia Research Institute.

    Resources mentioned:
    “The Art of Transformation: Experience Design for Transformative Experiences | Claus Raasted and Paul Bulencea.” Work for Humans. August 2023.
    The Battle for the Life and Beauty of the Earth, by Christopher Alexander:

    Connect with Jan:
    Google Scholar:
    Magic, by Jan Golembiewski:

  • In a world where company worth is often measured by profits alone, Yancey Strickler sought to create a company where values mattered more than just money. Throughout his career as an author and co-founder of Kickstarter and Metalabel, Yancey continuously advocates for a new view of success, emphasizing the impact companies can make beyond the financial bottom line.

    Yancey Strickler is the co-founder and former CEO of Kickstarter and the co-founder and director of Metalabel. He is also the author of This Could Be Our Future and the mind behind the philosophy of Bentoism, a framework that considers community, the present self, and the future self in decision-making.

    In this episode, Dart and Yancey discuss:
    - Financial maximization culture
    - Defining a company’s value beyond profits
    - Kickstarter’s bylaws
    - The philosophy behind Bentoism
    - The impact of financial maximization on company evolution
    - The Metalabel startup
    - Heterarchy in organizations
    - Yancey’s biggest lessons learned
    - And other topics…

    Yancey Strickler is a writer, entrepreneur, and the co-founder and former CEO of Kickstarter. He is also the co-founder and director of Metalabel, a new space for releasing, selling, and exhibiting creative work. Yancey is the author of This Could Be Our Future and the visionary behind the philosophy of Bentoism, a framework that considers community, the present self, and the future self in decision-making.

    Earlier in his career, Yancey established the record label eMusic Selects and co-founded The Creative Independent, an online resource center for artists across disciplines. He has also made significant contributions as a music critic, writing for publications such as Pitchfork, Spin, and The Village Voice.

    Resources mentioned:
    This Could Be Our Future, by Yancey Strickler:
    Our Band Could Be Your Life, by Michael Azerrad:
    “The Dark Forest Theory of the Internet,” by Yancey Strickler:
    Humanocracy, by Gary Hamel:

    Connect with Yancey:

  • There is a clear divide at work between traditional finance-led companies and innovative, design-focused firms. Creative leaders face unique challenges, from guiding creative teams to addressing ethical dilemmas. As a design expert and creative at heart, Ekaterina Solomeina aims to revolutionize leadership education in this space through the Future London Academy. Here, leaders learn a fresh approach to navigate the complexities of creativity, ethics, and inclusivity in today’s dynamic workplace.

    Ekaterina is a creative director, TEDx speaker, and co-founder of Future London Academy, an executive school for entrepreneurs, innovators, designers, and managers. For the past 14 years, Ekaterina has worked with top design companies and clients such as Versace, Microsoft, Walmart, IBM, and Coca-Cola, among others.

    In this episode, Dart and Ekaterina discuss:
    - What creative leaders need to know to lead today’s workplace
    - Challenges faced by creative leaders: from understanding finance to facing ethics
    - How to manage creative employees effectively
    - The Future London Academy’s faculty and disciplines
    - Measures and metrics for creativity and impact
    - Embracing neurodiversity as a leader
    - And other topics…

    Ekaterina Solomeina is a creative director, entrepreneur, TEDx speaker, and co-founder of Future London Academy. For the past 14 years, Ekaterina has worked with top design and innovation companies around the world, including Mind Gym, NB Studio, and Michael Wolff. Her clients include Versace, Microsoft, Walmart, IBM, and Coca-Cola, among others.

    Combining her design expertise with her passion for education, Ekaterina helped start Future London Academy, an executive school for creatives that bridges behavioral psychology and design to create better user experiences. Ekaterina’s design mastery has made her a regular speaker for institutions across the globe including TedX, London School of Economics, and Brunel University.

    Resources mentioned:
    Winning on Purpose, by Fred Reichheld:

    Connect with Ekaterina:
    Instagram: @futurelondonacademy

  • Today we're joined by Jeff Hunter. Jeff is an award-winning entrepreneur and the Founder of Talentism – a philosophy and organization designed to help business leaders unleash the human potential within their organizations. By shifting their focus to the untapped potential of their employees, companies can unlock innovation and growth, harnessing human talent for lasting success.

    Prior to Talentism, Jeff was Head of Recruiting at Bridgewater Associates. Through his leadership roles at Bridgewater, Electronic Arts, and Dolby, Jeff found his purpose in creating and scaling systems to unleash human potential.

    In this episode, Dart and Jeff discuss:
    - Talentism’s visionary management approach
    - How the current system is limiting potential
    - Cognitive bias: workplace errors and their roots
    - CEO accountability in system shortcomings
    - The benefits of prioritizing talent over capital
    - The ideal business system
    - How Jeff’s experience at Bridgewater shaped his career
    - Hiring for values
    - And other topics…

    Jeff Hunter is an award-winning tech and services entrepreneur, writer, and CEO coach. He is the founder and CEO of Talentism, a company that works with high-growth startups to unleash potential and achieve scale. Prior to Talentism, Jeff was Head of Recruiting at Bridgewater Associates. Through his leadership roles at Bridgewater, EA, and Dolby, Jeff found his purpose in creating and scaling systems to unleash human potential.

    Jeff holds a BA in History and Philosophy from Occidental College. He began his career as an early employee at Conner Peripherals, the fastest-growing manufacturing startup in history. He then co-founded DataMain Technologies, where he discovered his passion for enhancing company performance by focusing on company culture and people.

    Connect with Jeff:

  • Work and urban design are continuously evolving, but there’s something to be learned from one of the oldest multi-sided businesses in history – the Grand Bazaar. This intricate market has somehow managed to sustain itself for over 500 years without a single leader at the helm. Dr. Sharon Wohl has spent countless hours analyzing the design of the Grand Bazaar, revealing how such bottom-up hierarchies can produce quality products and processes consistently for hundreds of years.

    Dr. Sharon Wohl is a distinguished scholar specializing in complex adaptive systems within urban design. She is the current Associate Dean for the College of Architecture and Environmental Design at Kent State University.

    In this episode, Dart and Sharon discuss:
    - The emergence and sustainability of the Grand Bazaar
    - Complex adaptive systems (CASTs) in decentralized settings
    - Whether or not we need an overarching governance at work
    - How simple rules can lead to complex results
    - An analysis of bottom-up strategies for system design and urbanism
    - The less visible flows within a business
    - The way designers can enable thriving systems
    - And other topics…

    Dr. Sharon Wohl is a distinguished scholar specializing in complex adaptive systems within urban design. With a Ph.D. in Spatial Planning and Strategy from Delft Technical University, Sharon has taught at University of Manitoba and held a tenured position at Iowa State University. She is the current Associate Dean for the College of Architecture and Environmental Design at Kent State University. Prior to completing her doctorate, she practiced with the award-winning Canadian Architectural firm, 5468796 Architecture.

    Wohl’s research examines how principles of complex adaptive systems can be operationalized within the built environment. Her expertise in complexity has been recognized through a research fellowship with the Institute for Advanced Studies in Amsterdam, invitations for speaking/guest lecture events, and her academic appointment as an FRK Faculty Fellow at ISU. Her research has been published in a variety of journals, including Planning Theory, Progress in Human Geography, and Space and Culture.

    Resources mentioned:
    “The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul,” by Sharon Wohl:
    How Buildings Learn, by Stewart Brand:

    Connect with Sharon:
    Google Scholar: