Maatschappij & cultuur – Hongkong SAR van China – Aanbevolen podcasts

  • Room410係由幾個香港人成立既本地知識型資訊頻道每星期會定期開直播節目,以及不定期發送短片懸案節目《懸疑未決》逢星期五晚上10:00,準時放送鬼故節目《迷離夜話》每隔個禮拜二放送獵奇節目《獵奇物語》每隔個禮拜三放送縱然世界再壞,都可以嚟Room410暫時歇一會【課金贊助】【Room410 Instagram】【Room410 Telegram】 provided by SoundOn

  • Join Jonathan Youssef for a candid look at the Christian faith. Each week, Jonathan will tackle tough issues, answer the hard questions, and will host thought-provoking conversations with respected Christian leaders. Topics include theology, Biblical parenting, healthy sexuality, world religions, engaging a post truth world, and so much more.

  • Welcome to Jem's Coffee Shop! Feel free to take a seat and sip on your favourite beverage while I talk about anything and everything every Tuesday! Follow @jemscoffeeshop on IG to stay updated! Please email [email protected] for all business inquiries :)

  • Join retired police detective and private investigator Derrick Levasseur and true crime Youtube creator Stephanie Harlowe as they discuss the crimes making headlines while also taking a deeper look into cases that have fascinated them both personally and professionally. They’ll give plenty of insight and safety tips along the way to help make sure that no listener becomes the subject of the next episode….

  • Each week, physician, economist, and author of "Random Acts of Medicine" Dr. Bapu Jena will dig into a fascinating study at the intersection of economics and healthcare. He takes on questions like: Why do kids with summer birthdays get the flu more often? Can surviving a hurricane help you live longer? What do heart surgery and grocery-store pricing have in common?

  • This monthly podcast will provide you with snippets on how to live a clutter-free life. Your host, Derria, is a strong believer in self-care and encourages anyone to live a joyful and clutter-free life on purpose.
    Please send questions to [email protected].
    New episodes every last Tuesday of the month.

    About the Host
    Derria Murphy is a seasoned organizer and host of the Declutter Empress Radio Podcast. With a passion for functional living spaces and effective organizational strategies, she guides her audience on achieving serene and clutter-free environments. Known for her practical tips and engaging storytelling, Derria empowers listeners to simplify their lives and create personal oases at home. Her expertise extends beyond decluttering, as she also explores productivity tools and mindset shifts necessary for maintaining organized, peaceful living spaces.

    Music from Uppbeat:
    Forest of the Ancients License code: 0KOOY8HJKZR12GWC
    Make me Clean License code: DVF8I1ZGBMCSA75W

  • Loqomotions est une émission qui parle de transports, de mobilité et de l’influence qu’ont ces derniers sur notre quotidien et plus largement sur la société.

    Que ce soit des modes de transports innovants, des applications que l’on utilise au quotidien ou actualités qui défraient la chronique

    Yoann alias Ken Bogard épaulé de Chloé et Victor, vous partagent leurs expériences, leur vision et donnent du relief à des sujets que vous connaissez bien, puisque que vous vous déplacez tous les jours !

    Chaque épisode traite d’un sujet sous l’angle de chaque chroniqueur, qui vous amènera à vous questionner sur vos déplacements, ceux des autres et ceux de demain.

    Chaque chronique pourra être commentée et débattue sur le discord de Qualiter


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    Vous pouvez également soutenir Qualiter en participant à notre patreon :

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Namulanta Kombo and parents from around the world build a “handbook to life”. Sharing your parenting advice and extraordinary personal stories in letters to your daughter, the daughter of friends and relatives, your future daughters or the daughters you never had. What do you want to say to your children? What family stories will help them in their lives? What’s your best advice? Our award-winning parenting podcast is back for season three.

    If you are a mum or mom, dad or papa, grandparent, uncle, aunt, daughter, son or just want to write a letter, send us a Whatsapp message on +44 800 030 4404 or visit

    Get in touch and let us know what you think on social media - #DearDaughter - and please leave ratings and reviews.

    You can read our privacy notice here:

  • 禪師今天不打坐,聊聊身心靈探索、民俗信仰、神鬼的疑難雜症,以及你在意的人生大小事。*主持人:Suke(不懂就問的靈性小白)*坐不住的禪師:熊仁謙(精通漢語、藏語和梵語的佛學研究者,縱情於創業、慈善與寫作)透過輕鬆對談,與你在探索自我和平靜的過程中獲得啟發。*每週四固定上片*官方LINE:@happinessuni,提供各項身心靈鍛鍊*免費先天觀測報告:請搜尋「心靈觀測站」*任何疑問歡迎至Email:[email protected] provided by SoundOn

  • Liebe – aber unkonventionell. Ein Podcast über das Leben in einer polyamoren Beziehung. Anfang 2020 haben Saskia und Lui Michalski sich mit ihrer unkonventionellen Liebe geoutet und entschlossen, das Thema „Liebe außerhalb der Norm“ zu enttabuisieren. Innerhalb der letzten Jahre haben sie xx-Millionen Aufrufe generiert, zu diversen Diskussionen in den Medien angeregt und sich eine Community aufgebaut, die mit ihnen das Ziel verfolgt, mehr Transparenz und Akzeptanz in der Gesellschaft zu schaffen. In diesem Podcast lernst du die beiden, sowie ihre Beziehung(en), hautnah kennen. Ehrlich und ungeschönt beleuchten die Michalskis ihr eigenes Leben, Themen, wie die Liebe, LGBTQAI+, ihren Blick auf die Gesellschaft, Social Media, das Influencerdasein und was Glück für sie bedeutet.

