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Tai lietuviškų audioknygų platformos Audioteka rengiama rubrika, kurioje žurnalistė Jurga Šeduikytė netikėtu kampu kalbina knygų autorius, aktorius, įgarsintojus ir kitus kūrėjus. Tai – neformalūs pokalbiai, nevengiant gilių temų, atskleidžiant asmeniškas kūrybos paslaptis ir primenant, kaip svarbu žaisti gyvenimą.
If you’re an aspiring author and want insights into what’s involved in launching a book into the world, this is the podcast for you. Maggie Smith, author and blogger, interviews debut novelists from the Women’s Fiction Writers Association discussing not only the inspiration behind their book, but also their insights into the writing process, the best advice they ever got, and the joys and sometimes pitfalls they encountered on their path to publication.
Neretai mažieji Lietuvos leidėjai ne tik skaito ir leidžia knygas, bet ant jų miega, su jomis gyvena, o kartais net jas valgo... Didžiajame popierinių knygų vandenyne jie plaukioja po vieną ar kelis, nes yra maži. Nors sudėjus į krūvą didesni nepasidaro, bet trumpam susitikę mielai dalinasi savo džiaugsmais ir negandomis.
Разговоры, из которых складывается жизнь. В шестом, последнем сезоне мы ищем ее смысл. Ведущий – не научный и не популярный Антон.
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Мы Дима и Вика. Пара, которая возбуждается... от разговоров, работы и всего сексуального. В нашем подкасте самые "аккуратные" темы прозвучат сильно откровенно. На двоих три развода, одно предложение и отношения, которые всегда приводили не туда.
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Join these Denver mfs for outrageous stories, terrible life advice and tangents that will leave you laughing (or cringing). Consider it toxic yet educational, with a sprinkle of righteousness!
We're funnier then Joe Rogan, Theo Von, Brilliant Idiots, ShxtsNGigs and Crash Dummies combined (no shade). New episodes every Wednesday. -
Park Date is a brand new comedy podcast presented by Christopher Beanland.
Each episode features original comedy plus an interview with a special guest in a city park around the world.
Sometimes serious, mostly silly. Pack a picnic blanket.
Hello you! If you love Park Date why not join us and get even more from the podcast? We will release the family member of yours (or pet) we are currently holding hostage and you also get to experience a range of benefits. But mainly you get to support us and help make Park Date sound even funnier.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Aemilia Lanyer's 1611 poem is far more than a retelling of The Passion. It comprises a spirited defense of Eve (and, by extension, all women), elegant praises for her female patrons, a catalogue of virtuous women of the ancient world, and closes with the first "country house" poem written by a woman in English. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)