Religie en spiritualiteit – Hongkong SAR van China – Nieuwe podcasts
The newest sermons from Baltimore Bible Church on SermonAudio.
Sermons and teachings from Apostolic Tabernacle in Jonesboro, Georgia, pastored by Dr. Talmadge French and Associate Pastor Ryan French. For more information, visit
Here to bring you light & guided meditations ✨ My Soul Influence is a resource where we share our knowledge and inspirations on personal growth and practical spirituality. Our purpose is to empower people to create the life path of their dreams. 🧚♀️You can find us on Youtube, Instagram, Etsy, TikTok, Medium and Facebook Group @mysoulinfluence for wellness tips and mindful mantras!
Manifesting Coach/Nerd/Mentor shares how to master the art of manifesting in no time with a bit of know-how and your own unique flair!
SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL Essence of Honey to living your life free Bound to Nothing 💫💛 (authenticity)Surrendering to your Power to make EveryDay Count!As you can invite the experiences you want in your Life through Positive Thinking & Balancing your Shadow-Self .You are In a safe space no judgment zone Sharing of Prophetic Messages & Testimonies.I DON'T GIVE PERMISSION OF ANY RECORDING OF MY MESSAGES!Many Thanks and appreciation Love ♡ Luna
學習人生智慧,過得不好的人會找到出口;過得好的人,更能夠步步高升!本節目出自章成禪師文字作品。閱讀文字請搜尋「章成禪師的無盡法界」官網https://www.infiniteworldofzhangcheng.com追蹤章成禪師臉書: provided by SoundOn
靈魂屁護所的誕生是希望能夠用很輕鬆的方式聊「靈性」,因為 Justie 老司講話常常很難咀嚼,但反覆聽、持續嚼,你會悟出生活的美好滋味!!!在還沒下嚥之前,Bessy & Jess 決定下海一起當不專業的翻譯蒟蒻(Q),跟我們三位一起體驗不同視角的靈性生活吧。
【關於 Justie aka J】
Justie 是不推崇用藥的藥師 / 自然醫學醫師 / 能量療癒師,於醫藥生技產業服務25年來,建議患者不過度依賴化學藥物,採自然療法結合保健品,藉由生活形式、飲食、信念轉換,於身心靈三位一體調整,成功扭轉並維持 500 位以上患者之健康狀態。Justie 在靈性修習有很深體悟,深知情緒償債、疾病與心靈狀況息息相關,希望透過自身修習經驗與天生之感應能力,正確引導他人拿回內在力量。
📌 陽明大學藥理所
📌 高考與國考之藥師證照
📌 藥師執業執照
📌 美國自然醫學會-自然醫學醫師證照
📌 自然療法推廣與實踐者
📌 身心靈健康企業講座講師
📌 醫療院所及企業培訓管理顧問
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Half Medium is a podcast where I (Diana) share my life as a Medium while navigating being a regular girl from the south side of Chicago. I’ll share stories of how I connect with the Divine and I’ll share how I’ve worked through some of my life’s challenges. Join me if you’re interested in hearing about my life as Half Medium Half Human!
Hi, 我是Alma,歡迎你來到從心開始😄
💌 [email protected]
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Bienvenue dans Au-Delà de Soi, le podcast qui vous guide vers un mieux-être en explorant le développement personnel, la spiritualité et le chamanisme. Chaque épisode vous invite à ralentir, à vous recentrer et à vous reconnecter à votre essence profonde grâce à des réflexions inspirantes, des outils concrets et des méditations guidées...
Chaque épisode est une nouvelle étape pour aller plus loin… au-delà de vous-même.
Abonnez-vous et suivez moi sur Instagram @nae_energetique -
此节目的宗旨是希望与听众分享正念生活的好处,协助听众觉 察自我、提升个人意识。 同时也会分享一些简单的正念练习方法,让听众学习如何使自己的身、心、灵得到全面的发展,以便克服日常生活中的困难和挑战,最终成为一个真正自由的人。
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Trong Thiền viện, thỉnh thoảng chúng tôi được nghe Thầy kể những chuyện vi tiếu. Có những chuyện chúng tôi hiểu lờ mờ, có những chuyện mãi lâu sau mới chợt thấy. Vì thế mà chúng tôi sinh lòng tham hiểu, hễ cứ gặp Thầy là gạn hỏi. Thầy bảo: “Chuyện vi tiếu nếu nghe mà không thấy thì cứ để vậy rồi một ngày kia sẽ thấy, tự khám phá mới hay chứ giải thích thì còn hứng thú gì... ”
Nhưng thấy Thầy thường cởi mở dung dị, chúng tôi cứ theo gạn hỏi hoài. Cuối cùng Thầy cũng gợi cho vài ý. Sau đây là những lời khai mở của Thầy mà chúng tôi ghi chép được. -
Our hustle culture is loud, but Jesus' invitation to walk in His unforced rhythms of grace is sweet and restorative.
Join Laura L. Smith and amazing guests as they talk about how full our lives are AND what we can take out to make room for the things that help us live the abundant life Jesus offers us. -
Catch up with our weekly sermons as we seek to love Jesus and share his gospel with those around us. -
Muhammad James Sutton is originally from Jacksonville, FL and became Muslim at the age of 15 in 1993. He began seeking knowledge by traveling around the United States to places like Atlanta, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Texas, but eventually made his way to Yemen where he lived for 15 years from 2000-2015. After Yemen, he would spend 6 years in Saudi Arabia. During his travels, he was blessed to study subjects like Arabic, Hadith, Tafseer, Aqeedah, Fiqh, Usool Al-Fiqh, etc. with scholars in Dammaj & Sanaa (Yemen) and Riyadh (KSA).
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