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Üdvözöllek, Horváth Attila profit specialista vagyok és ez itt a PROFIT Arena, ahol beszélünk üzletről, vállalkozásról, pénzről, bevételről, célokról, nehézségekről, megoldásokról, sikerekről, no és persze a profitról.
Az a célom, hogy vállalkozóként sikeresebb, elégedettebb és gazdagabb legyél. Tarts velem és valósítsuk meg az álmaidat. -
Investing in yourself is the biggest ROI to create a more Wealthy Life, Relationship & Business.
We bring together the best Business Leaders, Investors, and Mind & Health Experts to learn & grow together. Join millions of growth minded listeners.
Steven Pesavento is on a mission to help others live a better life every day, have fun, and make money. He is a serial entrepreneur, high-performance coach, and Managing Partner of VonFinch Capital. Investing full time since 2016, he’s completed over 200 transactions, renovated nearly 100 buildings and transacted $200+ millions in investment real estate.
Amazing guests include: Chris Voss, Jay Papasan, Joe Fairless, Mark Manson, Jay Papasan, Kris Krohn, Brandon Turner, John Lee Dumas, Kathy Fettke, Forbes Riley and many others. -
Buying online businesses is enticing for many people, but it’s also frequently misunderstood. At Domain Magnate, we’ve completed hundreds of deals over the past 15 years and learned a few hard lessons along the way. Now we can spare you that trouble. Each week, we feature leaders in the field and discuss the nuances of profitable deal making - from sourcing and due diligence to negotiation, deal structure, and exit strategy. Whether you’re just getting started or you’re a professional looking for fresh insight, we invite you to join us as we explore the topics that matter most to your success in this exciting, rapidly evolving space. Visit our website to learn more:
My name is Iman Gadzhi. I started my channel in 2015: before I’d found any success - so scroll back to see me trying to be a personal trainer, the harsh realities of dropping out of high school, building one of the leading online advertising agencies, all the way through to me making $30m by the age of 23: I don’t hide anything.
Ez a Della, a gazdasági podcastja, ahol minden a pénz körül forog. Arra fókuszálunk, ami mindenkit foglalkoztat: merre tart a koronavírus-járvány és az orosz-ukrán háború tépázta magyar és világgazdaság, mi lesz a megtakarításainkkal, a munkahelyünkkel, a környezetünkkel? Azok véleményét kérjük a legfrissebb és legfontosabb eseményekről, akik a legközelebb ülnek a tűzhöz, az adott terület kiemelkedő szakértői, cégvezetői, gazdaságpolitikusai. A műsorvezető Baka F. Zoltán.
A legfontosabb Bitcoin és kriptovaluta információk egy helyen. Naprakész hírek, részletes elemzések és bevált stratégiák a tőzsdei kereskedésben.
Ismerd meg a kriptovaluták világát, oktatási anyagaink segítségével. Légy lépéssel a piac előtt velünk. Cryptofalka, mert falkában az erő! -
Welcome to Woman on the Rise: a podcast for women like you - who didn’t come here to play small, follow the rules, or be limited by what’s considered normal. Through conversations about style, mindset, spirituality and business, my desire is to help you elevate your identity, dress for your dreams, and take action toward manifesting everything possible for you while becoming the best version of yourself in the process. I’m your host, Christie Ressel, a mentor and image consultant who has styled and coached women globally and now helps other entrepreneurs, especially stylists, create a life and business of their design.
Várkuti Gézaés Polyánszky Attila podcastja. Elemzések, oktatás, tippek, tanácsok, Forex-, részvény-, index-, nyersanyag- és cryptodeviza-kereskedéshez. Csak úgy fundamentális, mint technikai alapon. Konkrét kereskedési setupokkal, piacra lépés, stop és célár meghatározása. A kézi kereskedés mellett külön hangsúlyt fektetünk a robotok használatára. Várkuti Géza 35 éves tapasztalatával már veteránnak számít a szakmában. Ő írta az első magyar nyelvű Forex könyvet, melyet ma is sokan a kezdők "bibliájának tartanak. Polyánszky Attila vezeti szignálszervizünket, amely 2 év alatt 200.000€ hasznot generált. Előjelzései, tréding tanácsai nagy találati aránnyal bátran követhetők. A weboldal tulajdonosai.
If you are tired of the 9 to 5 rat race, and you are wanting to achieve complete financial and time freedom this is the show for you. Self-made multi-millionaire Jonathan Montoya shows you exactly how he was able to quit his day job as an engineer to start an online business. More importantly, Jonathan will be going over high level skills which will help you grow a business even if you are a complete beginner and with no following. He's mastered skills such as email marketing, affiliate marketing, how to grow a YouTube channel and how to monetize a small following.
Are you ready to leave your 9-5 and find freedom, flexibility and financial abundance? As a former corporate ladder-climber turned entrepreneur, I know what it feels like to yearn for more quality time with your family without giving up your desire to make an impact outside the home. And, I'm going to share all my secrets and lessons learned so you too can build a business from home that allows you to step into your calling and turn your passion into profit.
In this podcast you'll learn all about how to grow your online business...
I remember when I wanted to leave my day job, just like you... Now that I've done it, I want to help you.
Whether you're just starting out and have no idea, or if you've already got a business and you want to grow it, you'll discover the cutting edge techniques internet marketers have been using for years to build your audience, position yourself as authority in your niche, generate more leads and increase sales... subscribe today so you never miss an opportunity to learn how to start and grow your online business! -
You’re listening to FROM CUBICLE TO CEO - Inspiration for the creative entrepreneur working a 9-5. If you’re ready to ditch the 9-5 and turn that side hustle into your main gig, then you’re in the right place. From Cubicle to CEO is packed with inspiring and practical information and content to help you get there.