Preaching from Matthew 5:38-48, Pastor Joshua West explores the countercultural command of Jesus to love our enemies, as found in the Sermon on the Mount. Christ died for his enemies, showing the deepest love, mercy, and compassion. We, too, are called to love our enemies and be examples of the true God and his power to transform his followers.
In this fourth part of a sermon series on the Gospel of John, Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at passages about Jesus cleansing the temple, including John 2:13 and following. Christ is consumed with zeal for his house. God doesn't want his house to be a place of consumerism—focused all on ourselves. He wants to remove things that clutter and distract us from walking in holiness. As he empties us, he wants to fill us with more zeal for him and his kingdom purposes.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this sermon preached June 21, 1996, David Wilkerson encourages us to have patience and wait on the Lord. Hebrews 10:36 says, "For ye have need of patience" (KJV). God's timing is perfect, so what we see as a delay is not a delay, but it means we must trust in the Lord and have patience. The devil tries to convince us it is our fault, but the Hebrews had genuine faith. What they needed was endurance and patience to remain steadfast in their faith.
Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at John 2, where Jesus turns water into wine. There is a physical miracle, but it also has spiritual implications. Wine, or the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, can run dry in our life. We must continually be filled afresh. And as God pours into us, we are meant to pour out our lives for others.
Preached October 7, 2007, David Wilkerson teaches from 1 Samuel 30, drawing contemporary insights based on David's encounter with the Amalekites. Some are called to serve on the front lines of battle, like missionaries (combatants), while others stay behind and stand in the gap (congregants). Both are important roles in calling, but in both cases serving in God's love is key.
When Jesus began calling the first disciples, he asked them, "What are you seeking?" Preaching on John 1:29-51, Gary Wilkerson explores what Jesus meant when he said, "Come and you will see." When we encounter Jesus we see one who is greater than us and one who truly knows us. Through him, our lives can touch others and start a movement of God.
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them" (Matthew 5:17, ESV). Preaching on this passage and more, Pastor Joshua West teaches on God's moral perfection in the Old Testament law and how Jesus fulfilled it completely. The moral law, civil law, and ceremonial law all point to the power, redemption, and grace found in Christ.
Who is "The Real Jesus?" Gary Wilkerson preaches from the Gospel of John, showing that too often we have a distorted view of Christ rather than the accurate one we find in the Bible. It is vital that we have a true image of Jesus, and also receive him in fullness. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there is anything that is robbing you of the fullness and glory of Christ.
"The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God" (Romans 8:16, NKJV). Preaching from this passage in a message given October 29, 1996, David Wilkerson asks, "What does it mean to be a child of God?" Not only are we God's children, but we are also "heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:17).
Several times in 1 Corinthians, Paul asks the church, "Do you not know...?" What you know about God and who you are in Christ will greatly affect your life and how you treat others. It goes beyond head knowledge and must be heart revelation. You are a saint with weapons of righteousness in your left and right hands. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. You are God's beloved child with whom he is well pleased.
Preached on August 18, 1996, this David Wilkerson sermon explores questions about satisfaction and how the world looks for it in money, success, and earthly relationships. This is false hope, as true and meaningful satisfaction can only be found through the Lord in Jesus Christ, not in silver or gold or a penthouse apartment.
We live in a generation that has more money, entertainment, modern conveniences and medical advances than ever before. Yet, we are one of the most depressed, unhappy and bored generations of all time. Many Christians have an incorrect belief that we are not meant to be happy. Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at many Bible passages that demonstrate that God does indeed want his people to be happy.
What does it mean to be "the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world"? Preaching from Matthew 5, Pastor Joshua West answers these important questions, showing how Christ's light must shine through us as a testimony to those in darkness. Our acts of service are the fruits of who we are in Jesus. Works don't earn us salvation, but they are evidence to others of the salt, light, and power of the gospel.
The Bible warns us that we will face tough times, but it also promises that we will have power to say, "Peace be still!" when storms come. Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at the life of Elijah to show us how we can walk in this divine authority that God promises. As the days grow darker, it will become increasingly important that we have powerful words directly from the Lord, rather than living off the echoes of words he has spoken to others.
In this message preached January 18, 2009, David Wilkerson explores Habakkuk and how the church can respond when God chooses to chasten a nation. We need a proper Holy Ghost view, not our own zeal. The church must begin to plead to God to obtain mercy and grace. God judges sin in mercy and in his loving kindness will send forth his Spirit to renew the face of the earth. In these times of calamity, God is at work and the church of Jesus Christ shall prevail!
Do you have a friend who seems to always get unprecedented "upgrades"—on flights, at events, in lines? Do they seem to have more of God's favor and blessing? Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at people in the Bible who received unprecedented blessings from God. They all said "yes" and "amen" to the promises of God and were not afraid to boldly ask him for the desires of their heart.
In this sermon preached April 26, 2009 at Times Square Church, Pastor David Wilkerson draws from Romans 8 and other passages to show the importance of faith. Being fully persuaded allows us to trust God even when there is no evidence of our prayers being answered, because we know and believe the Lord and his Word. It is time for the Church to rise up and pray in the power of the Holy Spirit.
When things don't go how you expect, it is easy to become cynical. Hope and faith can quickly turn to doubt and negativity. Pastor Gary Wilkerson looks at the biblical story of Elijah and the widow, a woman who had every reason to be cynical, yet she chose to believe God. Through her faith she sees his amazing blessing. Moses and the people of Israel, too, could have given in to cynicism, but through their faith they see miraculous deliverance.
Pastor Joshua West explains the core of the beginning of the Sermon of the Mount, as found in Matthew 5:1-12. The Beatitudes begin with the words, "Blessed are..." These words describe the attributes of those who will inherit God's kingdom through Jesus, the fulfillment of the Old Testament law.
Drawing practical insights from Psalm 45, Gary Wilkerson explains the power of a kingdom family. This is a family serving God's purposes, seeking him, praising him, and pursuing truth, humility, and meekness. As our Father, the Lord delights in us, his children. Similarly, we can guide our families so they will thrive in righteousness.
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