Religie en spiritualiteit – Verenigd Koninkrijk – Nieuwe podcasts
What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.
Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to Robbie Williams and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders. -
Reaching you from within the walls of a prison cell, Sean, from Liverpool, shares his “Diaries of a Political Prisoner” offering a unique perspective on life as a political prisoner in the UK as well as his own thoughts on religion, family and popular culture among much more. Hope you enjoy and thank you for listening!
You can support Sean by subscribing on Patreon, helping support his family at a time when he can not do so himself, including his 7 year old son, Noah.
To check out the different membership options on Patreon please follow this link: & if you'd rather make a one off donation than pay monthly you can do this here:
Thank you and we hope you value this critical view into the life of a UK political prisoner.
Please follow and share on our social media platforms and subscribe on the platform you’re listening on:
Instagram @diarypolprisoner
X @diarypolprison
BlueSky @diarypolprisoner
You can read more about political prisoners currently being held in the UK here and find out other ways you can show your support: -
Sarah Ajala-Immanuel is an evangelist of the Lord Jesus Christ committed to tackling and confronting error and deception in the African style of Christianity worldwide. The chief end of man is to give glory to God and enjoy Him forever. Most professing African Christians are restrained from doing this because of gross deception and false teaching. Sarah has a ministry to fight for the souls of men caught in that evil web so that the people may glorify the only Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, and God the Father only.
This podcast is a collection of Rav Weinberger's shiurim over the years on Purim.
A text driven series with the goal of moving efficiently and interestingly through our history while touching upon all of the points highlighted by the Navi. The shiur is given by Shlomo Brodie in memory of his grandfather Yakov Shamshin Ben Moshe Avraham.
When you're wondering about how to stay in control, take a life dunk with Miriam and Mark.
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Recordings of the weekly women’s chabura in London with Rabbi Yaakov Klein, focused on discovering the lucid, healthy, and heart-centric approach to avodas Hashem revealed in the teachings of Chassidus and Penimiyus haTorah.
If you can think of anyone who would benefit from these shiurim, please feel free to send them the link to join our WhatsApp! -
This is space to speak about walking with God and working for God. In Scholar'Space, we explore how to reveal our true identities in Christ through His Word. A space where you can feel at home, as there are no rules to this except listening to the love of God and having heartfelt conversations about faith and love.
Whether you’re struggling with doubts or looking for a push, we’re here to share our experiences and remind you that you’re not alone on this journey. Embrace the freedom to listen, reflect, and grow in your faith. -
Join us as we explore the depths of God's living word.
Featuring recorded teachings from Coleford Gospel Hall, we delve into biblical passages to uncover God’s messages for us today. -
The Prayerie Boys are back! Featuring father and son duo, Russ and Ben Tompkins, the Prayerie Boys podcast tries to tackle the big issues of the day with a little bit of Midwestern charm and cowboy hats.
Telling our stories of religion has so much to offer us — lessons of perseverance, creativity, and even how we decide to construct our worlds!
Life can be messy, and faith can be complex. Dear God with Keby is a podcast that explores the intersection of both. Join the tribe as we navigate life's challenges, seeking hope, meaning, and a stronger relationship with God through honest conversations and relatable experiences.
Urdu Translation of the Holy Quran.
Uploaded as 114 Surahs.
@riseoftawakul -
Word on the street is a platform where we share tips, recommendations and we talk about topics that create controversy in today's world, with the intention of helping teenagers, so they can become the best version of themselves.
On Holy Ground’ the podcast dedicated to learning through encounter. It is based on the premise that in all of our dialogues we are able to learn more about others, and also about ourselves. It utilises the idea that the space between us is holy ground, with all of encounters being potentially transformative. Each episode will seek to highlight the diversity of beliefs we find in the world, and how we learn through an open, honest and respectful discussion.
Intervalo Canção Nova
Circle Talk is an entertaining podcast show, hosted by Circle Sanctuary minister Rev Debra Rose, who speaks with Pagan leaders, authors, musicians, and others who are of general interest to the Pagan community.
Off Grid Christianity is a podcast for Christians who feel disconnected from Church...whether they attend one or not! Hosted by Martin Purnell, former 'Drivetime' presenter on the UK's first FM Christian Radio station, 'Cross Rhythms City', in Stoke-on-Trent. Martin also pioneered the legendary lunchtime discussion programme 'The Soapbox' on national Christian radio station 'UCB'.
In recent years, Martin took a step back from direct involvement in broadcasting to focus on family life in his adopted home of Northern Ireland. However, throughout that time, the concept behind OGC has been developing on the 'back burner' and we're excited to bring that to fruition, through this regular podcast. -
Gospel-centred | Spirit-empowered | Community on Mission
This podcast is about listening to the upcoming Al-Quran reciters from Nigeria using different voice in reciting Al-Quran.
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