Technologie – Brazilië – Nieuwe podcasts
A Calculadora de Horas Online é uma ferramenta intuitiva projetada para simplificar o cálculo de horas. Seja para determinar a duração entre dois eventos, calcular horas de trabalho ou converter formatos de tempo, nossa calculadora é a solução ideal. Com suporte para entradas de tempo em AM e PM, torna o gerenciamento de tempo mais acessível e prático. Perfeita para necessidades pessoais ou profissionais, esta ferramenta garante cálculos precisos de horas e minutos, ajudando você a gerenciar e planejar seu tempo de forma eficiente.
The ai powered podcast where we dive into healthcare technologies and companies so you don't have to. Each episodes unpacks a unique health-tech company, technology or issue.
Mutual Connections is a podcast dedicated to exploring the ways people across industries are using technology and AI to create meaningful change. Hosted by Shayan Mashatian, a seasoned entrepreneur and AI expert, the podcast delves into stories of innovation, resilience, and purpose with a focus on Trustworthy and Responsible AI.
Each episode brings in remarkable individuals—from tech visionaries to healthcare disruptors—who share their experiences, challenges, and insights on leveraging AI and technology to solve some of the world’s most complex problems. Together, Shayan and Akifa guide listeners through conversations that reveal the power of shared connections and shared goals, uncovering not only the "how" but the "why" behind impactful innovation.
Join us to be inspired, learn from thought leaders, and discover the web of Mutual Connections shaping our future.
About host:
Shayan Mashatian is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for leveraging technology and design for social innovation. His career began in the early days of the Internet, where he was instrumental in building the first ISPs and Internet nodes. Over the past two decades, he has navigated various information technology waves, including web applications, mobile apps, platforms, and AI. Shayan has founded six startups, three in AI, and has delivered over 50 projects and products in several countries, working across diverse cultures from the Middle East to Canada, the US, Africa, and Asia. In recent years, Shayan has focused on AI and machine learning to personalize experiences in various industries, including security, privacy, health, and education. He is researching and publishing about Trustworthy AI, especially in the domain of healthcare. Shayan excels at assembling high-performing teams to solve wicked problems. As his LinkedIn title suggests, he is a Chief Glue Officer who orchestrates brilliance by connecting witted minds.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
THE EXPERTS ARE LYING TO YOU! Tired of wasting time and money on marketing strategies that don’t deliver? Sick of being fed empty promises by so-called ”gurus” who couldn’t sell a drink in a desert? Want to use AI and the internet to increase sales without coming off sounding like a robot? Erik Shellenberger has written 4 books in the Restaurant & Bar Marketing series including his latest book - ”Restaurant & Bar Marketing IV: If I Could Give It Zero Stars, I Would” Through this no-nonsense approach, Shellenberger cuts through the BS with refreshing honesty and raw insight. Drawing from years of experience in the trenches of the hospitality industry, he reveals the hard truths about what really works when it comes to marketing your restaurant or bar in our modern online age.
Forget the fluff and filler—this approach is all killer content, delivered with a punch. Shellenberger’s entertaining style will keep you engaged from start to finish, while his practical advice will empower you to take control of your marketing efforts and drive real results.
Whether you’re a seasoned restaurateur or a newbie bartender, this book is your ticket to success in an industry where only the strong survive. Get ready to revolutionize your marketing game to be found first by hungry people and stay ahead of the competition. Don’t waste another minute on ineffective strategies that benefit no one except the guy selling them. Learn more about SEO for Restaurants at -
Com a missão de dar espaço e projetar mulheres falando sobre tecnologia, indústria e carreira, a série Engenhosas conta com nossas engenheiras e suas convidadas em um bate-papo descontraído sobre os desafios da inovação, como implementá-la na indústria e o papel da diversidade nesse contexto. O Engenhosas é feito por mulheres, mas é para todo mundo interessado em ouvir discussões interessantes sobre os temas mais atuais e relevantes da indústria.
Bem-vindo ao LowOpsCast!
O foco é além das inovações: é sobre pessoas, seus desafios, superações e como a tecnologia transforma vidas. Através de podcasts e conversas com especialistas na área, exploramos lições de vida que impactam o avanço tecnológico. Inscreva-se para descobrir como a tecnologia gera um futuro de maneira significativa e faça parte desta jornada inspiradora. Junte-se a nós e veja a tecnologia através das histórias que realmente importam.
Links úteis: -
CyberWall é um podcast de tecnologia produzido e idealizado por Wallace Moté e Jucyber. Aqui, você encontra muitas informações do mercado em forma de conversa descontraída. Episódio novo toda sexta-feira, sempre às 12h.
O 1º Podcast do Brasil a ser narrado 100% por uma inteligência artificial! Esse é um podcast semanal criado e narrado pela Inner AI, onde você encontrará um resumo das melhores e mais recentes notícias do mundo de inteligência artificial.
O Entre Chaves é um podcast da dti digital com o foco em desenvolvimento de software. Acompanhe também o nosso Instagram @entre.chaves
Welcome to The Coding Interview, your guide to mastering technical interviews in software engineering. Through friendly, conversational episodes, the hosts share expert tips, insights, and practical advice to help you succeed at top tech company interviews.
