Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Argentinië – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Creator of Lyndsey James interviews inspiring founders of artisan businesses in this brand new podcast.

    For more founder stories head to

    Discover artisan products at

  • Una guía para que los Latinos inviertan con confianza y creen riqueza en el mercado de valores de los Estados Unidos. Envía tus comentarios y preguntas a [email protected]

  • Introducing Payback Time, the podcast for entrepreneurs looking to build and scale their startups. Gain access to actionable tips, proven strategies, and valuable data that can help you avoid mistakes, skyrocket sales, and optimize profits. Your business breakthrough may just be an episode away!

  • Una Abrazo que la pandemia puso en pausa se concreta en este podcast. Conversaciones, historias de vida, de genete como vos, que se cuentan a partir de 5 canciones seleccionadas por los y las invitadas.
    Uníte a la comunidad del abrazo, todos y todas tenemos una historia que contar.


    Todos los domingos a las 21hs (Arg) en vivo

  • Back & Forth is a candid chat about all things supply chain, freight forwarding, manufacturing and the roadblocks facing importers and exporters. It’s an educating experience for both newbies and stalwarts of logistics services.

  • Security Boulevard Chats is the companion podcast to Hosted by long time cyber insiders, Techstrong CEO Alan Shimel and Techstrong CTO and GM Mitch Ashley discuss cyber-related topics making tomorrows headlines.

  • Advice driven podcast focused on all things career related, including resume preparation, nailing an interview, climbing the corporate ladder and more.
    Weekly advice from deeply experienced leaders.

  • Brian D. Lerner is a renowned expert in immigration and nationality law, certified by the California State Bar. He has been practicing as a Long Beach immigration attorney since 1992 and founded the Law Offices of Brian D. Lerner, APC³. He passed a rigorous examination and met extensive experience requirements by the State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization³ in 2000. He is one of only 150 certified specialists in immigration and nationality law out of nearly 200,000 immigration attorneys³. He handles complex immigration matters, such as business visas, work permits, green cards, and nonimmigrant visas. He also has experience in deportation, citizenship, appeals, and all other immigration issues².

    Brian D. Lerner graduated from the University of Southern California with a B.S. Degree in Business Administration, with an emphasis on Computer Information Systems². He earned his Juris Doctorate degree from Southwestern University School of Law, where he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society². He is also a member of American Immigration Lawyers Association².

    He has argued petitions for review and direct appeals all over the U.S. and is admitted to the United States Supreme Court, the California Supreme Court and the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the 1st - 11th Circuits³. He uses technology to assist his immigration law practice, and can help clients across the United States and around the world. He offers video consultations via Skype and Facebook³. He also posts regularly on Facebook about immigration law, with almost 100,000 likes from followers worldwide who benefit from his immigration posts³. He has nearly 1,000,000 views of his popular 'Coffee Talk' videos on immigration law, with almost 550 videos³. You can also read his current blog on immigration law with hundreds of posts at brian-d-lerner-blog.com³.

  • Вечерний подкаст про маркетинг для широкой аудитории. Мы рассказываем просто о сложном и дискутируем на тему почему маркетинг это про каждого, почему он важен в повседневной жизни и почему он влияет на нас и все вокруг. Помимо этого рассуждаем о рекламе, медиа и темах, которые нам интересны вообще. Ваши Ведущие Дмитрий и Артем.

  • Welcome aboard Trucking Tomorrow, your go-to podcast for exploring and understanding the future of trucking from a carrier’s perspective.

    In each episode, we sit down with industry veterans to discuss what it takes to grow your trucking company in today’s world.

    From cutting-edge integrations to making dispatch operations a breeze, Trucking Tomorrow delivers the insights you need to stay on top of tomorrow’s trucking solutions. Get ready to ride shotgun with us as we explore how today’s tech is paving the way for a smoother road ahead!

  • Segundas Nupcias es un programa de radio que se emite en vivo los viernes a las 18 por Radio Colmena.

    Conducen: Adrián Kaplan Krep y Betania Álvarez Aráoz.

  • Join Katherine Martin-Fisher as she speaks with Entrepreneurs who share their challenges, successes, and what helped them make their company into a business worth having while balancing the life that they truly enjoy.

