Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Canada – Nieuwe podcasts

  • There are people who climb the corporate ladder thinking is the only path to their career success. And there are those who realize the ladder is a myth, a series of broken promises, a rigged system where only a few rise and the rest are blocked or pushed down.

    Welcome to Ladderburners Unite, where we will explore how building relationships and helping others succeed is a better path to an engaging career. You'll hear from Burners who have traded bullshit and politics for impact and meaning. And we'll discuss what are the essential skills and techniques you'll need.

    Ladderburners. Unite!

  • The Multifamily Hangout is a interactive podcast connecting you with multifamily experts and fostering a thriving community of multifamily professionals.

  • Alfred Parker (AP) and Matt Loggins discuss Transportation Operations and Sales along with the challenges that our industry is currently facing.

    Together AP and Matt have over 20+ years of Transportation Operations and Sales experience across various modes including: Drayage, Heavy Equipment, Intermodal, and Tank.

  • Avoiding the Blind Spots can be one of the best strategic moves a business can make, but sometimes they’re inevitable. Welcome to the podcast that explores the Transportation & Logistics space, and how to make sure your company isn’t left behind picking up the pieces of missed opportunity or by being side swiped by something completely unexpected.

  • Leadership & Life Essentials with Jacquie, cuts through the noise and deliver concise, actionable insights on effective leadership. In a world overflowing with information, this show offers short, focused episodes packed with tangible advice and tools to help you lead and live better.

  • A survival-guide podcast for the new or first-time manager, having been promoted from technical specialist to leading people. Teaching you how to swim, so you don't sink!

  • Your weekly sales strategy guide that will rewire your sales brain to bust bad habits and crush your number. The way that companies train salespeople is broken. Host Kelly Riggs discusses what ACTUALLY works in sales with leading experts in our industry.

    Forget what you think you know about sales. It's time to train hard and play to win.

    Kelly Riggs is an author, speaker, and business consultant for executives and companies throughout the United States and Canada. Widely recognized as a powerful speaker and performance coach in the areas of sales, management leadership, and strategic planning, Kelly is a former sales executive, a two-time national Salesperson-of-the-Year, a business owner, and a member of the Forbes’ Coaches Council since 2019.

    He has written two books: 1-on-1 Management: What Every Great Manager Knows That You Don’t and Quit Whining and Start SELLING! A Step-by-Step Guide to a Hall of Fame Career in Sales. 

    His third book is the award-winning Counter Mentor Leadership: How to Unlock the Potential of the 4-Generation Workplace, co-written with his Millennial son, Robby Riggs. It was selected as the 2019 Gold Medal winner in the leadership category by Axiom Business Books Awards. Note: No trophies were awarded during the writing of this book. For more information, visit

  • Industry leaders sharing inspiring experiences and stories about leadership.

  • Bienvenue à Style et Stratégie, votre rendez-vous hebdomadaire dédié à l'exploration de thèmes cruciaux dans le monde de la gestion d'entreprise, spécialement conçu pour les entrepreneurs, les propriétaires de salon de beauté et les passionnés de leadership et de développement professionnel. Marie-Ève Medza, fondatrice et copropriétaire de Mëdz Salon, vous partage son expérience et sa passion inépuisable pour l'entrepreneuriat et l'industrie des soins personnels.Chaque semaine, pendant environ 30 minutes, nous plongeons dans un éventail de sujets pertinents et actuels qui façonnent le paysage des affaires d'aujourd'hui. De la gestion efficace des personnalités difficiles en milieu de travail à la création de listes de prix stratégiques pour votre salon, Style et Stratégie vous offre des insights précieux et des stratégies pratiques pour naviguer dans le monde complexe de la gestion d'entreprise.Ces épisodes se concentrent sur la fourniture de conseils pratiques et de techniques éprouvées. Attendez-vous à des discussions approfondies sur des sujets comme la reconnaissance des employés, les finances, la gestion des employés, l'expérience client, le marketing, la culture d'entreprise ou encore les meilleures pratiques pour établir un environnement de travail sain.À l'occasion, nous ouvrirons le micro à nos auditeurs. Ces épisodes de Q&R sont une opportunité pour vous de poser vos questions les plus pressantes et d'obtenir des réponses directes et éclairées.De temps à autre, nous inviterons des experts du domaine, des entrepreneurs à succès et des penseurs innovants pour partager leurs expériences, leurs échecs et leurs succès. Ces interviews offrent une perspective unique sur les défis et les Que vous soyez un propriétaire de salon chevronné, un nouvel entrepreneur ou simplement intéressé par les dynamiques de la gestion et du leadership moderne, Style et Stratégie est conçu pour enrichir vos connaissances et stimuler votre croissance professionnelle.Abonnez-vous et rejoignez-nous chaque semaine pour un nouvel épisode de Style et Stratégie. Ensemble, transformons les défis en opportunités et cultivons l'excellence dans le monde de la beauté.Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Bienvenue au balados "Entre Génies", Un podcast qui met en lumière les brillantes réalisations, les recherches innovantes et les carrières inspirantes des professeurs et ingénieurs diplômés de l'Université Laval à Québec.À chaque épisode, nous plongeons dans le monde passionnant du génie en explorant les projets de pointe et les innovations de nos professeurs. Vous découvrirez comment ils repoussent les limites de la science et de la technologie pour résoudre des problèmes complexes.Nous vous présenteront aussi le parcours inspirant d'anciens étudiants et leur transition dans le monde professionnel. Restez à l'écoute pour en apprendre davantage sur "Entre Génies".

