Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Oostenrijk – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Helpful insights for parents, students, and families about how to address issues that may hit Close to Home. Podcasts hosted by York County All On Board Coalition's Executive Director, Ashli Watts.

  • Wie kann die Finanzwelt nachhaltiger werden? Welche Rolle spielen ESG-Kriterien, Impact Investing und Green Finance? In diesem Podcast erkunden wir, wie nachhaltige Finanzstrategien die Wirtschaft transformieren – von der individuellen Geldanlage bis zu globalen politischen Rahmenbedingungen. Der Sustainable Fineance Club bringt euch spannende Insights, Expertengespräche und praxisnahe Beispiele aus der Welt der Sustainable Finance.

  • Violence and Rape Prevention Educators in Eastern North Carolina discuss topics such as dating violence, gender norms, sexual, and physical abuse. This podcast will contain heavy, emotionally charged conversations, but you are not alone. If you, or someone you know is experiencing violence, call the National Crisis Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. If you are in North Carolina call the Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline at (252)635-7096. Welcome to a place where survivors of violence have a voice. Reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions or topics you would like to hear.

  • Herzlich willkommen beim ultimativen Hochzeits-Podcast!

    Wir sind ein kreatives Team aus Hochzeitsplanerin, Fotograf:innen und Videograf:innen und geben euch einen exklusiven Blick hinter die Kulissen der Hochzeitswelt.

    In unserem Podcast plaudern wir nicht nur über die neuesten Trends, sondern teilen auch lustige Geschichten, hilfreiche Tipps und jede Menge Anekdoten aus unserem Arbeitsalltag.

    Egal, ob ihr in den Hochzeitsvorbereitungen steckt oder einfach die schönen Seiten des Lebens liebt – bei uns gibt’s jede Menge Unterhaltung, Inspiration und vor allem ganz viel Humor!

  • Fast becoming your FAVOURITE product based business podcast. Listen to interviews with some of the UK’s most innovative entrepreneurs. Learn how they got their product business off the ground & how they have scaled. Hear how they have navigated challenges & maximised opportunities. Learn from the best, take inspiration & information and apply it to your only business journey.

  • Two women, unfiltered insights into business and life, that we swear by, plus the occasional F-bomb.

    Hosted by Audrina Blackburn and Sydney de Arenas Sherman, female founders and passionate business mentors, Swearing By It brings you into the unfiltered conversation of what it really takes to build a business while balancing the demands of family life.

    Expect raw, insightful conversations from two accomplished entrepreneurs who know exactly what you’re going through—and can confidently say, “No one has it all figured out.” From tough lessons and big wins to the WTF moments in between, we share real experiences, professional guidance, and the kind of advice we swear by—because it doesn’t just sound good, it actually works.

    Whether you're launching, scaling, or just trying to find sanity in the madness, this podcast is your go-to for real talk, practical strategies, and the motivation to keep going.

    If you’re looking for a space where you can feel seen, supported, and pushed to achieve more—welcome. We’re in this together. Subscribe to stay up to date, we release new episodes every week.

  • AJ is a serial entrepreneur and passionate student of startups.

    After a decade of spending countless hours and money building companies, most of which failed, he went back to basics and surrounded himself with entrepreneurs decades further ahead of him.

    He ran a deeply connected community of 400 entrepreneurs in the UK and realised how little he knew about the art and science of company building.

    At this intersection of relationships and company building is where AJ has found the key to success.

    If we don't understand people, we don't understand business.

    But people are hard to understand....

    Which is why this show exists!

    The AJ Connection is a deep dive intro how the best entrepreneurs alive build and manage the relationships that lead to startup success.

  • Museo Orotoki nace en una de las muchas conversaciones que hemos tenido imaginando el universo alrededor de Orotoki.

    Somos fieles creyentes que las marcas de moda deberían ser mucho más que una comunidad. La innovación, el arte y la creatividad son pilares básicos de nuestra marca.

    Recuerda, crear una marca puede ser sencillo, pero construir una marca es otro juego.

    ¡Bienvenidos al Museo Orotoki!

  • Make money online - Christian business, marketing + sales podcast is for Christian coaches/course creators, Christian moms, wahm & women entrepreneurs wanting to build, launch + scale their holy-spirit led, Biblical callings into $10-50k+ monthly 7-figure online businesses + funnels. Join Ashley June, $1 Million Online Biz Owner + Homeschool Mom, Ex-Photographer, MBA + for sales, funnels, digital marketing, + training for Christian coaches who want Biblical truth & strategy to create income, family wealth + legacy. Group Coaching: Website:

  • ”Let’s Talk About Tech” is a podcast presented by Venionaire Capital, a distinguished private equity and venture capital company. This engaging podcast brings together thought leaders, industry experts, and innovators to explore prominent topics at the intersection of technology and business. Delving into the ever-evolving landscape of the tech sector, the show covers a wide range of subjects, including Web3, Crypto, RegTech, HealthTech, FinTech, 3D-Mobility, Entrepreneurship, PE/VC Investments, and more.

  • Der Podcast für die Zukunft der Steuerberatung.

