Geschiedenis – Kroatië – Aanbevolen podcasts
Crime is so commonplace that it takes something particularly shocking to be labelled the “crime of the century.” Even so, there are a lot of cases that have earned the distinction. In each episode of Crimes of the Centuries, award-winning journalist Amber Hunt will examine a case that’s lesser known today but was huge when it happened. The cases explored span the centuries and each left a mark. Some made history by changing laws. Others were so shocking they changed society.
A fortnightly podcast chronicling the amazing story of the now ex-country of Yugoslavia -its formation, heights, and collapse.
The Letter from Ireland Podcast. Join us as we travel in the footsteps of your Irish Ancestors around Ireland - visiting their homelands and telling their stories and with lots of great Irish music along the way.
Detectives Don't Sleep is the new whodunnit podcast. Step beyond the police tape, as we shadow the real detectives who worked history's most intriguing cases.
Brought to you by award-winning podcasters, Noiser. Hosted by Mark Dodson.
New episodes Tuesdays.
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Listen to 'John Buchan Unbound', hosted by Buchan's granddaughter and biographer, Ursula Buchan, and historian Michael Redley. Explore the depths of John Buchan's world through the eyes of his characters and the lens of history. Listen in for a unique journey into a literary icon's legacy.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The core idea of this podcast comes from David Graeber, who wrote that our everyday life is mostly run on anarchism, and at the same time people believe that anarchism doesn’t work. One of these is wrong.
I hope to illuminate how our communities already depend on Mutual Aid, in big and small ways. I'll do that by excavating the historical events and cultural trends you already know about, but have never thought about in terms of anarchism.
Find me at -
Who doesn’t like petty texts, celebrity gossip, dating advice, spicy song lyrics, or controversial opinions? Now imagine all that... but it’s historical. In this podcast we’ll be reading some juicy historical letters, diaries, articles and other piping hot tea. So get yourself something to drink and let’s jump into TEXTORY. Hosted by Karolina Żebrowska
Tko je i kada nešto otkrio i tko je i kada ta otkrića ukrao? Kako nastaju i kako nestaju civilizacije? Što više pokreće ljude: nada i ljubav ili sila i strah? Jesu li velikani uistinu tako veliki i jesu li negativci uvijek samo negativni? Kako se stvaraju urote i kako propadaju države?
A narrative history podcast which will attempt a coherent narrative from the origins of the Celtic people's all the way up to the revival of Celtic languages in the modern era.
Image from cover Provided by The British Museum
Music Provided for intro/outro "Beyond the Warriors" by Guifrog -
Herzlich Willkommen bei Jüdische Geschichte Kompakt.
Auf unserem neuen Kanal können Sie einzelne Forschungsprojekte zur deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte und Gegenwart genauer kennenlernen und neue Perspektiven auf vermeintlich Alt-Bekanntes erhalten.
In unterschiedlichen Staffeln können Sie so wie durch ein Schlüsselloch einen Blick auf das weite Feld der Forschung zur deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte werfen und dabei gleichzeitig ganz bequem von zu Hause aus Neues und Interessantes über unser Land und unsere Geschichte erfahren. Die Staffeln werden mal gemeinsam, mal abwechselnd vom Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden ( in Hamburg und dem Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum für Europäisch-Jüdische Studien ( in Potsdam bespielt.
An jedem ersten Freitag im Monat wird eine neue Folge des Podcasts online geschaltet und damit ein neuer Blick auf die jüdische Geschichte und Gegenwart freigegeben.
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spass beim Reinhören. Bleiben Sie interessiert und gesund!
Ihr Jüdische-Geschichte-Kompakt-Team -
HistoryCast otkriva priče iza istorijskih činjenica, upoznaje ljude iza istorijskih likova i nalazi život iza istorijskih datuma.
We are bringing history's greatest sermons back to life! Sermons from famous preachers like Charles Spurgeon, DL Moody, John Calvin, and many more. These sermons contain great wisdom from the past that will encourage believers in their walks with God today. Each episode features a 5-10 minute backstory on who the preacher is to better understand the sermon's context. And each sermon has had its language updated for easy listening for the 21st century believer.
Relationships, experiences, places and thoughts. I speak with individuals I have met along the way, talking about personal stories, impressions, life and dreams. Society is the sum of ups and downs, some we share, most we never hear of. Here some voices rise above the rest to tell their unique tales and I thank you all for allowing me to listen and record your stories. Find me on Twitter @TwoandaMic1
Cover Art photo by Nassos.
