Kind en gezin – Finland – Nieuwe podcasts
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Cartas a mi hijos, Nico y Aurora, hablando de lo divino y lo humano de la vida, por si un día no puedo contárselo yo en persona.Bonus: Un lugar para tíos hablando de cosas de Padres. O al revés. -
My name is Alan Donovan. In 2015 I found myself in a custody fight to be a part of my sons life. After hiring a lawyer and getting screwed over, I decided enough was enough and I was going to represent myself! After getting full custody of my son I decided I was going to give back and help other fathers who were in the position I had once been in. I now focus on giving fathers who are being alienated a platform to get their stories heard. On the fathers truth you will hear interviews I've done and continue to do with fathers all around the world.
This show has it all! Haddie! Daddy! And... well I guess that's it. But we bring a lot of fun and adventure to the table. So sit down, relax and enjoy the HDS!
you listen to my life the ups and downs and maybe i will even sing you a song once or twice
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Mikä on lause, joka aiheuttaa kylmät väreet lähes jokaiselle? Meidän pitäis puhua on parisuhdepodcast, jossa nostetaan parisuhteen tabut, vaietut aiheet ja kiusalliset tilanteet pöydälle. Mistä sä et kehtaa puhua sun kumppanin kanssa? Ei hätää, Maria ja Tommi käy sen läpi! Jaksoissa käsitellään vaikeita, mutta monille tuttuja aiheita – huumoria ja omakohtaisia kokemuksia unohtamatta. Maria ja Tommi ovat yrittäjätiimi ja kolmen lapsen vanhemmat. Somesta tuttu pariskunta on viihdyttänyt yleisöään YouTuben ja Instagramin puolella jo vuosien ajan. Olit sä sitten parisuhteessa tai et, niin…meidän pitäis puhua! Hyppää mukaan keskusteluun Instagramissa @meidanpitaispuhua
Join us as we share tidbits of information, advice, experiences and opinions from both men and women as we all try to survive Mental Health, Motherhood, Marriage and the journey to sanity! We’re here for the laughs and love!
Kattiloittain ja kulhoittain kaikkea jännittävää ja hauskaa – sitä on Myllärin satunurkka! Tarinoissa seikkailevat veikeät kaverukset Vilja, Kaura, Vehnä, Ohra ja Ruis. Paljon sattuu ja tapahtuu, eikä suurilta tunteilta vältytä. Lopulta kuitenkin hauskaa on aina ja ystävyys voittaa vaikeallakin hetkellä.
Perheille, sekä vanhemmille että lapsille suunnattuja sisältöjä ja keskusteluita, jotta lapset ja vanhemmat voisivat kokea syvempää yhteyttä perheissä.
Iskäpodi on vaikuttaja ja tv-persoona Michael Ntiman sekä näyttelijä ja vaikuttaja Samuel Glassarin hostaama podcast, jossa jokaisessa jaksossa kolme isää keskustelee, no, isyydestä! Samuel ja Michael kutsuvat studioon vieraakseen julkisuudesta tunnettuja miehiä keskustelemaan isyyden kokemuksesta, vanhemmuudesta ja lapsiperhearjesta sen kaikkine sävyineen. Podcast toimii erityisesti vertaistukena kaikille vanhemmille, ja jaksoissa keskustellaankin vanhemmuuden eri vaiheista: Samuel on vuonna 2024 syntyneiden kaksospoikien tuore vanhempi, Michaelilla sen sijaan on jo kokemusta kouluikäisen tytön vanhempana. Joka perjantai saat viihtyä, nauraa ja mahdollisesti myös hämmentyä vanhemmuuden teemojen äärellä!
Roar into the prehistoric world with Dino-Mite Adventures! Join us on an exciting journey through time as we explore the fascinating lives of dinosaurs. From the towering T. rex to the speedy Velociraptor, each episode brings these ancient creatures to life with amazing facts, recent discoveries, and mind-blowing science.
Perfect for curious kids and dinosaur enthusiasts of all ages, Dino-Mite Adventures combines education and entertainment in every bite-sized episode. Our AI narrators guide you through the Mesozoic Era, making complex paleontology concepts easy to understand and fun to learn.