    In einer Welt, in der sich Technologie und Vorschriften ständig weiterentwickeln, steht die Steuerberatung vor der Herausforderung, nicht nur Schritt zu halten, sondern auch die Trends anzuführen. Wir sprechen mit modernen Steuerberatern, innovativen Tax-Tech Anbietern und Vordenkern aus angrenzenden Bereichen und teilen Erkenntnisse und Strategien, die notwendig sind, um eine Kanzlei zukunftsfähig zu gestalten und an der Spitze des Marktes zu positionieren.

  • Du brauchst einen Wachmacher? Manuel Matousek und Alexander Zach servieren dir echte Unternehmer-Insights. Keine Theorien, keine Floskeln – sondern pures Business-Koffein für Selbstständige, Gründer und alle, die mit klarem Kopf durchstarten wollen. Hier gibt’s unser Wissen unplugged - aus der Praxis und in 30 Minuten auf den Punkt gebracht.

  • Follow us along as we explore the many opportunities we have as CEOs, team leaders, consultants and coaches to drive growth in the people we work with.

  • Conversations between Change Agents on climate justice, social entrepreneurship, and collective well-being.

    Welcome to the Social Regeneration Podcast!

    My name is Pia Hillebrecht and I will be your host while we explore together with fellow Change Agents how we can ensure a thriving future for all living beings on this planet.

    This Podcast talks about Climate Justice, Social Entrepreneurship, Regenerative Business Models, and the skills and mindsets we need to foster as Change Agents to bring a new paradigm into the world.

    Listen to personal stories from purpose-driven professionals about the work that they do and the spirit they embody, how they got to the missions they are on, and what visions they are working towards.
    By diving deep into different practices from various impact fields, we are exploring together, what Social Regeneration is or could be - and how you can find your way to contribute.

    How would a thriving global society look and feel? - and how can we get there?
    Who is already working on solutions and what can we learn from them?
    How can we ensure individual and collective well-being in our local communities?
    What examples and best practices already exist?

    Welcome to the community of Change Agents who are working on a new paradigm. 💕

    This is your space to recharge, connect, and empower each other to take meaningful action for a healthy planet and people.

    🤗 If you are a Change Agent or aspiring sustainability professional and regenerative practitioner, feel very invited to FOLLOW this Podcast!

    📅 NEW EPISODE release each Thursday 6am CET!

    ⏰ Enable automatic Downloads to not miss the next impact story

    #SocialRegeneration #ChangeAgents #RegenerativeFuture #ClimateJustice #ImpactEntrepreneurship #SustainableBusiness #NewParadigm #PurposeDriven #RegenerativeEconomy #FutureOfWork

  • In this limited edition podcast series you’ll learn how to build a highly profitable and scalable group membership program business with the Million Dollar Memberships podcast series. Paige Vandy - host of the parent podcast, Unemployed: Entrepreneurship, Self Improvement, Spirituality - reveals the exact blueprint for converting your 1:1 service into a scalable membership model that generates predictable monthly recurring revenue.

    In this exclusive 9-part series, discover proven strategies for:

    -Creating and launching a high-ticket membership program
    -Automating member acquisition and retention
    -Scaling your online membership community
    -Building passive income streams through memberships
    -Growing recurring revenue without burnout
    -Transitioning from 1 on 1 service provider to membership owner

    Perfect for coaches, consultants, service providers, and online entrepreneurs ready to escape the client-chase cycle and build sustainable recurring revenue. Learn the exact systems used to build and scale successful membership businesses to the million dollar membership club!

    Be sure to subscribe and follow the show!

  • Wann, wenn nicht jetzt?

    Du suchst nach jemandem, der Dir neutral einen Überblick bei Versicherungen bzw. Finanzen bietet?
    Du möchtest einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von einem Unternehmen?
    Du willst vorbereitet sein, bevor Dich ein Finanzhai angreift?

    Dann bist Du hier richtig!

    Dieser Podcast soll Dir helfen, Risiken zu verstehen um bessere Entscheidungen treffen zu können.
    Sind wir ehrlich: Die Schule hat das verbockt!

    Freue Dich auf Geschichten vom Alltag, Expertenwissen, Unternehmertum und vieles mehr.

    Fragen und Feedback jederzeit erwünscht!
    Du findest mich auch auf den Sozialen Medien.

    Viel Spaß beim Anhören!
    Dein Stefan

  • Was bewegt aktuell die Marketingwelt und welche Tipps und Tricks können Tim Otte und Arne Bosse, beide Managing Partner der Boutique-Marketingberatung Bosse & Partner, mitgeben? Hier findest Du die Podcast-Variante der Artikel aus unserem Blog auf

  • Der kompakte Podcast mit klaren Takeaways zu einem der spannendsten Themen unserer Zeit:
    Wie innoviere und etabliere ich in meinem Unternehmen E-Mobilität zukunftsorientiert?

    WATTgoesON liefert Ihnen die Antworten, Tipps und Denkanstöße sowie Best Practice Beispiele.
    Im Fokus stehen dabei praxisorientierte Takeaways, direkt von den umsetzenden Managern und Unternehmer:innen.

    Moderation: Kathrin Hanzl
    Medieninhaber: Verbund Energy4Business GmbH

  • Innovationen, Trends, Insights. Im Podcast von Business Upper Austria geben Branchenkennerinnen und -kenner exklusive Einblicke.