Maatschappij & cultuur – Finland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Alec Ijäksen päiväkirja tyyppinen podcast, jossa käydään keskustelua erillisistä aiheista filosofisella perspektiivillä/En dagbok aktig podcast av Alec Ijäs, där man diskuterar diverse ämnen med filosofiskt perspektiv.

  • Welcome to “Real Life Conversations”. In the podcasts gifted upon you, random humans happen to meet and happen to engage in critical thinking. Topics and subjects ranging from everything to nothing - from something to anything. Starring founder, Earth One.

  • These are my close and personally formulated bottled stories called ¨HELSINKI CALLING', about my daily life in Helsinki. I will share tips from my travels that learned from the local community, where to stay, where to enjoy a local meal, and places of interest. Join my journey and send me comments.

  • Um podcast criado com propósito de conhecer e interagir com os vários moçambicanos espalhados pelo mundo, deles saber os pros e contras de viver no exterior e criar laços de amizade.
    Se és moçambicano e gostarias de partilhar a tua história , escreve para o e-mail [email protected] ou uma mensagem no Facebook Gerusio Matonse, bjs e abraços 🫂

  • The "Emotionally Unavailable" podcast aims to provide a light-hearted and engaging platform for discussions on emotional intimacy.


    Ai mitä? No sitä, että tervetuloa kuuntelemaan kahden siskon hostaamaa Ai mitä? -siskopodcastia. Me ollaan Mimmu, the isosisko, ja Susanna, the pikkusisko, ja meitä yhdistää huumorintaju, milleniaalius ja yrittäjyyshenkisyys ja erottaa hyvin erilaiset elämäntilanteet ja uravalinnat. Jutellaan meidän podissa mm. unelmien tavoittelusta, selfhelp-aiheista ja itsensä kehittämisestä sekä katsotaan peiliin ja nauretaan peilikuvalle. Samalla tarjotaan vertaistukea muille kolmekymppisille.

    Hostit pähkinänkuoressa:

    Mimmu: Ruuhkavuosien pyörityksessä oleva kahden pienen äiti, joka perhevapailla ollessaan perusti oman yrityksen.

    Susanna: Monenlaisissa liemissä keitetty freelance-näyttelijä, joka uusimpana aluevaltauksenaan käsikirjoittaa uutta komediasarjaa.

    Siskoboostia tarjolla joka keskiviikko. Kandee kuunnella!

    Seuraa meitä myös somessa!

    instagram: aimitasiskopodcast

    tiktok: aimitasiskopodcast

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • A show where two Asian American dating coaches go deep on frothy shit. We unpack the relationship psychology and dating themes on reality TV shows, especially The Bachelor. Tune in for our weekly analysis of every episode of The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Bachelor in Paradise, and Golden Bachelor, as well as other popular dating shows and movies.

    For video recaps, head on over to our YouTube Channel (

    Get personal with us on Instagram: @heretofindloveshow

  • Erokirja lasten vanhemmille – tietoa ja tarinoita eroprosessin tueksi.

    Elatusvelvollisten Liitto ry on toimittanut kirjan Tule, tule hyvä ero – erokirja lasten vanhemmille. Kirja on kattava tietopaketti eroa koskevista aiheista lapsiperheissä. Kirja on julkaistu lokakuussa 2022 painettuna teoksena. Sitä voi tilata postimaksun hinnalla yksittäisenä tai useamman kappaleen erinä, vaikka omaan käyttöön, työpaikoille tai asiantuntijan lisälukemiseksi.

    Kirja koostuu eri alojen asiantuntijoiden artikkeleista sekä eron kokeneiden vanhempien tarinoista. Kirjoittajia ovat mm. lastenpsykiatrian professori Kaija Puura, kasvatustieteiden tohtori Hannariikka Linnavuori, lastenvalvoja Katri Hyytiä sekä kouluttajapsykoterapeutti Iiro Leino.