Discover how dinosaurs lived, what they ate, how they defended themselves, and the mysteries scientists are still trying to solve. With episodes featuring different dinosaurs, prehistoric environments, and the latest paleontological findings, there's always something new to discover.
Whether you're a long-time dino fan or just starting your prehistoric adventure, Dino-Mite Adventures is your ticket to a world of giant lizards, fearsome predators, and gentle giants that once ruled the Earth. Subscribe now, and let's dig into some dino-mite fun!
Dogs, our beloved companions, have a knack for bringing joy and unconditional love into our lives. However, even the most well-behaved canines can exhibit undesirable behaviors, such as jumping up on people. While this behavior may be endearing to some, it can be inconvenient, messy, and even intimidating for others. Understanding the Reasons Behind Jumping Up Before we delve into modifying this behavior, it's essential to understand the underlying reasons why dogs jump up on people. Dogs are naturally social creatures, and jumping up is often a way for them to greet, express excitement, or seek attention. They may also jump up to indicate dominance or assert their status in the pack. Addressing Jumping Up: Effective Strategies Here are some effective strategies to modify your dog's jumping-up behavior: 1. Ignore the Behavior: When your dog jumps up, simply turn away and ignore them. This lack of attention will teach them that jumping up does not get them the desired reaction. 2. Positive Reinforcement: Reward your dog for remaining calm and staying on the ground when greeting people. Offer treats or praise when they greet politely with all four paws on the floor. 3. Training Exercises: Practice training exercises to teach your dog impulse control. Start with a simple 'sit' command, rewarding them for remaining seated when you approach. Gradually increase the distance and distractions. 4. Consistent Practice: Patience and consistency are key when addressing jumping up. It may take time for your dog to fully grasp the desired behavior, but with consistent practice and positive reinforcement, they will learn to greet people in a more appropriate manner. Preventing Jumping Up in the Future To prevent jumping up from becoming a recurring issue, consider implementing these measures: 1. Manage Greetings: When guests arrive, keep your dog on a leash or have them in a designated area. Allow guests to greet your dog calmly and only when they are sitting or lying down. 2. Manage Excitement: If your dog becomes overly excited when greeting people, calm them down before introducing them. Engage in a short walk or training session to redirect their energy. 3. Supervise Interactions: Closely supervise interactions between your dog and others, especially children or those who may be uncomfortable with jumping dogs. Remember, addressing behavioral issues takes time, patience, and consistent reinforcement. With positive training methods and a loving approach, you can help your dog overcome their jumping-up habit and become a more well-mannered companion. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
Little Bunny is a real little audio series. Your child will follow the adventures of Little Bunny, who, like him, is always asking questions, having feelings and having funny adventures. A series full of good humor to listen to with your child. 🐰
Little Bunny will make you live crazy stories, at school, with your family, at Christmas, on New Year's Day, or on visits...
A story for every occasion to discover with Little Bunny.
I love singing so iw I'll sing in the podcasts
Oliver and his dad read stories from their favorite books and sometimes tell stories of their own.
How to have the BEST day EVER!
”Tinja Tontun puuroporinat – tonttumaista lämpöä ja joulun taikaa, ripauksella tonttuhuumoria!” Herää joulun taikaan Tinja Tontun kanssa! Tinja Tontun Puuro Porinat on joulukalenterityylinen podcast, jossa tonttujen maailma herää eloon lämminhenkisten, humorististen ja mielikuvituksellisten tarinoiden kautta. Puuro Porinat on enemmän kuin podcast – se on jouluinen kokemus, joka vie kuulijat tonttujen maailmaan, joulukuun jokaisena aamuna julkaistavien lyhyiden jaksojen myötä. Jaksot tarjoavat tunnelmallisen pakopaikan tonttujen arkeen, jossa hulina ja jouluvalmistelut kietoutuvat yhteen perinteiden, isojen tunteiden ja ripauksen taikaa sisältävän tonttuhuumorin kanssa. Podcast soveltuu niin lapsille kuin aikuisille ja kaikille joulumielisille. Anna Tinja Tontun sydämellisen kerronnan lämmittää mieltäsi ja tuoda iloa joulunodotukseen. Joulun taika voi jo alkaa!
My Podcast Is Opening Up About World Wide Things We Face And Crazy Too
Once Upon a Time...
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