  • ¡Bienvenida al podcast para sacar a la luz tu voz auténtica! Bajemos el ritmo juntas y escuchémonos #conpausasysinprisas Un podcast profundo, reflexivo e íntimo. Emprendimiento, hábitos, comunicación consciente y vida lenta para y con mujeres que redefinen el sentido del éxito y del disfrute por sí mismas.

    Más información en o en Instagram @byluzlujan

  • Para conectar conmigo y participar de mis eventos e inventos, visita
    ¡Quiero conectar contigo!

  • "Schlichte Fichte" - der Podcast, der Business und Marketing auf den Punkt bringt! Anna und Mandy laden Unternehmer und Gründer ein, sich auf eine Reise der Fokussierung, Simplifizierung und pragmatischen Herangehensweise zu begeben. In Interviews, Diskussionen und sprudelnden Ideensessions beleuchten wir Themen wie Marketing, Business-Strategie und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung im Kontext des unternehmerischen Erfolgs. Aber hier geht es nicht nur um Zahlen und Konzepte - wir bringen alles in unseren einzigartigen Schlichte-Fichte-Kontext, der den Spaß am Business neu definiert!

  • ¿Queres tener una presencia online adecuada y una estrategia de comunicación diferenciadora? Bienvenidos a Creando Identidad, un canal exclusivo de marketing en salud. Te voy a brindar tips para manejar tus redes sociales y tu marca en las plataformas digitales.
    Mi nombre es Mayra Reynoso, soy comunicadora social, me apasiona la comunicación en salud y creo contenidos que le aporten valor a tu empresa a través de estrategias de comunicación y marketing.

  • Get ready to rev up your life with the thrilling Ride Boundless podcast, where your host, Robert Valderrama, takes you on a wild journey into the heart of adventure, freedom, and living life without limits! 🚀✨ Ranked in the top 5% of the most shared podcasts globally, Ride Boundless is your ticket to a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

    Dive deep into exhilarating conversations with a diverse lineup of guests - from celebrities to entrepreneurs, artists to comedians, and trailblazers from every corner of the globe. Together, they peel back the layers of adventure travel, personal development, and the sheer exhilaration of leading a life that knows no bounds.

    Whether you're seeking inspiration, entertainment, or just a spark to ignite your own adventures, each episode is a treasure trove of stories, lessons, and insights. These aren't just chats; they're your roadmap to a life brimming with adventure, creativity, and relentless pursuit of growth.

    So, are you ready to break free and explore the endless possibilities that life has to offer? Join Roberto and the boundless community today, and start crafting your own extraordinary journey. Tune into Ride Boundless and let the adventure begin! 🌍🏍️💨

  • Cada semana Lola Moreno y Rafael Almansa, te ofrecemos un espacio donde el emprendimiento se combina con el desarrollo personal, estrategias de marketing, productividad y bienestar integral.Exploramos temas que van más allá del simple acto de emprender. Hablamos de emprendimiento consciente, proporcionándote herramientas y conocimientos para que tu negocio no solo sea exitoso, sino también alineado con tus valores y principios. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte a construir un proyecto que tenga un impacto positivo en tu vida y en tus clientes.Además, te brindamos estrategias de marketing efectivas y prácticas de productividad para que optimices tu tiempo y recursos. También consideramos fundamental el bienestar y la salud, porque sabemos que un emprendedor en equilibrio es un emprendedor más pleno y eficaz.Realizamos entrevistas a referentes del sector que comparten su experiencia y conocimientos, ofreciéndote una visión práctica y profunda del mundo del emprendimiento consciente.Únete a nuestra comunidad Emprendedores Con Sentido y descubre cómo puedes llevar tu emprendimiento al siguiente nivel, con sentido y propósito: si quieres crear un proyecto emprendedor del que vivir plenamente, descubre aquí cual son las 4 claves para vivir plenamente como emprendedor consciente:

  • The School of Thought is an online space for marketers and advertising talent to grow what they know and fill in the gaps of what they don’t.
    It brings together logic and creativity, information and imagination, basic principles and big ideas.
    It’s the go-to platform for individuals who want to get better at what they do by gaining access to curated articles, learning tools, insider tips, professional training and community sharing.