Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Denemarken – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Rasmus Brohave og Sarah Grünewald er gode venner, der kan være ærlige overfor hinanden. Men hvorfor spurgte Sarah ikke Rasmus om lov, før hun delte billeder af ham på hendes Instagram-profil? Og hvorfor havde Rasmus svært ved at sige til Sarah, at han ikke var så glad for, at hun havde delt de billeder?
    Denne snak tager de i denne podcast SPURGT? fra Telenor, hvor de taler om billeddeling på sociale medier. De kommer med gode råd til, hvordan du får spurgt, før du deler billeder og videoer af andre, og hvordan du kan sige fra, hvis du bliver delt på sociale medier uden at blive spurgt først.

  • Real talk about revenue operations for growing Saas, tech, and startups. Join us for insightful conversations from industry leaders surrounding the success of your revenue operations in an organization. Jesse Morris is a VP of Global Revenue Operations with extensive experience helping companies scale and grow in a smart, efficient way. He combines his knowledge in finance, business, data, and operations to share his insights.

  • Welcome to Real AF with me, Crystal Sullivan, a business and lifestyle podcast for dreamers and doers who want to take their life to the next level.

    My mission is to help you realize what you’re TRULY capable of! Let’s stop hating our bodies, picking apart every flaw, questioning our worth, doubting our strength, and making excuses that are holding us back from our dreams. It’s time to show up as you, the REAL YOU, unapologetically.

    Are you ready to up-level your mindset, commit to your goals, create unshakeable confidence and finally chase after those dreams you have had for quite some time now? Then you’re in the right spot.

    Tune in each week for inspiring stories, and unfiltered conversations that will leave you feeling empowered AF.

    Consider me your newest BFF, who is in your corner, has got your back, and is cheering you on! I promise to come to you with no BS, straight talk, and simple strategies. Let's smash past your comfort zones and retrain your thoughts to work for you, not against you

    Ya, ready? Great me too, can’t wait to chat! <3

  • Join our community at and follow the Continuing Studies Podcast, as we explore the intersection of higher education and podcasting. Each episode features insights from seasoned university podcasters who share tips, best practices, and stories from their podcasting journeys. Hosted by Jennifer-Lee Gunson and Neil McPhedran, this series covers everything from the technical aspects of podcasting to the art of storytelling and conducting interviews.

    Continuing Studies is more than just a podcast; it's a community. Connect with fellow higher ed podcasters, share your experiences, and continue your podcasting education on

    We're also on a journey to infuse Podcasting 2.0 best practices into our show. Our goal is to try every feature to determine the best suited for higher education podcasting. We'll be sharing our learnings and reviewing new podcasting apps and hosting services embracing Podcasting 2.0.

    Show Website:
    Show LinkedIn Page:

  • Brought to you by Sales Enablement in partnership with leaders from around the organization including P&C, Marketing, Product, and Sales Operations.

  • With our multilingual Podcast-series "Handelskammer Talks" we would like to offer you exclusive insights into the world of German-Danish business relations. In this series we interview selected experts on various topics within German-Danisch business relations and talk to our members about their experiences. Subscribe for valuable background information and the latest trends and developments. Find out more about the German-Danish Chamber of Commerce here:

  • Ejerfinans er en podcast af ejerledere til ejerledere med et særligt fokus på finansiel rådgivning, investeringer, do’s and don’ts og alt derimellem. Daniel Høj vil være jeres faste vært på podcasten her.

    Vi har lavet denne podcast, fordi vi ofte oplever at ejerledere ikke får nok ud af deres bankengagementer. Banken lukker simpelthen døren i hovedet på iværksættere og ejerledere, og man står tilbage og ved ikke hvad man skal gøre. Det vil vi gøre op med, så du er bedst klædt på, igennem en række episoder hvor jeg taler med alt fra ejerledere til banken til uvildige specialister.

    Velkommen til.

  • Toplinjen er en ugentlig podcast af Thomas Harthimmer og Mikkel Rossing. Vores formål er at præsentere erhvervsnyheder på en letforståelig måde, så du både bliver opdateret og underholdt.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • I podcastserien ”Human Performance For Life” dykker doubleyou ned i forskellige temaer fra deres filosofi om, hvordan man skaber levedygtige og langtidsholdbare toppræstationer på tværs af sport, kunst og erhvervsliv. Afsnittene handler om præstationspsykologi, sportspsykologi, filosofi, ledelse og hvordan man skaber optimale performancekulturer.