Whether you're refining your skills or preparing for your first interview, this 10-chapter series covers everything from the interview process and behavioral questions to data structures, algorithms, and system design.
Disclaimer: The hosts are AI-generated voices, and we prioritize transparency in our use of AI for content creation.
Bem-vindos ao Café com Anestesia - O Podcast do SMA!
Aqui no Café com Anestesia, mergulhamos no fascinante mundo da anestesia! De conversas envolventes a entrevistas com especialistas, explore os bastidores da anestesia enquanto desfruta de uma xícara da nossa bebida preferida.
A cada 15 dias, trazemos um tema interessante para discutirmos e compartilharmos conhecimento e novos aprendizados.
AI-driven conversations for curious minds.
Focusing exclusively on the technology within Gas Processing & LNG, 'Exploring Gas Processing & LNG Technologies' uncovers the innovative techniques and processes at the core of the industry. This podcast offers a deep dive into the technological advancements that enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability in gas and LNG production. Through expert interviews, case study analysis, and technology spotlights, we bring you the cutting-edge insights that are shaping the future of energy. Join us on this journey to explore the innovations fueling a more efficient and sustainable energy landscape.
"Smart Metals Podcast," hosted by Luke van Enkhuizen and Denis Gontcharov, offers a clear and practical look into the metals industry's journey through digital transformation, Industry 4.0, and the integration of the Unified Namespace. Listeners can expect in-depth discussions that break down these complex topics into understandable segments, actionable insights, and real-world applications. Luke and Denis bring their expertise to the table, guiding you through the evolving digital landscape with advice on leveraging technology for streamlined operations. Each episode aims to empower metal industry professionals with the knowledge needed to confidently adopt digital innovations and understand the impact of the Unified Namespace in creating a more connected and efficient production environment. Join us to navigate the future of the metals industry with clarity and confidence.
Coluna semanal com o especialista Fernando Melo, que apresenta, de forma clara e objetiva, as novidades e tendências do mercado; as múltiplas possibilidades de aplicação; e os desafios relacionados ao universo da inteligência artificial.
Disponível sempre às quintas-feiras.
Apresentação: Fernando Melo
Me chamo Elder Moraes e ajudo devs Java a construírem o perfil backend que o mercado procura. Sou um Java Champion, autor de seis livros e também membro da diretoria do SouJava, um dos maiores JUGs do mundo.
Nesse podcast eu junto toda essa vivência e experiência para criar o meu melhor conteúdo gratuito para você! -
Energy powers our homes, our cars, and our lives. But the kinds of energy we use—and the ways we use it—are rapidly changing our climate. We need new and clean energy, now. MIT Energy Initiative hosts Rob Stoner and Kara Miller talk with energy experts about the science, technology, and policies that can transform our energy systems and give us a more sustainable future. Hear from those testing new ideas and working on breakthroughs in labs, industry, and government—the ones who aren’t afraid to ask, “What if it works?”
Hallo und einen schönen Guten Tag,danke das du, in meinem Podcast vorbeihörst.Er heißt TDP – The Dry Podcast, quasi "Der trockene Podcast".Mein Name ist Patrickund zum Zeitpunkt dieser Datei, bin ich 29 Jahre alt.Beruflich arbeite ich als Elektriker im Medienbereich.Ich beschäftige mich Hobbyseitig viel mit unterschiedlichen Nerd Themen und dazu arbeite ich viel mit Medien.Darunter meine ich, dass ich viele verschiedene Videos vorbereite, drehe & schneide.Auch dieser Podcast, wird paralell auf meinem YouTube Kanal "CrazyPatTV" hochgeladen.Aber auch Videos von meinem Kanal, die als Podcast funktionieren würden,werden hier hochgeladen.Ich möchte vielseitig, mit meinem Podcast sein,aber mich nicht auf ein Thema fixieren.Es wird hier um, wie gesagt Nerd Themen gehen,mit den ich mich befasse.Vorläufig wird es eine einseitige Unterhaltung werden.Wie und wann ich einen Co-Moderator oder Gäste haben werde,steht noch in den Sternen.Falls ihr im laufe einer Folge Kommentare, Anregungen oder Co. habt,bitte schreibt diese z.B. in die Kommentarfunktion der zugehörigen Folgeauf meinen YouTube Kanal. Oder schreibt es mir in andere Social Media Plattformen; Twitter, Facebook, ...Ich hoffe, dass ihr neugierig geworden seitund nun evt. meinen Podcast hören möchtet.Ich wünsche euch noch einen schönen Tagund danke fürs Zuhören.- Kontaktdaten -YouTube: unter dem Namen "crazypattv"oder
O podcast indispensável para quem quer se manter em dia com o que está acontecendo no universo da inteligência artificial. O IA Sob Controle traz notícias, dicas de ferramentas e discussões sobre as principais tendências do mundo da IA, além de entrevistas com profissionais e pessoas pesquisadoras que estão definindo o futuro da tecnologia mais promissora e empolgante das últimas décadas.
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