    Ab sofort gibt es jeden Mittwoch wieder eine neue Folge von „Die Michalskis".

    Hosts: Saskia Michalskis ( Lui Michalski (

    „Die Michalskis” ist ein Podcast von Podimo. Wenn du den Podcast hören möchtest, findest du jede Woche Mittwoch eine neue Folge in der Podimo App. Du kannst diesen Podcast und viele ähnlich Inhalte 30 Tage lang kostenlos testen. Geh einfach auf

    Du kannst das Probeabo jederzeit kündigen. Du wirst auf der Seite deine Bezahldaten hinterlegen müssen, um deine Anmeldung abzuschließen, aber keine Angst, wenn du innerhalb der 30 Tage kündigst, zahlst du natürlich keinen Cent.Nur wenn du nach deinem Probeabo bei Podimo bleiben willst, zahlst du im Monat 4,99 € und bekommst weiterhin Zugriff auf alle exklusiven Podcasts und Hörbücher der App.

  • Taiwan is patchwork quilt of diverse, motiving personalities. Here, we have politicians who make history, entrepreneurs whose innovations help keep the global economy afloat, and artists who explore creativity in fascinating, inspiring ways. Taiwan Talk shows its listeners the unique perspectives of Taiwan all over the world. From those at home, those abroad, and those who’ve chosen to make this island their home. Taiwan Talk airs on ICRT FM100 at 8am, and in the evening in the 6pm news hour. --Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 關於邁向世界的第一步,

    Hi,我是 Dr. Eko。

    🧛 關於 Dr. Eko 的線上英語課程

    🧛 了解更多 Dr. Eko 吸血鬼英語教師
    Youtube | Instagram | Facebook
    搜尋:Dr. Eko Shakespeare

    🧛 想看最有趣的語言綜藝節目
    Youtube | Instagram | Facebook

    Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • Paulina Stevens grew up in an insular Romani American family, destined to leave school, marry young, and become a fortuneteller. By 17, her fate was sealed — until she decided to leave it all behind. "Foretold" follows Paulina as she navigates the consequences of her decision to leave her community and redefine her identity. Hosted by Los Angeles Times reporter Faith Pinho, "Foretold" will take you past the neon "psychic" signs and trendy tarot cards to unravel myths and stereotypes that have followed the Romani people for centuries.

  • JC財經觀點 創辦人📙 著作:《美股投資學》📝 專欄:美股投資學:高速成長與穩健收息(🌐 網站:JC財經觀點(📧 合作Mail: [email protected] provided by SoundOn

  • Jungian Analyst Jakob Lusensky engages in dialogues and research at the intersection of depth psychology and Christianity for the purpose of individual and cultural transformation.

    New book: C.G Jung: Face to Face with Christianity - Conversations on dreaming the myth onward, is now published by Chiron Publications.

  • 一個無所不聊的Podcast,Chase和Iris以幽默輕鬆的口吻和你聊聊國內外各領域的知識及冷知識。 ”You don’t know what you don’t know.” (你不知道你不知道的事),歡迎按下收聽鍵,和我們一起以思考為樂。

    Chase-教育顧問、哈佛研究生、《Juicy Baskets 就是籃球》主持人

    Email: [email protected]


    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • my name is anna archer, i'm 22 years old and i'm from the uk <3 welcome to our lil safe space, where i share my thoughts, feelings and reflections. i know what it feels like to struggle and i just want to be a helping hand to as many people as possible. there is no posting schedule (i release an episode when i can), as life is never linear and i'm trying to practice to not put too much pressure on myself xxx

    @insideannasmind on instagram <3 (the best community)

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Have you ever felt that life was just passing you by, spending day in and day out checking boxes but not truly happy? Tyler and Todd did too, until they sold everything to move into an RV in search of a simpler life. From interviews with inspiring guests who dared to take risks, to conversations on topics ranging from home renovations to the LGBTQ+ experience, this weekly podcast isn’t afraid to take a few tangents in search of life’s biggest questions…with more than a few laughs along the way.
    Spill the tea HERE:

  • Network Capital’s (NC) mission is to democratize inspiration and make personalized mentoring and career guidance accessible to every person on the planet. We are a global community of more than 200,000 peer mentors from 104 countries who learn with and from each other.
    We are a subscription based career content and mentoring community
    1. Serve as your personalized career coach in the form of global tribe of mentors. No matter what you are looking for, someone on Network Capital has done it.
    2. Offer carefully curated jobs and internships
    3. Access to Network Capital TV and all subgroups