    Lukija: Ina Virkki-Ukeleghe

  • Many of us enjoy a good glass of wine but often don’t know the first place to start when choosing our tipple – it turns out celebs have the same problem. Join The Wine Show’s wine expert and culturalist, Amelia Singer, as she takes her line up of celeb guests through a personal wine pairing, discovering the intimate details we’re dying to know. Actors, rockstars and artistes, to name a few, sit down to dish the dirt and have a jolly – all whilst learning useful tips and tricks about the world of wine.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Kathleen Goldhar was so happy her friend Arya had finally found someone after a bad divorce. Mordechai Horowitz seemed perfect. Smart. Rich. Creative. But like so many things that seem to be perfect - it was too good to be true. 

  • Middlebrow with Dan Rosen and Brian Park is a pseudo-intellectual podcast hosted by two comedians who know nothing about a lot.

  • The Wirecutter Show is a podcast offering expert advice on everyday products that will make your life better. Each week, co-hosts Christine Cyr Clisset and Caira Blackwell, alongside producer Rosie Guerin, speak with Wirecutter’s best-in-class journalists and other expert guests for actionable advice, surprising life hacks, and delightful product discoveries. From which stand-mixer will last you a lifetime, to the best way to travel with pets, to figuring out if your smart lock is spying on you, The Wirecutter Show gives you straightforward solutions based on years of rigorous and independent product testing by more than 140 Wirecutter journalists.

  • Vasile Stanescu, Ph.D. (he/him) is an associate professor of communication, and has published extensively on animal liberation. Devs Stanescu (they/them) is an engineer and activist. Vas and Devs are a husband and spouse that have been vegan for 20 years.

    Veganism is not a diet. Veganism is not a lifestyle choice. Veganism is, and must be, a social justice movement in solidarity with other social justice movements. Humans’ exploitation of other animals is causing immense harm not only to those other animals, but to the very planetary systems that we all depend on to survive. There is no time to waste - we need to win for animals, and we need to do it now. In this podcast, we will explore what the movement for animal liberation is doing right, things we need to just cut out already, and, ultimately, how to win. We will laugh, rage, debunk, strategize, connect, and fight. And, in solidarity with you, and with all animals, we are going to win.

  • A podcast about inspirational people in a destabilized country (Lebanon)

  • Programa dedicado a la autoayuda, a la apertura a una nueva conciencia, al misterio, ovnis, espíritus, extraterrestres, conspiración, historia, ciencia, leyendas. Dirige y presenta Nuria Mejias.Se emite los miércoles a las 19 horas en ¿Quieres ponerte en contacto con nosotros? aquí tienes nuestras formas de contacto.FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, GOOGLE+, TUMBLR, somos CANAL DEL MISTERIONuestro email : [email protected] web: CANALDELMISTERIO.COM

  • An LGBTQ+ arts, culture, heritage and enterprise podcast for Scotland and beyond, produced and hosted by Jules Stapleton Barnes.

    A podcast to shine a light on the beautiful breadth of queer life in Scotland today; more diverse and deeper than stereotypes could ever capture. To celebrate the power of human connection, finding your community and a safer space where the dark and lightness of conversation leaves you feeling seen, connected, supported and hopeful.

  • Teemme töitä elävän maaseutukulttuurin puolesta - jo vuodesta 1938. Vaalimme perinteitä ja luomme uutta talonpoikaiskulttuuria. Toimimme talonpoikaisjärjellä.

  • Tässä podcastissa Tuomo Burman puhuu ja Ulla-Maija Mantere runoilee omia runojaan. Taustalla kuullaan Ylen äänitehosteena puron solinaa.

  • Welcome! I’m Jessica, a couples therapist and relationship coach with over 10 years of experience helping couples navigate relationship challenges. In this podcast, we focus on building stronger, more loving connections by tackling common issues like communication struggles, trust problems, loneliness, and the need for appreciation, intimacy, and connection. We dive deep into the world of love consciousness and its link to spirituality, exploring practical ways to connect with your higher power through meditation and self-help techniques.

    Each episode sheds light on barriers to love consciousness—such as past trauma and internal struggles—that make forgiveness and love challenging. My goal is to encourage you to become a relationship visionary, someone who sees their relationship as a higher purpose and strives to ensure both partners feel valued and connected. I discuss overcoming challenges and creating a relationship where both partners are respected and understood.

    Join me on this transformative journey to better relationships. Let’s work together to cultivate love and connection in your life. Subscribe now and start your path to a more conscious and loving relationship.