  • Welcome to The Aesthetician Coach podcast where every week we chat about all things related to the business of being an aesthetician. Hosted by Amber Boone, a licensed aesthetician with over 10 years of experience in the beauty industry. Amber has successfully transitioned from a 6-figure aesthetician to her current role as Business Development Manager and Aesthetician Coach.

    This podcast is to help aestheticians learn how to run a successful business on their terms. We will dive into ways to increase spa revenue, gain new clients and learn marketing and social media strategies to grow your aesthetician business. Tune in each week for expert advice to help you take your aesthetician business to the next level.

  • The Doula Darcy is a Business Coach for Doulas who LOVEs helping doulas master the art of marketing so that they can grow their businesses and help more families. On the podcast, Darcy combines her decade of experience in advertising with 14 years as a doula to empower other doulas with the marketing strategies and mindset shifts they need to attract more clients and create successful, fulfilling doula careers. Whether you're just starting out as a doula or looking to take your doula business to the next level, you're in the right place!

  • For online businesses that need to remix their email marketing efforts, and finally build an email list that makes them money and feels good to do it.

  • Med Spa Marketing Group Chat is your insider's guide to the ever-evolving world of medical spa marketing. Join us as we dive deep into the strategies, tactics, and trends that can help your medical spa thrive in today's competitive landscape. Our experienced hosts—the marketing team behind Alpha Aesthetics Partners—share their insights, case studies, and real-world experiences, providing you with valuable tips and actionable advice to elevate your med spa's marketing game. Whether you're a seasoned industry professional or just starting in the field, this podcast is your go-to resource for staying ahead in the dynamic world of med spa marketing. Tune in, subscribe, and get ready to take your med spa's marketing efforts to the next level!

  • Above and Beyond Affiliate Marketing is about helping affiliate marketers/entrepreneurs discover their essential skills and to overcome barriers. Help them get their message out to the world. Understanding what affiliate marketing is and how to build a business around it. Plus amazing helpful hints, tips, and useful resources. Bonus content for our Podcast listeners and Special Interviews with other like minded individuals. Listen NOW and Don't hold back! Support this podcast:

  • David Oro and Paul Wilke bring you The Embargoed, the only podcast delivering the unvarnished truth about the madcap sector of public relations.

  • It’s time to cut the BS! Building a business isn’t easy.

    Chances are, you’re working 24/7 to grow your business so you can have the life of freedom and flexibility that you’ve always dreamed of, but you’re tired, stressed, and have even considered going back to your 9-5.

    It’s time to STOP doing all of the things, get strategic, and PROMOTE YOURSELF to CEO!

    On The Motivated CEO Podcast, your host, Amy Traugh, a business strategist and bestselling author, will guide you through actionable steps to help you shatter your sales plateaus so that you can make the MONEY you want and create more IMPACT!

    It’s time to get out of your own way and get strategic to grow your business! 

    If you’re ready to promote yourself to CEO, then let’s go!

  • Welcome to “The Get Socially Inclined Podcast", the podcast for small business owners who want to take their digital marketing to the next level! Our podcast is brought to you by none other than Socially Inclined, a woman-owned small business dedicated to providing effective and affordable digital marketing solutions since 2009.

    At Socially Inclined, we believe that social media marketing should be easy and accessible to all business owners, regardless of their size or budget. That's why we've spent years creating the best social media marketing shortcuts, products, and services in the industry. These solutions include Your Social Plan - a daily posting plan for better engagement, and Socially Suite - our one-of-a-kind social media management system!

    Our goal is to help you increase your online visibility, engage with your audience, and reach more clients than ever before, all without breaking the bank!

    In each episode, we'll be sharing expert tips, strategies, and insights to help you make the most of your online presence. From building a strong brand to creating engaging content, we'll cover everything you need to know to help your business succeed in the online world!

    So if you're ready to take your social media game to the next level, tune in to "Get Socially Inclined" and join the conversation with Socially Inclined!

  • A brain-hurricane where Josh and Runda discuss new ideas designed to go viral. We're probably telling you about the idea because we wish we could do it ourselves, but we don't have the time. We'll be sharing our insights from the ad industry, our networks, and regular research to share trends & opportunities focussed on virality.Also, we'll bring on some cool guests sometimes.