Technologie – Denemarken – Nieuwe podcasts
Business ideas, bootstrapping, life hacks, and whatever is on my mind currently.
Mad er magt. Hvad vi putter i munden, er afgørende for klodens tilstand og vores eget helbred. Følg med i serien, hvor vi stiller skarpt på det klima, de ressourcer, de teknologier og ikke mindst den madkultur, der kommer til at afgøre, hvad vi smider på vores tallerken i 2050.
1000x is a crypto markets podcast hosted by professional traders Avi Felman and Jonah Van Bourg. We bring on experts to dive deep into the macro and micro factors that represent the lifeblood of digital money and web3. As an increasing share of economic activity and attention migrates online, tokenomics and price action is increasingly relevant to everyone. If you’re interested in the future of markets and crypto, this show is for you.
Podcast by Tennessee World Affairs Council
Join industry experts Phil Seboa and Ed Fuentes each week on "Unplugged: An IIoT Podcast" as they explore the fascinating world of the Industrial Internet of Things. Discover the latest trends, debunk common myths, and gain insights from leading voices in IIoT. From seasoned professionals to those new to IIoT, you'll learn about practical applications and cutting-edge innovations driving digital transformation. Tune in for thought-provoking discussions and engaging interviews, making complex topics accessible and interesting.
Brought to you by Industry Sage Media. -
Digitalisering kan hurtigt blive lidt tørt. Derfor åbner Tobias Høst en Hazy IPA, når han inviterer førende specialister ind i dagligstuen til en ufiltreret snak om B2B digitalisering. Formatet er uformelt og dialogen er ind til benet.
Hosted by Chris Wahl, an industry veteran with nearly 30 years of experience, this podcast contains 15 minute stories diving into the challenges and opportunities of modern systems, platform design, cloud architecture, and team building.
Radar tager de vigtigste tech-samtaler med hovedroller, meningsdannere og klogeåger fra den digitale sfære. Her møder du både mikro og makro, og vi drysser lidt filosofi oveni.
Katalysator er podcasten om transportsektorens vej mod grøn omstilling.
Klimajournalist og vært Nina Bendixen spørger i hvert afsnit to vidende gæster: Hvem har ansvaret, og hvad skal der til for at transportsektoren, som står for omkring 30 pct. af verdens CO2-udledning, kan nå målet om klimaneutralitet i 2050?
Eksperter og praktikere giver deres bud på udfordringer og muligheder på kort og lang sigt, og samtidig giver podcasten et unikt indblik i, hvilke mulige teknologiske løsninger kan bidrage til fuld dekarbonisering.
Podcasten udgives af DSV og er produceret af Rakkerpak Productions
Vært: Nina Bendixen
Tilrettelægger: Mads Ladekarl
Musik: Christian Schødts-Sørensen
Lydmix & -design: René Slott -
Hvad skal der til for at gøre projekter til succeser? Hvilke discipliner skal vi mestre? Og hvad kan vi lære af de mennesker, som allerede ER lykkedes? Det har vært Henrik Hajslund sat sig for at besvare i podcastserien ”Hvorfor vi lykkes”. I hver episode får han besøg af en ekspert, leder eller ildsjæl, der ved noget om at drive succesfulde projekter. Sammen bliver de klogere på, hvorfor nogle projekter lykkes og andre ikke, og hvad vi alle sammen kan gøre for at tippe oddsene i vores favør.
Imagine a workplace that's not just a space, but a living, breathing ecosystem of innovation—welcome to the EY Nordic Fit for Future Podcast, a podcast that decodes the ‘Future of Work’.
Frequent disruptions are giving new meaning to the ‘Future of Work.’ It is no longer a fixed destination—it’s a journey of continuous evolution where technology and human creativity come together.
Join Jessica Schmidt, host of the EY Nordic Fit for Future podcast as she discusses new developments about the evolving nature of work. The podcast also covers discussion on the external forces such as AI, geopolitics and the role of risk management in bringing a paradigm shift. Listen in as industry and thought leaders bring a fresh perspective and new dimension to what the ‘Future of Work’ implies.
Stay informed with the latest developments in the future of work by tuning into the EY Nordic Fit for Future Podcast. Don't miss out—tune in!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I denne podcast kommer du helt tæt på byggeriet af Femern Bælt-forbindelsen - verdens længste sænketunnel.