Jingle (from episode 157) by Omish Njash.
Discovering the Slavic culture is not easy. Scientific sources are scarce, and oral tradition tainted by Judaeo-Christian point of view, imposed on our ancestors with fire and sword. Written sources come from historians or travellers looking at the culture of Slavs with the eyes of a witness, not a participant and usually from the perspective of a foreign (Roman, Arabic, Judeo-Christian) culture. Archaeological discoveries require interpretation by modern researchers which obviously blurs the original meaning of the artefacts.
Large part of the “Witia” project is an attempt to look at the Slavic culture with the eyes of a pagan, with an open-minded approach and respectful curiosity. Listening to the whispers of our Slavic souls we try to separate interpretations from facts and find in our heritage the elements which were suppressed by the hundreds of years of Christianisation.
The podcast that answers YOUR questions about the Biblical Nephilim! Supplementary to the book, “Answers to Giant Questions” by author and host T.J. Steadman.
Examine world events and your daily life through the mind of a fighter pilot. These episodes answer your questions harnessing my experiences in 25 years of flying fighter jets, and my PhD in History, Strategy, and Policy
Utsiktspodden bjuder in lyssnaren på en resa genom mänskliga intressen. Från teknikens framsteg till de fascinerande aspekterna av psykologi, från religionens betydelse till kulturens påverkan. Varje avsnitt är dedikerat till ett specifikt ämne, och även om ämnena varierar strävar värdarna Ingemar och Linus efter att erbjuda en balans mellan frågor och kunskap, insikter och en aning underhållning. Målet är att utforska olika nyanser av den mänskliga erfarenheten och skapa en engagerande och reflekterande stund.
Utsiktspodden bjuder in dig att fördjupa dig i varje ämne och reflektera över dess relevans i vår värld. Vårt fokus är att skapa en plattform där kunskap och tankar möts på ett tillgängligt och gripande sätt. Livet passerar ofta förbi utan tillfälle till reflektion, och mycket av värdet kan då gå förlorat. Följ med när vi navigerar genom olika ämnen och gemensamt reflekterar och diskuterar världen omkring oss på ett tankeväckande sätt."
Välkommen till Utsiktspodden
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Gary Richied and Charlie Westerman preview their book -- A Twisted History of the United States -- and comment on other historical/current events through the lens of freedom.
Novi magazin vam predstvaljva dva podkasta: Napuštanje uglja na Zapadnom Balkanu i Razumeti čelično prijateljstvo.
Napuštanje uglja na Zapadnom Balkanu je podkast Novog magazina koji će se kroz pet epizoda baviti temom hitnosti napuštanja uglja na navedenom području. Kroz razgovore sa eminentnim stručnjacima Novi magazin namerava da predstavi ozbiljnost ove teme, socio-ekonomske posledice i posledice po energetsku vrednost regiona, kao i da predstavi i ponudi rešenja koje mogu doprineti ovom istorijskom i civilizacijskom poduhvatu.
Snimanje ovog podcasta podržano je od strane Fondacije za otvoreno društvo Albanije.
Domaćin podkasta je Damir Dizdarević
Coal phase-out in the Western Balkans is Novi magazine's podcast. Throughout five episodes this podcast will deal with the issue of the urgency of abandoning coal in the mentioned area. The podcast intends to present the seriousness of this topic, the socio-economic consequences of the energy transition, the energy value of the region, as well as a solution that can contribute to this historical and civilizational endeavor.
Damir Dizdarević is the podcast host
This podcast is supported by the Open Society Foundation of Albania.
Razumeti čelično prijateljstvo je podkast Novog magazina koji će se kroz dvanest epizoda baviti temom saradnje Sribije i Kine. Kroz razgovore sa eminentnim stručnjacima Novi magazin namerava da predstavi različita gledišta i omogući razumevanje teme na pravi način.
Domaćin podkasta je Stefan Vladistavljev
Podkast je urađen uz podršku Ambasade SAD u Beogradu
Understanding the Steel Friendship is Novi magazine's podcast. Throughout twelve episodes this podcast will deal with the issue of cooperation between Serbia and China. The podcast intends to present diverse perspectives and well-informed insights by inviting relevant experts in the field.
Stefan Vladistavljev is the podcast host
This podcast is supported by the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade
130 ans après la mort du plus discret des impressionnistes, cette collection de podcast à la croisée de la biographie historique et de l’exploration historique explore le parcours de l’homme mais aussi de son œuvre, ses toiles constituant une sorte de journal intime.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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