  • I ‘Kapitlet’ bliver du klogere på de mange bøger, der udgives inden for emner som samfund, erhverv og alt det, der ligget midt imellem. Vi taler med politikere, meningsdannere, erhvervsfolk og meget andet.

    I hvert afsnit vil vi tage fat i én bog og ét overordnet emne, og taler med forfatteren bag.

    ’Kapitlet’ henvender sig til lyttere med en bred interesse for samfund, politik og erhvervsliv.

  • NorthStandard‘s podcast features thought-provoking discussions on news and topics in the maritime industry. We talk with experts from the club and special guests in the field from around the world

  • Vi Taler Om Pædagogik er en podcast af, om, med og for pædagoger.
    Vi har lavet denne podcast fordi vi synes, at pædagogernes stemme mangler i den faglige debat. Vi taler ud fra vores erfaringer og pædagogiske baggrund, og vi diskuterer forskellige emner som optager os.
    Vi er mange pædagoger, der brænder for faget, og vi ønsker at spæde til den pædagogiske debat med vores egne stemmer.
    #pædagogik #vitalerompædagogik

  • We want to create a podcast that provides the discussion topics at the dinner table. A podcast that discusses complex topics in an easily understandable way and serves as an educational and entertaining space for the curious generalist.

    We are always heading towards the truth, keeping up with the times and using current affairs as our compass, while we dive into in-depth analyses and present the information with an entertaining and enlightening approach.

  • Podcasten er sponsoreret af Bellagroup og Calsberg

    Det går op og ned i den grønne omstilling. Derfor inviterer vært Ane Cortzen i ’Den Grønne Elevator’ to topledere fra forskellige brancher ind og spørger, hvilke grønne fejl de har lavet, hvor hvordan vi kan lære af hinanden og hvordan man balancerer mellem profit og klimahandling. Så kom med indenfor til en tur op og ned, og måske op igen, i ’Den Grønne Elevator’.

    Podcasten er optaget i The Brewery på AC Hotel Bella Sky

    Vært: Ane Cortzen
    Produktion, klip og tilrettelæggelse: Mikkel Weinell & Mathilde Cortese Retsbo
    Musik: Asger Bosendal

  • For those who are weary of trying harder and working longer, always leveling up and then doubling down, digging in and then tapping out, this is your set-aside space where we’re learning to live and work at the pace of grace.

    With practical tools and simple steps, The Pace of Grace is here to help you make the most important part of your life, permeate all of your life.

    Your host is Kim Avery, a counselor, coach, spiritual director, and the author of The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur: 31 Days to Building Your Business with Less Stress and More Joy.

  • The Healthy Perspectives Podcast is an ongoing investigation via interviews, focusing on healthcare, innovation and the evolving digital landscape. Produced by Patients & Purpose, this show is designed for anyone interested in fresh patient insights for today and tomorrow. The show host, Kate Rubin, is part of the Social team at Patients & Purpose. She loves to geek out over technology and share a curiosity about healthcare innovation.

    Patients & Purpose is Omnicom’s go-to, full-service, patient healthcare advertising agency. Learn more at

  • Your primary resource for everything kaizen and continuous improvement. Join us to learn how implementing CI in your leadership can improve your workflow, increase employee satisfaction, and grow your business.

  • Blueprint is a live creative brainstorm with your favorite creator entrepreneurs.

    The goal of each episode is to better understand the tactical playbooks & content blueprints each creator uses to build their empire.

    We put an emphasis on the tactics. If you're a creator, entrepreneur, or brand marketer, this podcast is for you.

    Watch all episodes on Youtube:

  • The Biz Life Podcast is dedicated to help business owners and entrepreneurs. Weekly episodes will help keep you growing and learning more about how to win! Subscribe and share!

  • Foundhers & Co est un podcast qui met en lumière des parcours de femmes inspirantes, entrepreneures ou expertes de différents secteurs et qui ont en commun cette volonté d’impacter positivement leur communauté.