Tag med på Nordeuropas største byggeplads, hvor de gigantiske tunnelelementer støbes. Mød nogle af de tusindvis af mennesker, der på hver deres måde er med til at gøre drømmen om en fast forbindelse mellem Skandinavien og resten af Europa til virkelighed. Og find ud af, hvordan tunnelen, der bliver fem gange så lang som Øresundstunnelen, kommer til at sikre helt nye naturområder.
Du får de vilde facts om et stykke dansk ingeniørkunst i verdensklasse – og finder ud af, hvor mange liter sovs der egentlig skal til for at mætte 1300 tunnelarbejdere. Kom ud på en fascinerende rejse til både fortid, fremtid og nutidens Lolland, hvor der lige nu skrives verdenshistorie.
Vært: Karen Sigrid Jacobsen
Musik og lyddesign: Thomas Banke Brenneche
Executive producer: Morten Resen
Produceret af GoLittle Creative for Sund & Bælt -
Curated cybersecurity insights, keeping you informed of what's going on each week day.
Mindblowers, hosted by Daniel Kafer and co-hosted with bestselling author Lars Tvede is your gateway to the future. Explore groundbreaking topics like Longevity Escape Velocity, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), the Singularity, and more. Powered by the Supertrends platform, each episode dives deep into the innovations shaping tomorrow's world, offering insights to help you embrace the future with confidence. Join the journey and discover the next big leap in technology and human evolution.
KryptoVennerne er en podcast som vil gøre krypto-verdenen simpel at forstå.
Vi er dine værter, Mikkel & Mathias, og tilsammen har vi flere års erfaring i krypto. Med vores første serie “Krypto For Alle” deler vi ud af vores viden og sætter fokus på en række af forskellige emner, som skal gøre krypto overskueligt og tilgængeligt.
Vi snakker f.eks. om hvordan man kommer sikkert i gang med at investere, hvordan man laver god research, og om hvad krypto i det hele taget er for en størrelse.
Så lyt med hvis du kunne tænke dig at blive en ægte krypto-ekspert!
*Bemærk: Denne podcast er ikke finansiel rådgivning
Med podcasten AI Creator hjælper jeg dig med at bryde igennem støjen med dine budskaber, opbygge et loyalt publikum og sælge dine produkter og ydelser. I podcasten vil jeg og inviterede gæster, give dig viden og inspiration.
Host Russ Altman, a professor of bioengineering, genetics, and medicine at Stanford, is your guide to the latest science and engineering breakthroughs. Join Russ and his guests as they explore cutting-edge advances that are shaping the future of everything from AI to health and renewable energy.
Along the way, “The Future of Everything” delves into ethical implications to give listeners a well-rounded understanding of how new technologies and discoveries will impact society. Whether you’re a researcher, a student, or simply curious about what’s on the horizon, tune in to stay up-to-date on the latest developments that are transforming our world. -
🧑🏼🚀 The Content Universe: Your Daily Guide to Mastering Content Creation
Welcome to The Content Universe, the podcast that’s your daily companion on the journey to mastering content creation!
Hosted by Mikkel Svold, a seasoned expert in content production, this podcast delivers almost daily check-ins packed with tips, tricks, and insights you can use to elevate your content game.
Whether you're crafting content for knowledge-driven companies in engineering, science, technology, or advisory sectors, or just looking to enhance your own creative projects, we've got you covered.
Each episode dives into practical advice on podcasting, longform and short form writing, graphic design, efficient workflows, and so much more. Learn from real-world examples, discover the latest trends, and unlock the secrets to creating engaging, high-quality content that stands out.
Tune in to The Content Universe and transform the way you produce content. 🚀 -
Join host Gwen Holdmann for Closing the Gap: stories from the front lines of the global energy transition, from our front row seat from right here in Alaska.
”Databased” is the essential podcast for web developers and technology leaders navigating the complexities of building scalable, high-performance applications in the modern startup landscape. Hosts Tom Redman, Jamie Turner, and James Cowling, known for their work building billion-dollar backend systems at Dropbox, dive deep into the world of databases, infrastructure, and edge computing. Each episode challenges conventional wisdom and explores the realities of crafting applications that can withstand the demands of today’s users. Through expert insights, thought-provoking discussions, and entertaining segments, ”Databased” provides clarity amidst the hype, helping you make informed decisions about your technology stack. Join us as we explore how to build and ship applications faster with a smaller team.
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