TV & film – Denemarken – Nieuwe podcasts
Vores tilværelse rummer uendeligt mange spændende spørgsmål, som er svære at få svar på.
Er det en mening med vores liv? Hvor skal vi hen, når vi dør? Hvor kom vi fra, da vi blev født? Bygger vores tilværelse på tilfældigheder - eller er der nogen derude, der har en plan med det hele? Flere tusind år gamle skrifter afslører, at mennesket altid har forholdt sig til de spørgsmål. Præsterne arbejder med nogle af de tekster hver søndag i kirken.
Programmerne er produceret i 2014-2017. -
This deep dive into Vin Diesel's career explores his transformation from an unknown filmmaker to a Hollywood powerhouse. It examines his iconic roles, his influence on action cinema, and his savvy as a producer. The episode also touches on Diesel's personal life, his approach to fame, and his advocacy for diversity in the film industry, providing a well-rounded view of the man behind the muscles.
Dyk ned i monsterfilmens fascinerende verden med ’Skrækkeligt Selskab’! Værterne Rasmus og Daniel udforsker monsterfilmens fortællinger, ikoniske monstre og deres kulturelle betydning. Fra klassiske gys til moderne epics, debatterer de genrens kvalitet og dens plads i filmhistorien. Daniel, den selvudråbte monsterlover, er på en mission for at få Rasmus til at dele sin passion. Lyt med på en sjov og hyggelig samtale om alt det, der gør monsterfilm uundværlige. Perfekt for filmelskere og dem, der er klar til at blive det!
Sisters Kim and Kristin embark on an epic journey to rewatch every season of Project Runway. Kristin is a fashion design hobbyist who has studied fashion and lives in NYC. Kim is a lawyer living in Atlanta and a self-described Project Runway Super fan. She has watched every season multiple times.
Once Upon A Fan, the #1 fansite for Once Upon A Time, brings you the latest news and reviews in our weekly podcast!
Join NYC’s Yaga Tigerlilly and New Jersey's Zanax in a drag race rewatch to be REMEMBERED!
Which one of us is the good drag and which one is the bad drag? Well, both, neither, and also yes! -
A sassy little weekly podcast where I discuss all things drag, including reality drag television, live drag spectacles and the local drag scene in NYC. Recaps of all the RuPaul Drag Race franchises and The Boulet Brother’s Dragula. Friends, family and special guests pop in to help me out. And sometimes, I just talk about whatever I want.
A discussion podcast on the Amazon Prime show The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Show features recaps and spoilery predictions on the future of the show
Maddie erwacht als Geist, hat aber keine ahnung was ihr zugestoßen ist und wieso sie gestorben ist. Zusammen mit anderen Geistern aus ihrer Schule, macht sie sich auf den Weg herauszufinden was mit ihr geschehen ist und kommt dabei einigen Geheimnissen auf die Schliche. Wärenddessen haben ihre Freunde einige Probleme damit zurechtzukommen, dass Maddie verschwunden ist Unser Formular zum ausfüllen für Serien Wünsche und mehr:
4 girlies, 1 night. Every week I might add! Join us as we talk drag, queens, and everything in between when it comes to RuPaul’s drag race, season 13!
Беседы о советском кино
Josh Lora (@tellthebeees) of TikTok and Substack analyzes media, books, reality television, and culture through a sociological lens.
Broadcast twice monthly from Memphis, TN, Unreal Radio brings you the latest horror, sci-fi, and fantasy news and event announcements, as well as interviews with filmmakers, artists, musicians, and event coordinators.
A journey exploring how they UnBecame Sister Wives
Velkommen til Oscar Redux. Podcast serien, hvor Nikolaj Tarp og Nikolai Schulz kronologisk gennemgår alle Oscar-vinderne for bedste film og endegyldigt afgør om sejren var fortjent eller om en anden film burde have fået den gyldne mand med hjem.
We love Janeway is podcast hosted by two Star Trek Voyager superfans, plus one newbie to Star Trek.
Every two weeks we watch an episode of Voyager (in chronological order, in case you were wondering) and discuss.
We have no ads, no editing, and no socials but if you have any comments, questions or corrections you can reach us at [email protected].
Also check out our sponsor if you like stickers and want help building healthy habits.
St.Elsewhere is a podcast in which two pop-culture obsessed autistic hosts review depictions of autism in the media.
Hjem til jul podcast
You talking to me ?
It's simple, we watch a lot of films from classics to recently released ones from all over the world and some films make us feel like we should share them with others. That's what we do here. Welcome to the club ❤️ -
A Podcast where, two nerds, Zeke & Cliff, discuss a plethora of nerdy topics. From The Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Comics, Indie comics, Transformers, James Bond, Chicago Fire, Comedy Films, Tv Shows, etc. We give you a splash of all the things we're into. If it's nerdy, then we probably like it.
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