Overheid – China – Populaire podcasts
我现在是政治哲学博士候选人,在2所美国大学做政治哲学讲师。 -
Your Local Community Radio Station
89 7FM is your local community radio station in the northern coastal suburbs of Perth and we’re proud to be local!
We broadcast 24/7 to our service areas and provide a unique presence on the Perth radio dial. We also stream live online all over the world!
Don’t forget to find & like us on Facebook! -
The 2014 CTBT Public Policy course, held from 1 - 9 September 2014, comprised of online e-learning modules and a weeklong live lecture seminar style course. Topics included: The CTBT, Norm Evolution and International Law; Future of Disarmament and Arms Control: Verification, CTBT and Beyond; Challenges of Achieving Entry into Force; Lessons from the Past: Consequences of Nuclear Testing; Technical and Political Drivers of Nuclear Testing; and more…
A discussion featuring Objectivists from the peoples republic of Minnesota.
Welcome to GotUrSix TV. Our show is an extension of our core mission: to enhance the lives of our active duty, Veterans, Military Spouses, Reservists and their families. There are so many interesting people doing great things for those that have served our country, we wanted to highlight their efforts.
Our series will interview current duty, Veterans, Military Spouses, Vetpreneurs, companies with Military/Veteran programs and many others that are helping make lives better for those making the sacrifice to protect our liberties.
GotUrSix TV’s Host, Keith Trippie, is the son of Air Force Veterans and joined the Department of Homeland Security in response to 9/11.
We hope you enjoy GotUrSix TV! -
方濟會思高讀經推廣中心首頁https://www.ccreadbible.org/ -
The Disability Policy Podcast
A case which the Court dismissed regarding whether or not the three-year statute of limitations set forth in the Securities Act of 1933 is suspended when a class-action lawsuit is filed.
全部内容资源 Q : 793541188
《官道无疆》听众交流群:316188793 欢迎交流。 自信人生二百年,会当击水三千里! 当改革开放的时代大潮来袭,陆为民该如何重掌这人生际遇? 从毕业分配失意到自信人生的崛起,诡谲起伏的人生,沉浮跌宕的官场,一步一个脚印,抓住每一个机会,大道无形,行者无疆,漫漫官道,唯有胸怀天地,志存高远,方能直抵彼岸。 官场经典之作。
Join us as we talk about issues that affect our service members
Podcasts and event recordings from the New York City Bar Association
Chaque jour, une personnalité alsacienne est invitée à nous donner son point de vue, son coup de gueule sur l'actualité du moment.
打赏主播,开宝箱,得到无数武功秘籍、修仙功法,万千世界的珍宝,一路高歌猛进。 以武悟道,杀上九重天。有钱任性,包治百病。 本书的世界观很大,千万别当做都市文来看。 爆笑爽文,一路飞起!
On FaithFactor Impact, Jessie Everline interviews today’s top thought leaders in the nonprofit and social sector. From the nonprofit community leader to the social intreprenuer, this is where you get timely inspiration, valuable content, ideas you can implement and connections that will keep you going. Each podcast episode features a successful thought leader who shares their story, some best practices, and their approach for cultivating strategic partnerships. Ultimately we gain insight into what drives these high impact leaders. What's their FaithFactor, their why, to make a difference!
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