Kind en gezin – Kroatië – Nieuwe podcasts

  • A discussion of modern fatherhood and business leadership from the perspective of two CEOs. Learn about how we balance our careers and being active dads. Lessons for the board room, and for the baby.

  • Beyond the Clock: First Baby After 40, My Story

    Ready to embrace parenthood on your own terms?

    This is for the person who:

    🤚 Refuses to let society dictate their timeline.
    🦋 Knows their body is wise and powerful.
    👩‍🍼 Craves a conscious and empowered pregnancy journey.
    🪢 Wants to create a family that reflects your deepest values.
    ✍️ Is ready to rewrite the rules and embrace the magic of parenthood after 40.

    Join Kole Whitty, as she shifts from successful business owner to pregnancy, listen as she shares her raw and honest journey of self-discovery, fertility, and conscious creation.

    In "Beyond the Clock," you'll discover:

    ⭐️ How to cultivate deep self-trust and intuition.
    ⭐️ Practical tools for navigating the emotional and spiritual aspects of pregnancy and parenting.
    ⭐️ Inspiring stories from medical to magical folks that are helping her along the way.
    ⭐️ Expert advice on everything from fertility to postpartum healing.

    It's time to ditch the fear, embrace your power, and create the path you've always dreamed of.

    Subscribe now

  • Welcome to Bloom. The podcast where mums share their unfiltered experiences of pregnancy, birth, the fourth trimester and beyond. We hope these stories help you to feel informed and empowered, wherever you are on your own journey – because every mum is a Blooming superhero.

  • Welcome to The House of My Mother: A Daughter's Quest for Freedom, a podcast by The Messy Podcast. Dive into heartfelt conversations about parenting, family dynamics, and the journey toward independence. We explore the joys, struggles, and lessons of mother-daughter relationships, blending personal stories with actionable insights. Perfect for parents, daughters, and anyone navigating generational connections. Tune in for inspiring, relatable, and thought-provoking episodes that will leave you feeling empowered and understood!

  • Big Stories for Little Ears helps explain the life lessons that adults struggle with most, written to support and guide kids as they experience big feelings, perhaps for the first time. Also look for stories about food and cooking to inspire and empower kids to participate in the kitchen. Stories are read in a bedtime-friendly tone.

  • A one stop shop for parents of teenagers. Hear inspirational stories from top teen experts along with the skills and tools to help you along your parenting journey.

    Give the teen you care about unshakeable confidence, grit and resilience!

    To learn more visit:

    Join our Parent Facebook Community:

    To follow Jesse: @JesseLeBeau

  • Willkommen zu "Hallo Wunschkind" – dem Podcast rund um den Weg zum Wunschkind, über Hoffnung, Rückschläge und das große Glück am Ende.

    Hi, ich bin Judith, und in diesem Podcast erzähle ich euch meine persönliche Geschichte – wie ich trotz vieler Rückschläge und Herausforderungen am Ende doch schwanger geworden bin, und das sogar zweimal! Wenn euch das Thema Kinderwunsch, unerfüllter Kinderwunsch und die Gründe für Fehlgeburten interessieren, seid ihr hier genau richtig. Ich werde ehrlich berichten, wie es mir in dieser schwierigen Zeit ergangen ist, welche Learnings ich gemacht habe, und euch auch einen Einblick in meinen Familienalltag geben. Insbesondere sprechen wir über das Thema Fehlgeburten, die Verzweiflung, die viele erleben, und wie der Traum vom eigenen Kind schließlich doch wahr werden kann.

    Begleitet mich auf dieser emotionalen Reise und findet neue Hoffnung und Perspektiven.

    Ihr findet mich auch bei Instagram unter halloWunschkind_online

  • Ovo je podcast o otkrivanju sebe u prvim danima, tjednima i mjesecima nakon poroda. Veselim se što ćemo iz epizode u epizodu otkrivati nove dimenzije majčinstva.

    Ja sam Margareta. Majka, supruga, pedagoginja i psihoterapeutkinja u edukaciji. Rado ću te podržati u tvojoj novoj ulozi, a ti mi piši svoja razmišljanja kako bi ova komunikacija što češće bila dvosmjerna.

