Technologie – Finland – Aanbevolen podcasts
Tervetuloa Herrasmieshakkereiden kartanoon takkatulen ääreen. Tässä ohjelmasarjassa käsittelemme tietoturvaan ja vääjäämättömään kybertuhoon liittyviä asioita ja ilmiöitä. Oppaananne verkon alamaailmassa toimivat Suomen tietoturvakentän wiralliset wanhukset Mikko Hyppönen ja Tomi Tuominen.
Kartanomme ylläpidosta huolehtii WithSecure. -
Every company has a story.
Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor. -
Courtland and Channing Allen interview the ambitious indie hackers who are turning their ideas and side projects into profitable online businesses. Explore the latest strategies and tools founders are using to capitalize on new opportunities, escape the 9-to-5 grind, and create their own personal revenue-generating machines. The future is indie!
See pole saade autopededele, vaid lihtsalt inimesele, kes oskab autoga sõita ja kes tahab meie seltsis pool tundi mõnusalt aega veeta. Saatejuhid on Tarmo Tähepõld ja Martin Mets.
Join our host Oliver Kadel and guest presenters, in conversation with industry thought leaders, practitioners, artists, academics and entrepreneurs discussing all aspects of this rapidly evolving industry from art, science and business to practical insights and project case studies. We aim to inform, educate, explore and unite the community. Immersive Audio Podcast is produced by 1.618 Digital Ltd.
The New Stack Podcast is all about the developers, software engineers and operations people who build at-scale architectures that change the way we develop and deploy software.
For more content from The New Stack, subscribe on YouTube at: -
A collaborative project between Bart Busschots and Allison Sheridan to sneak up on real programming in small easy steps, using the allure of the web as the carrot to entice people forward.
Podcast Sähköautomiehiltä sähköautoista kiinnostuneille. Isäntinä toimivat Antti Rantanen ja Janne Tapio.Powered by & Laturille.shopVoit halutessasi tukea Sähköautomiehiä Patreonissa:
Devaajille suunnattu podcast pinnan alla tapahtuvasta ohjelmistoteknologian magiasta. Puikoissa Markus Hjort ja Yrjö Kari-Koskinen – rakkaudesta lajiin.
Yhteiskunnan rattaita pyörittävät yritykset joutuvat varautumaan tietoturvauhkiin entistä järeämmin. Cinian podcast tarttuu joka jaksossa yhteen, maailmalla puhuttaneeseen kriittisen infran kyberhyökkäykseen. Miten estäisit vastaavan tapahtumasta täällä Suomessa?
Äänessä ovat kokeneet kyberturvallisuusasiantuntijat, jotka avaavat rikollisten taktiikoita ja ajankohtaista uhkamaisemaa.
Tilaa Kyberturvassa-uutiskirje, niin saat sähköpostiisi lisää vaativan ammattitason näkemystä tietoturvasta: -
Discussions and topics relevant to the house of worship sound community. Mixing techniques, IEM setup, building teamwork, and more. Between the technical aspects and the human aspects -- that's where church audio techs live. Hosted by James Attaway ( and Gary Zandstra.
Saatejuhid Hans Lõugas, Glen Pilvre, Meelis Väljamäe. Tehnoloogiauudised ja kommentaar inimkeeles.
Saade tehnoloogiaärist ja IT-firmadest. Saatejuhid Henrik Roonemaa ja Taavi Kotka.
The OWASP Podcast Series is a recorded series of discussions with thought leaders and practitioners who are working on securing the future for coming generations.
Welcome to Copilot Connection, the podcast that explores the world of Microsoft Copilots! Join your hosts, Zoe Wilson and Kevin McDonnell, as they take you on a journey through the different Copilots available and how they can help you in your day-to-day life. From the newly launch date announced Microsoft 365 Copilot to the Dynamics 365, GitHub, Windows, Custom and more Copilots, we'll cover it all. Our upbeat and engaging conversations with experts in the field will keep you entertained and informed. Tune in to Copilot Connection and discover how these AI-powered assistants can transform the way you work!
Want to be interviewed for the show? Sign up at The Copilot Connection: Call for Speakers @ -
A podcast that explores the stories of real people, their work, and its impact on the information security industry. Join security expert Caroline Wong as she focuses on the human side of security. Don't forget to follow the podcast on Twitter:
Host Mike Maples Jr. from venture capital firm Floodgate offers lessons from the rare startup super performers — BEFORE they were successful. Pattern Breakers features interviews with some of Silicon Valley’s most legendary entrepreneurs and thought leaders, including Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, Instagram founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Kreiger, business maverick Mark Cuban, and Shopify co-founder Tobi Lütke.
Apple Bitz XL is everything good and bad inside the world of Apple from tech host Brian Tong. He brings on special guests and gives his raw honest take while having fun after covering and working for Apple for over 20 years.
Support the show! -
Come join MrMario2011 talk about modding, exploiting, a bit of game/console hacking, and everything in between!
Africa-focused technology, digital and innovation ecosystem insight and commentary.
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