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Welcome to Adult Bedtime Stories – Are you ready to experience Nocturnal Emissions. Join us in a Sex-Positive Awakening adventure to help create a sex-positive world. Become part of a movement and start living a sex-positive lifestyle free of sexual shame and guilt. Adult Bedtime Stories is A Raven’s Lair Production. Adult Bedtime Stories is a show dedicated to bringing sacredness back to our sexuality and to learn about everything sexual. Allow the beautiful sexy creature within you to emerge. Each week the focus of the show will be on different sexual topics designed to enlighten you so you develop more fully as a sexual being. This is the sex education that you didn’t receive in high school, but should have. Imagine for a moment that we could change the world and live a sex-positive lifestyle. In our sex-negative world the process of socialization teaches us to feel shame and guilt around sex. By adopting a new set of attitudes and values around sex, we can view sex with a new understanding which is accompanied with positive emotions and the attitude that sex is a sacred act.
Light-hearted conversation about language change, debates, and differences, as well as new words, old sayings, slang, family expressions, word histories, etymology, linguistics, regional dialects, word games, grammar, books, literature, writing, and more. Listeners of all backgrounds can join author/journalist Martha Barnette and linguist/lexicographer Grant Barrett on the show with their language thoughts, questions, and stories: or [email protected]. Call toll-free 24/7 in the U.S. and Canada at 1 (877) 929-9673. Call worldwide: +1 619 800 4443. All past shows are free:
没有一种放之四海皆准的教育方法,也不用只是焦虑地关注幼教的具体诀窍,有时,抬起头,静下心,靠近一些不那么实用的东西,低头,你会感觉可以和孩子靠得更近。关注节目微信:爸妈行不行 《爸妈行不行》--中国互联网首档幼儿情感和心智管理互动脱口秀。由家有4岁萌娃,横跨唱片、媒体、医疗营销、文化金融各个领域的奶爸Chris和游历欧美、来自台湾、在两岸执教长达20年(曾任宋庆龄国际幼儿园院长,现在多所大学和幼教机构授课)的幼儿情绪与心智管理专家“园长妈妈”Frances联合出品。希望为全天下想要培养高情商、健全心智和人格的宝宝的父母,提供点滴心得和经验,愿景是提供500个常见育儿场景下幼儿情商和心智管理的问题解决方案。每集集中针对一个育儿中的场景进行分享和案例剖析,提供行之有效的解决方案。周播节目,每周六上线