    S ljubavlju,

  • Podcast mamine.sveznalice je mjesto gdje započinje tvoje putovanje prema onoj viziji majčinstva o kakvoj si oduvijek sanjala za sebe i za svoju obitelj!
    Ako se osjećaš preplavljeno svakodnevnim izazovima, ali vjeruješ da postoji smireniji i ispunjeniji pristup odgoju–dobro mi došla!

    Zajedno ćemo, korak po korak, otkrivati kako prepoznati i transformirati vlastite unutarnje okidače i reakcije i odgojiti emocionalno otpornu i samopouzdanu djecu.

    Tvoje dijete uči gledajući tebe, a ja sam ovdje da ti pomognem rasti i postaviti pravi primjer!

    Dobro došla na mjesto gdje tvoja promjena počinje!✨

  • Podcast tate blizanaca bez filtera. Tata u 21. stoljeću, sa svim blagodatima i brigama očinstva svakoga četvrtka na

  • Parents, do you worry about your teen’s emotional well-being and how anxiety may be affecting their daily life? Have you felt helpless or unsure about how to support your teen through their struggles? Are you concerned about the long-term impact of anxiety on your teen’s mental health? Are you looking for guidance and support from experts who understand what you’re going through and can provide practical advice to your teen for navigating this journey?

    Hi, I’m Monica Crnogorac and I’m so excited that you’re here on Parenting Anxious Teens. Things may seem smooth and easy for me now, but they weren’t always this way. I remember what it felt like to be a teen and feel overwhelmed, alone, confused, and frustrated. Even though I had the awareness of how I was feeling, I still struggled to overcome the heavy emotions because I was afraid of letting anyone in. I was hoping I would be able to ignore it and shove it under the rug without really needing to address it. What happened? My feelings of anxiety and overwhelm intensified and that freaked me out.

    I needed to find a way to free myself from the hole I dug, so I finally decided to work with someone who helped me let go of the burdens of anxiety I was carrying for years. It wasn’t easy and it made me shed a few tears, but I was able to release the pain and move forward to living a life where anxiety doesn’t have the driver seat. Let me tell you, the time, energy, and money I put towards my own transformation is what inspired me to help teens today. Resolving my own anxiety allowed me to uncover the secret to overcoming big emotions in an easy, manageable, and adaptive way. After falling in love with the self-growth journey, I went to school to get educated and certified so I can empower you and tell you everything I know.

    Inside this podcast, we explore the nature of non-clinical anxiety, uncovering its triggers, signs and symptoms, and the profound impact it has on a teen’s life. Parents, you will learn how to understand, support, and empower your teens through their struggles with anxiety. You’ll learn actionable steps you can take to create a supportive environment at home and help your teen manage their anxiety effectively. But we don’t stop there. I bring on expert guests, share anxiety hacks, and equip both teens and parents with practical strategies for building resilience, coping with stress, and navigating those turbulent waters with grace and strength.

    We are going to simplify teenage anxiety for you because I want you see your teen happy, confident, and thriving. I want you to be able to have a strong and supportive relationship with them where everyone feels understood and supported. Most importantly, I want to help them reach their full potential despite what they’re going through. So, grab your favourite drink, get in some comfy clothes and let’s dig in.

    You can find me here:

    Instagram: @__consciouscoach
    Work with me:
    Connect: [email protected]

  • Kroz ove epizode zajedno preispitujemo temelje roditeljstva, odgoja i poticanja razvoja djeteta. Ovaj podcast stvoren je za sve one koji žele osjećati, razumjeti i dati više, za one koji biraju rasti.

  • This podcast is intended for your children. These children's stories are selected by our team. Let dreams, surprise, and magic fill their daily lives. Happy listening!

  • 'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon is 'n podcast wat die wêreld van die moderne Afrikaanse ma weerspieel. Aanbieder Daniëlla van Heerden (self 'n ma van twee) voer openhartige gesprekke met kenners en spesiale gaste. Die fokus is nie net babas en kinders se gesondheid nie, maar ook ma's se emosionele welstand.
    Hier sal jy saam lag vir daardie oomblikke wat net 'n ma kan verstaan - soos dat vyf minute alleen in die motor soms kan tel as "me-time"!
    Meer ernstige onderwerpe soos postpartum depressie, tantrums en boelies word egter ook openlik bespreek.
    Alledaagse én bekende ma's kom kuier ook in die ateljee om hulle stories te deel.
    'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon sal jou inspireer, bemagtig en herinner dat jy (ten spyte daarvan dat jy soms twyfel) altyd die beste ma is vir jou kind.

    'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon is a podcast that reflects the world of the modern Afrikaans mom.
    Host Daniëlla van Heerden (herself a mom of two) engages in candid conversations with experts and special guests.
    The focus extends beyond the health of babies and children to encompass the emotional well-being of mothers.
    Here, you'll share laughter for those moments only another mom can understand – like how five minutes alone in the car can sometimes count as "me-time"!
    However, more serious topics such as postpartum depression, tantrums, and bullying are also openly discussed.
    Everyday and well-known moms alike drop by the studio to share their stories.
    'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon will inspire, empower, and remind you that, despite moments of doubt, you are always the best mom for your child.

  • Love and light. Helping our little ones and families through the course of life...

  • Welcome to the Brown Noise Podcast, your sanctuary for discovering the grounding effects of brown noise on health and wellness. Brown noise, with its deep, rich textures, has been shown to promote better concentration, aid in sleep, and provide relief from tinnitus. Through engaging discussions, expert interviews, and immersive soundscapes, we delve into how this unique sound frequency can enhance your cognitive function and overall sense of peace. Tune in to the Brown Noise Podcast and let the earthy, comforting tones of brown noise support your journey towards a more focused and serene state of being. - Check out our Streaming Service for our full collection; hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, sounds for sleep/relaxation, and original podcasts - all ad-free!!

    brown noise, concentration, sleep aid, tinnitus relief, wellness, relaxation, sound therapy, cognitive, peace, healing, meditation, focus, health, serenity, mental wellness, stress relief, mindfulness, deep sleep, calm, productivity

  • Dobrodošla v SpeLineastem podcastu, kjer bom govorila o vseh sortah tortah...o resnih in malo manj resnih temah... Pridruži se mi :)

  • There’s a student loan debt crisis in America, but “College Doesn’t Have to be a DEBT Sentence.”~Denise Thomas; Each Thursday, join Denise Thomas, author, speaker, & creator of Cracking the Code to Free College as she brings clarity and wisdom to what’s real, and what’s not, shattering the myth that college debt is inevitable. We’ll talk about scholarships, student loans, financial aid, academics, college admissions, and what it takes to succeed. Denise is a homeschool mom of more than 20 years whose children attended college on 17 scholarships for 4 years debt-free with cash left over. If your children are college-bound or you just want to hear some great education and financial advice, this is the podcast for you.

  • The show is about learning with technology, the realities and exciting potential.

    Enjoying the show? Please take a moment to rate us, and leave a review wherever you've accessed the podcast. Find our listener survey at drop a like on the page while you're there.

    The music in this podcast was produced by Leroy Tindy, a guest in episode zero. You can find him on SoundCloud at AirTindi Beats.

    The podcast is produced by Marc Lesser. Marc is a specialist in the fields of digital learning and youth development with broad experience designing programming and learning environments in local and national contexts. Marc recently served as Youth Studies Practitioner Fellow at City University of New York, and leads a team of researchers and technologists for NAF (National Academy Foundation).

    Marc is the co-founder of Emoti-Con NYC, New York's biggest youth digital media and technology festival, and in 2012 was named a National School Boards Association “20-to-Watch” among national leaders in education and technology. Connect with Marc on Twitter @malesser, or LinkedIn.

    What's with the ice cream truck in the logo? In the 80's, Richard E. Clark at University of Southern California set off a pretty epic debate based on his statement that "media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers our groceries causes changes in nutrition." * So, the ice cream truck, it's a nod to Richard Clark, who frequently rings in my ear when I'm tempted to take things at face value. "Is it the method, or the medium?" I wonder.

    The title, No Such Thing, has a few meanings. Mostly, it emphasizes the importance of hard questions as we develop and document the narrative of "education" in the US. For Richard E. Clark, the question is whether there's such a thing as learning from new technologies. For others, it might be whether there's a panacea for the challenges we face in this field. Whatever your question, I hope that it reminds you to keep asking--yourself, your learners, others--what's working and how so.

    * Clark, R. E. (1983) Reconsidering Research on Learning From Media. Review of Educational Research 53(4) 445-459.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.