Nieuws – Kroatië – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Young people coming together rediscovering the past in order to understand the present and define the future. Bi-monthly episodes hosted by Maren Bick-Maurischat and a guest where they discuss current issues and discover their historical context and its modern significance. Because sometimes high school history and government just isn't enough.

  • Passionate about modern feminist issues? Want to learn more about how today's political, academic, and cultural leaders strive for a future of universal equality and justice?

    Join NOW President Christian F. Nunes in a new podcast dedicated to intersectional feminist discussions in American society with leaders in entertainment, sports, politics, and science. From conversations on constitutional equality, to economic justice and reproductive rights, listeners will find new ways to learn, engage, and get empowered.

    Listen for new episodes released every other Wednesday.

  • Making sense of politics and the world with curiosity, rigor and a sense of humor.

  • Wake up in the morning grumpy and moody sometimes? Well your not the only one. We are all human and have our mood swings and clustered agendas, but how you start your day can really have a diverse affect on your life. Start molding your brain with some of these ___ in order to enhance your day AND then your life... haha see what I did there ? Baby steps*

  • Pour suivre l'actualité, se cultiver ou s'évader, retrouvez-ici tous les contenus audio de la rédaction de 20 Minutes France.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Novice, podkast in zgodbe o Sloveniji | Poslušajte posebne epizode in novice na | Produkcija, režija, snemanje in montaža: Sloveniacast Media.

  • From your Information Protection and Security team, Cybersecurity Countdown! 3 cybersecurity stories every week in under 3 minutes, keeping you in the know about breaking news stories from information security, tips and tricks to keep you and your family safe, and much more. Subscribe now for the countdown to the next episode to begin!

  • Telling the stories of the people covering crypto

  • Just 3 hardcore padel fans that talk about everything happening in the world of padel on a weekly basis.
    A Podcast Powered By @tsh.padel

  • “Wie geht’s dir mit der KI?” ist die Frage, die Ana Simic, KI- und Tech-Beraterin von Propeller - AI Consultancy, jede Woche bei einer guten Tasse Wiener Melange unterschiedlichen Menschen stellt. Ob Expert:innen oder Neulinge, Menschen in Ausbildung, im Beruf oder in anderen Lebensphasen, erzählen, wie sie die Künstliche Intelligenz in ihren Alltag integrieren. Oder vielleicht noch gar nicht?

    Neben kurzen aktuellen Updates aus der Welt der KI spricht Ana mit den Gästen darüber, wie die KI ihren Alltag beeinflusst, welche Erfahrungen sie bereits gemacht haben, und welche Hoffnungen und Sorgen im Zusammenhang mit der künstlichen Intelligenz sie vielleicht noch haben.

    Wir begeben uns auf eine Forschungsreise und inspirieren uns gegenseitig.

    40 Menschen und 40 Geschichten im Jahr 2025.

  • Welcome to the Balkan Baptist podcast, where we bring together stories, prayer letters, news, and messages from our church community. Join us as we share heartfelt narratives, offer prayers, and provide updates on our mission and ministry endeavors. From uplifting testimonies to informative discussions, our podcast is a platform for fostering connection and deepening faith. Tune in to stay informed, inspired, and uplifted as we journey together in faith. God bless.

  • Two political women from the CA Central Coast talking about politics, culture and chisme.

  • With every passing day, the second Trump administration raises new concerns relating to gender and sexuality. Professors Carla Barqueiro and Mariah Schug are here to talk you through the issues and show the way forward.

  • The Activist News Network offers news, history and analysis on a wide range of topics focusing primarily on Liberation movements, current and historical activism, Revolutionary Pan-Africanism, Internationalism, and the importance of centering the freeing of all political prisoners.

  • Un podcast con Alfonso Aguilar donde analizará toda la actualidad política de los Estados Unidos.

  • Welcome to The Reality Recap, the podcast where reality TV gets the royal treatment!

    Join Queen E for sharp, unfiltered takes on the wild world of reality television. Whether it's love, drama, strategy, or sheer chaos, no moment goes unnoticed. With humor, passion, and a no-nonsense approach, The Reality Recap breaks down the biggest moments, the messiest cast members, and the most addictive reality TV storylines.

    If you love reality TV and aren’t afraid to keep it real, this is the podcast for you. Buckle up—because in this world, the drama never ends!

    Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of The Reality Recap ad-free.
    Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting

  • In late June 2018, five people were murdered by an active shooter walking through their offices at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland. Prosecutors say he blocked the exit so the victims couldn’t escape.

    The defendant, Jarrod Ramos, pleaded guilty to the murders but his lawyers now argue he’s not “criminally responsible” — Maryland’s version of the Insanity Defense. Prosecutors contend that his attack was planned in a “calculating and methodical” manner because the paper wrote unfavorable articles about him.

    Former TV reporter and lawyer Chris Gordon covered the crime. Now, he’s covering the trial in this exclusive podcast from Voxtopica and Chris Gordon News. Listen as he explains the impact of the testimony and evidence inside the courtroom, bringing his unique perspective to the trial.

  • Serijal "svEUkratko" sastavljen je od jezgrovitih epizoda u kojima ćete naći konkretne informacije o procesu EU integracija. Ovaj podkast omogućava slušaocima da bolje razumeju dinamiku evropskih integracija i da budu informisani o ključnim pitanjima koja se tiču pristupanja Srbije EU.

    Autor: Filip Lukić

    Fotografija za omot: Jakob Braun na Unsplash-u.

  • You are about to enjoy a charming theatrical performance, and, while doing so, you will learn to understand and, eventually, speak Italian. As the play unfolds, you’ll get a chance to see first hand how the language works. Plus, you will discover captivating nuances of Italian culture and experience the thrill of a theatrical performance in the language you are learning.

    Now, let’s take a step back and devote a few words to the format of the show. An Italian teacher, Silvia, is about to meet Connor, her new student. Connor does not speak Italian. He only knows a couple words he learned as a kid from his maternal grandparents, who, as we’ll see, are both very proud of their Sicilian heritage. Connor is really keen to start learning Italian. Why? Well, he has a special dream he wants to accomplish!

    The curtain is up now. Act 1 is about to begin ( Here’s Silvia and Connor, sitting in a cozy room, sipping coffee. Many colorful books are lined up on a wooden bookcase. A map of Italy hangs from the wall. Looks like a language school. Well, let’s see what happens...

  • The Chaplain's Corner After Hours is a podcast where we look at current world issues which impact our Christian Walk and our Spiritual Journey.