Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Estland – Aanbevolen podcasts
В 35 лет мои доходы от инвестиций превысили расходы. И я вышел на пенсию. В этом подкасте я расскажу как мне это удалось.
LHV on Eesti pank ja pensionifondide haldur. Meie visiooniks on Eesti, kus inimesed ja ettevõtted julgevad suurelt mõelda, ette võtta ja tulevikku investeerida. LHV Podcastiga juhime tähelepanu teemadele nagu majandus, investeerimine, ettevõtlus, pangandus ja innovatsioon. Kõigele, mis LHV-ga kokku käib. Põnevad jutuajamised ja inimesed. Ootame ka sinu tagasisidet. Head kuulamist!
The Conscious Marketer podcast is for spiritual teachers, coaches, authors, and entrepreneurs who are committed to making an impact locally and globally. Hosts Richard Taubinger and Kylie Slavik understand the power of true transformation and online marketing. They work with their clients to build a strong foundation to drive growth and meaningful results and they are sharing it all on the podcast.
Listen for strategies about launching in today’s digital space, marketing trends that will impact growth and behind the scenes stories about what it takes to be successful in the transformation information space today. - podcast investeerimisest ja rikkuse kasvatamisest.
Saatejuht: Joonas Piir -
Простым языком и со вкусом от Солопушкиной. Каждый выпуск будет о своем, но самое главное создан именно для тебя. Приятного прослушивания!
Podcast by Woke Finance Team
"Deebet & dividendid" on saade, kus ettevõtte kaudu investeerimise ja investeeringute raamatupidamise teemasid lahkavad raamatupidamisbüroo Robby&Bobby juht ja asutaja Krista Teearu ning investor, investeerimisklubi Miljoniklubi looja ja blogi eestvedaja Märten Kress.Märten Kress:- Miljoniklubi - virtuaalne investeerimisklubi- Investeerimisblogi dividendinvestor.eeKrista Teearu:- Raamatupidamisbüroo Robby&Bobby- Pilvebüroo: koolitused ja juhendmaterjalid ettevõtjale ja raamatupidajale
KV.EE kinnisvarapodcast'is käsitleme kinnisvara müügi, vahendamise ja turuga seonduvaid teemasid. Räägime maakleritest ja maakleritele. Saadet juhib kinnisvarakonsultant ja -koolitaja Tõnu Toompark.
Telli podcast endale sobivas podcast'i äppis või
Tule pane laik ning jälgi kinnisvaraportaal KV.EE Facebook'i lehte
Podcast on videona üleval ka Kinnisvaraportaal KV.EE Youtube'i kanalil
Värske podcasti leiad alati KV.EE maaklerikeskkonnast RBO -
«Як вам вдалося» — подкаст від медіа Vector. У третьому сезоні говоримо з українськими підприємцями:
- про цінності, життєву та бізнес-філософію;
- як розвивати бізнес (і фейлити теж);
- куди та звідки вони прямують;
- у чому знаходять сили та енергію;
- як керувати потенціалом та спрямувати його — власний і команди.
Як бути тим, ким ви є, і робити те, що ви робите?
Ведуча — Єлизавета Бордунова.
Місія Vector — робити бізнес попкультурою.
Читайте Vector: -
Join hosts Derek from Ireland & Edgi from the Netherlands on the Dividend Talk podcast, your number one source for all things Dividend Growth with a European perspective. With a shared passion for Dividend Growth investing, they provide personal insights, strategies, & experiences, while featuring guests from around the world to inspire and educate investors. Join their discussions designed to empower you with knowledge, keep you informed on market news, and equip you with valuable tools to maximize your investments. Tune in to learn and grow with us.
Arutame praktikutega, kuidas välisturgudele sisenemine on päriselt käinud ning mis õppetunde on sealt teistele kaasa võtta. Ei ole vahet, kas oled juba kogenud eksportija või alles kaalud, kuhu, kuidas ja kellele müüa - kindlasti leiad, mida kõrvataha panna.
When nerdy gamer Sam Bankman-Fried rocketed to fame as the world’s richest 29-year-old, he pledged to donate his billions to good causes. But when Sam's crypto exchange FTX collapsed, billions of dollars went missing, and Sam was in handcuffs, those who knew him were left wondering — who was Sam really? A well-meaning billionaire who made a mistake? Or a calculated con man? From Wondery and Bloomberg, the makers of The Shrink Next Door, comes a new story of incredible wealth, betrayal, and what happens when “doing good” goes really, really, bad.
Binge all episodes of Spellcaster: The Fall of Sam Bankman-Fried exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting now.
Unlock the secrets to marketing your medical practice with ease, efficiency, and expertise, no matter your current skill level. Join Jennifer and Corey, the leadership team from Insight Marketing Group and hosts of The Dr Marketing Show, as they share insights and strategies on boosting patient satisfaction, managing online reputation, leveraging video marketing, collecting impactful patient testimonials, optimizing your website, mastering SEO, designing effective print materials, and more.
Tune in to discover what truly works from those on the front lines of medical marketing. Subscribe now to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of healthcare marketing.
Elu Elamus podcast kutsub külla kõige põnevamad persoonid oma valdkonnast. Saatetunni jooksul arutatakse isiklikke ja aktuaalseid teemasid elust enesest ning jagatakse kuulajatega nii suurimaid õnnestumisi kui ka karjääriteele sattunud ämbreid.
This Podcast outlines Charlie Munger's origins as the son of a prominent Nebraska lawyer and his early interests in investing, business, and literature. It covers his studies at the University of Michigan and Harvard Law School before transitioning to become a full-time investor in the 1950s, establishing several highly successful partnerships over the next decade.The bio then discusses Munger's move to California in the 60s where he collaborated closely with Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway. He assumed the Berkshire Vice Chairman role in 1978, serving as an indispensable investing partner to Buffett for over 40 years at the helm of Berkshire's growth. Munger applied similar long-term value investing principles as Buffett.Beyond investing, Munger was actively engaged in law, medicine, philanthropy and especially educational reform. He was driven toward elevating social systems and organizations, with a particular focus on improving elementary education to better develop core reasoning skills early on.Now in his late nineties with an over six decade career, Munger maintains active involvement running Berkshire and the Daily Journal company, while continuing philanthropic and educational efforts. The piece concludes that his incredible cross-domain legacy is set to last for generations.
Every Wednesday, Host Ethan Abramson talks to your favorite furniture makers and woodworking professionals to give you a look at - the business behind the furniture business.
Learn about how these entrepreneurs went from just keeping the lights on to succeeding in the industry. Go inside their companies, inside their pricing, and get inside their heads as they teach you about what they have done both wrong and right along their journey to get to where they are today.
To learn more about the show visit - ( -
In this podcast, you'll learn how to 10X your dating life as well as your lifestyle and get elite outcomes in life. You'll get cherry-picked insights, exclusive interviews and pure top-notch actionable knowledge that you won't find anywhere else.
Podcast on product and software leadership. Hosted by Rene Allkivi and Erik Past.Sponsored by Concise ( -
OneDigital’s Employer Advisory Podcast features commentary on the latest happenings that impact health care, business and the workplace.
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