Onderwijs – Tsjechië – Nieuwe podcasts
Exploring the science of awe and how a little wonder can make a big difference.
Manfaat genetika kedokteran
Evitar contagios de enfermedades infecto-contagiosas en la práctica dental
Différents podcast
Un programa de Anacafé al servicio de la caficultura.
They say if you can’t explain it to a 5 year old, you don’t know it well enough. So, I’m pretending everyone in the world is 5 years old and teaching them medicine.
Hi my name Dulce and i am going to explain the expression of used to and didn't use to. Here we go with the expression of used to. 1: I used to go summing pool 2:We used to go an restaurant 3:We used to eat shrimps 4: I used to go to the supermarket. 5:I used to ride a bike, but I don't any more. Here we go with the expression of didn't use to. 1:I didn't use to drink coffee. 2:I didn't use to wear a jacket 3:I didn't use to be worried about the environment, but I am now. 4:I didn't use to know how to use a computer, but I do now. 5:I don't use to eat meal. Thank you for your time.
První český jógový podcast do uší. Pusť si naše audio a nech se unášet rytmem svého dechu, bez rušivých elementů videa. Jógové flow si můžeš upravovat podle svých přání a predispozic. Můj hlas slouží jako taková inspirace, jak se můžeš kdykoliv během dne protáhnout, a pomůže ti nasměrovat pozornost na dech a do svého těla. Namaste.
Yoga class audio, gentle therapeutic yoga
Daily, 5-minute audios to start your day with something uplifting and inspirational.
Quick and easy tips to help you be a better band teacher.
Každý týden sdílíme naše zkušenosti a know-how z praxe realitních advokátů. Pro realitní makléře, investory i jiné profesionály z realit.
Propereme to – Podcast, který hýbe světem a vašimi životy!
Peti & Jess se nebojí otevřít témata, která mají na srdci, na duši i na jazyku. Autenticky, upřímně a s dávkou humoru properou své životy i aktuální dění. Někdy s inspirativními hosty, jindy jen spolu – od ekologie a praní až po vztahy a nejnovější trendy. Každý týden nová epizoda plná příběhů, inspirace a zábavy. Přidejte se k nám a propereme to společně! -
There comes a moment when you just know..
You’re done shrinking.
Done waiting.
Done betraying the version of you that’s ready.
Welcome to Becoming Her—where the good girl is laid to rest, and the Empress within you rises.
This isn’t just another podcast. It’s an initiation. A space where you rewire your identity, unlock your feminine power, and start moving through the world as the woman who already has it all.
💎 Your business? Magnetic.
💎 Your relationships? High-value.
💎 Your reality? More than you ever let yourself believe was possible.
I’m Anna Yavorskyy- luxury success mentor and business coach. I’ve helped creatives entrepreneurs build six and seven-figure brands with ease by merging feminine energy with high-impact strategy. From selling multi-six-figure luxury pieces to scaling businesses beyond what they thought was possible—I’ve seen firsthand that success isn’t about doing more. It’s about becoming more.
Here, we talk self-worth, money, love, magnetism, and selling with soul. We go deep. We tell the truth. And we do it all through the lens of feminine energy and raw, unfiltered power.
✨ You’re not here to prove. You’re here to BE.
If you’re ready to remember who you are—this is your invitation.
📲 Connect with me on Instagram: @annayavorskyy -
M&A Science, hosted by Kison Patel (Founder & CEO of DealRoom), is your go-to podcast for mastering the art of mergers and acquisitions. Each week, Kison and his expert guests from leading brands like Xerox, FastLap, and Cisco dig deep into real-world M&A strategies, offering actionable insights to optimize your M&A practice.
Whether you're an experienced practitioner or new to the field, M&A Science provides practical advice on key topics like sourcing, due diligence, integration, divestitures, and more. With over 300 episodes, this podcast is the premier thought leadership resource designed to streamline your deal-making process.
Start listening today and visit mascience.com/podcast to access over 300 episodes. Brought to you by DealRoom, the leading M&A optimization platform used by the best M&A teams around the world -
PTEJTE SE DOKTORA má za cíl vzdělávat diváky i širokou veřejnost v oblasti zdraví a nabídnout jim užitečné informace, které mohou vést k lepší péči o tělo i ducha. Podcast PTEJTE SE DOKTORA přináší divákům odborné poznatky, a to přímo od špičkových lékařů ve svém oboru. Moderátor Marcel Houžva vyzpovídá odborníky z různých zdravotnických specializací a pro diváky zjistí o daném onemocnění to nejdůležitější.
Podcast JSME DARKOV vás provede světem lázeňství, zdravotnictví a rehabilitace. Přinášíme rozhovory se zajímavými hosty, odborníky i samotnými klienty, kteří sdílejí své zkušenosti a příběhy. Poslouchejte nás přibližně jednou měsíčně a objevujte, jak může lázeňská péče zlepšit kvalitu života. Podcast je připravován Lázněmi Darkov.
Welcome to the Functional Medicine Practitioner (FMP) Essentials Podcast, hosted by Dr. Yousef Elyaman, a leading expert in primary care functional medicine. This podcast serves as the premier educational resource for functional medicine practitioners worldwide, offering unparalleled insights and strategies to enhance practitioner success through mastery of functional medicine.
Each episode dives deep into specific health conditions or topics. Dr. Elyaman conducts insightful interviews with top-tier practitioners and thought leaders or delivers powerful solo episodes filled with cutting-edge research, case studies, and practical applications. Our mission is to equip you with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to excel in your practice and transform patient outcomes.
Exclusive bonus content, including extended interviews and special topics, is available only to FMP Essentials Mastermind members. Visit www.FMPessentials.com to learn more, join our global network of practitioners, and take your place at the forefront of functional medicine. Together, we are redefining the future of healthcare—one episode at a time.
How to love someone.
Pros talk about fortnite
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