TV & film – Kroatië – Nieuwe podcasts
Swearing upon the power of The Secret and Mr. Clean we channel the spirits of dead famous people and figure out how to exorcise them.
A Production of The Podcast Podcast Podcast
Everything and anything horror!
Ever sat down and wondered what you should watch on Netflix? Ever felt awkward at a dinner party when they start talking about a new show that you’ve not watched yet? What if you’re on the fence about starting a new series and want to know if it’s worthwhile…
Since You Watched is a show that discusses and rates TV series on Netflix. We sit down each week and talk about a series that we’ve taken the time to watch and we’ll give our honest reaction – whether it’s a binge-worthy box set or a total waste of time.
* Tune in every Tuesday for a brand new episode * -
My name is Livingston. I review horror movies, talk about the horror industry and give my thoughts on all thing gore and scary. Be good people and take in a good scare everyday.
Unser Formular zum ausfüllen für Serien Wünsche und mehr:
Outer Banks - Das Leben auf der Insel hat zwei Seiten. Die Pogues leben auf der armen Seite während die Kooks das Leben als reiche Menschen genießen und bis in die Nacht hinein feiern.
John B und seine Freunde JJ, Kiara und Pope wollen den Sommer ihres Lebens haben und stoßen dabei auf ein altes Geheimnis was mit einem Schatz verbunden ist.
Auf der Suche nach dem Schatz sowie nach seinem Vater, lernen John B und seine Freunde einiges über die Bewohner der Insel und das man nur sich selber vertrauen darf -
Friends and pop culture connoisseurs Jason Keil and Jared Duran discuss The Good Place--one of the best sitcoms today (and possibly of all time). There may be other podcasts discussing The Good Place, but this is the only one hosted by these guys. Support this podcast:
A place where we discover why filmmakers choose to use celluloid to tell their stories Support this podcast:
Најгледното ТВ-шоу во Македонија, сега и во подкаст форма!
15 години во етерот, Жарко Димитриоски ги води најпознатите соговорници од Македонија и регионот низ разговори за нивните животи, кариери, подеми и падови.
Оригиналното македонско ток шоу сега и на подкаст платформите.
The highest rated TV show in Macedonia, now in a new podcast form!
15 years on the air, Zharko Dimitrioski leads the biggest celebrities from Macedonia and the region through conversations about their lives, careers, ups and downs.
The original Macedonian talk show now on your favorite podcast platforms. -
Join Trevor and Brett as they reassess the Marvel Cinematic Universe from its humble beginnings as a studio startup, all the way to the megastudio we know them as today!
Ray Barone is a successful sports writer and family man who deals with a brother and parents -- who happen to live across the street. Mom Marie loves to meddle in his life, while older brother Robert sometimes resents his success, and Dad Frank just makes comments and raids the fridge. Nevertheless, Ray manages to keep a bright outlook and a sense of humor, leaving the hard issues to his more-practical wife, Debra.
We are decade long friends that love film and all they entail. In this podcast we review movies and also discuss other forms of media entertainment. Please enjoy! -
Preacher Vs Preacher: A Comparison Companion is a podcast that not only recaps episodes of AMC's series Preacher, but also compares it directly to it's source material, the 1990's comic book series of the same name written by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon published by Vertigo Comics.
Welcome to The Locher Room, a YouTube show dedicated to celebrating TV and movie fans around the world. My hope is that these shows bring smiles, entertain, and help raise awareness for socially relevant issues we are all facing today. Thanks for tuning in! -
Marvel to DC, Star Wars to Star Trek, Netflix to Hulu, Call of Duty to Metal Gear Solid and everything in between, our hosts geek out over the latest news and releases in the world of pop culture.
We give you a FANS perspective as we debate the newest movies, the latest TV shows and the comics, manga, anime and video games headed to a friendly neighborhood near you.
So join us as we give you our honest takes on everything geeky!
Send feedback to [email protected]
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Trash Rules Everything Around Me
Nick and Josh watch trash tv and talk about it, one week(ish) at a time.
First on the hitlist: Love Island 2018.
Reviews much appreciated, and you can find us on twitter @treampod.
Artwork thanks to Sam Stockton on Flickr. -
Two generations of Hollywood professionals review the latest and (in their mind) greatest in film. Hosted by Adam Paul (actor, 'How I Met Your Mother' - CBS), JP Bernardo (editor, 'Outer Range' - Amazon) and Anthony Carro (actor, 'Unstable' - Netflix).
The leading podcast for content creators in film, music, and publishing to learn tips on the business side of the entertainment industry to help turn dreams into reality hosted by entertainment attorney and author Tisha Morris.
Learn more about Tisha and her services at:
If you think that a magical day is curled up in your Snuggie, watching Hallmark and Lifetime movies with a box of Kleenex close by, then this is the podcast for you. Join real-life friends and romance fanatics, Tatianna, a romance author and Dr.Yaki, a psychologist who loves all things romance and black. From movies to books, these ladies quench their mutual thirst for romance and give it all to you from a Black Xennial perspective.
Jake Baker finally watches classic films he has never seen, and gives his nostalgia free opinions on them.
Audio version of The #Content Report, Vince Mancini's newsletter about movies, Top Chef, pop culture, and... #content. - Laat meer zien