Technologie – Kroatië – Populaire podcasts
Netokracijina glavna urednica Mia Biberović, osnivač Ivan Brezak Brkan i novinari Ana Marija Kostanić, Antonija Bilić Arar i Marin Pavelić u tjednom podcastu komentiraju najvažnije događaje u digitalnoj industriji o kojima niste ni znali da želite znati više!
This account expresses my 1st Amendment Right of #FreeSpeech
Google Scholar -
So the big question is this:
How are creative entrepreneurs like us, who don’t have a huge brand or following, who are spending time away from friends and family to grow our business…
How do we use SEO in a way that gets our products, services, and things we believe in out to the world?
That is the question and this project is the answer. -
Travel Massive is the global community for travel insiders. Discover and share the best in travel, every day.
Bite sized summaries of the latest legal technologies + who should use them + guest interviews. -
Serija pogovorov kjer legitimni člani družbe povejo, kaj počnejo v življenju. Sprašuje Anže Tomić.
DataGen est un podcast qui permet de comprendre les stratégies data des plus belles boîtes en France. Je m'appelle Robin Conquet et chaque semaine j'invite un expert de la data pour décrypter ses problématiques. BlaBlaCar, Doctolib, Pernod Ricard, Deezer et bien d'autres, dans ce podcast, tu découvriras comment les entreprises qui réussissent utilisent la data.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
A podcast focusing on Data Platforms and Data Engineering, hosted by Syntio - The Data Engineering Company.
IT Serbia Podcast je samostalni projekat sa ciljem promocije IT industrije i njenih učesnika na području Srbije i regiona, kao i aktivacije široke zajednice IT stručnjaka.
We at Dangerous Minds Podcast, are seeking to explore further weekly, the tech and the people behind this growing community of Biohacking, Grinding, Implantable Technology, Hard Sciences, and Information Security. Please feel free to reach out to us with questions, or comments. You are welcome to find us here, at or email us at and, perhaps we might one day talk to you about the work and or projects you’re exploring and developing. Society considers us dangerous, we are not dangerous but invested into the future, and seeking to find it, with every implant, procedure, project, experiment and or software program. Come with us while we explore the DIY Evolution. Until then, Seek the spark!
The Chemical Engineer's recent posts to
Serbian language podcast about Apple and related technologies Подкаст о свему у вези са Еплом и сродним технологијама
Matt Stauffer being a geek three minutes at a time.
Tech Up podcast je kratka forma emisije gde pricamo o vestima, zanimljivostima i savetima vezanim za IT i tehnologiju!
Every week, we run down the most recent news in the world of camera and cinematography tech and we do a deep dive on a subject of interest. Follow along every week on your favorite podcast provider. Support this podcast:
What is DevOps? We will attempt to answer this and many more questions.
Smart coaches and consultants predict the future, leverage platforms and their uniqueness. They model the strategies of industry leaders and innovators. You too can now lead with more influence and audacity taking advantage of the courage and insights Dayo Samuel provides here on Audacity2Lead. Hosted by Dayo Samuel, founder of the Nigeria Podcast Network, #Audacity2Lead is dedicated to helping emerging thought leaders get focused, get started and be impactful with their message. In very educative conversations and interviews you will discover tips, steps and strategies to help you chart a compelling course for your life, business and leadership. Topics include coaching, consulting, personal branding, platform building, personal leadership, calling, life tasks, and everything you need to know to lead with more influence.
The Startup Junkies podcast is hosted by Jeff Amerine and his team at Startup Junkie Consulting. We’ll cover topics ranging from getting started, planning, growing your business, proving your concept, leadership, marketing, exit strategies and so much more. We’ll interview business owners, entrepreneurs, experts and people we think will bring value to our audience. Subscribe and together we will move your business to the next level.
Struggling with your tech? Don't understand what's going on in social media? Just want to use your phone, tablet, laptop, or even your TV without losing your grip?
We're here to help you out!
Our team of inspirational technology writers are ready with words of encouragement to help you through any problem you're facing with your PC, social media account, home theater, whatever!
Want to get to grips with your tech? Hit play! -
Podcast o Applu, tehnologijah, gadgetih, produktivnosti in sploh vsem.
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