Onderwijs – Indonesië – Nieuwe podcasts
Empowering women’s lives through mastery over stress and fear. Helping to heal, and deepen intuition and inner guidance. Monthly guests, guided meditations, and topics that help you feel heard.
Lisa is a medium, medical intuitive, certified breathwork coach and spiritual empowerment teacher working with clients from around the world. The primary message she shares is learning to connect and trust one's own spiritual inner guidance in daily life. As an intuitive, she connects with divine source of love and light to create a unique experience for each session she leads.
International spiritual ascension teacher and healer on cosmic frequencies of love and light. Certified breath work coach.
Free meditation when you join the monthly newsletter community: https://www.lisahsnyder.com/gift
These audios are for information and entertainment purposes only and should never be used in place of legal, financial, or a qualified medical professionals advice. Opinions expressed by guests do not necessarily represent those of Lisa H Snyder. Copyright ©2016 - 2025. All Rights Reserved. Lisa Snyder - Healing with the Ancients™ May not be reproduced without written consent of Lisa H. Snyder, LLC.
Hi, Developers! Podcast Developer Discussion ini merupakan podcast persembahan dari @selfdev.id , Podcast ini akan memberikan tips tips yang membantu kalian untuk mengembangkan diri menjadi lebih baik
Want free, quick prep from Barron’s experts? Study with Barron’s AP® World History Podcast and be prepared for exam day.We’ll discuss historical thinking skills and themes, briefly explore each time period covered on the exam, walk you through answeringall question types, pose questions and provide answers, and offer tips and strategies to help you succeed.Learn more about Barron's at www.barronseduc.com.AP® is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was notinvolved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
"The Feminine Leadership Podcast," hosted by Lili Le, delves into the heart of feminine leadership. It explores how you can lead authentically, leveraging your unique strengths and emotional intelligence to make a profound impact. Lili interviews inspiring leaders, offers insights on overcoming challenges, and provides practical advice for women aspiring to lead with grace, strength, and authenticity. This podcast is a resource for anyone looking to embrace their leadership potential fully and navigate the path to empowerment and success with a feminine touch.
Welcome to the Expander's Club Podcast!
Join hosts Brooke & Maddie on a journey to uncovering an expansive life. Each week the girls will dig in with their own experiences and learnings and host amazing guests from entrepreneurs, spiritual guides, healers and more.
It's going to be wild. It's going to be fun and it's going to change your life. XO -
Pondok Pesantren Sunan Drajat adalah salah satu dari pondok pesantren yang dibangun oleh wali songo yang letaknya berada di Desa Banjarwati Kecamatan Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan Jawa Timur. Pondok Pesantren Sunan Drajat mengalami kemajuan pesat setelah diasuh oleh KH. Abdul Ghofur, walaupun pondok ini pernah megalami masa pasang surut dalam perkembangannya.
Menilik dari namanya, pondok pesantren ini memang mempunyai ikatan historis, psikologis, dan filosofis yang sangat lekat dengan nama Kanjeng Sunan Drajat. Bahkan secara geografis bangunan pondok tepat berada di atas reruntuhan pondok pesant -
A podcast highlighting UVA Darden School of Business Speakers and Events.
Membahas ilmu, ngaji, bahsu masa'ail dan menjawab problem syari'ah, kisah nabi, kisah wali, kisah kyai, cerita santri, cerita Horor, cerita pilu, duka dan bagia seorang islam, kisah asmara santri dan realisasinya, pembahasan.
Celoteh Kecil Dari apa yang didengar, dilihat dan dirasakan karena semuanya bermakna
How to handle Dangerous Goods properly and how to safe you and people work or stay around you as well as keep health your environment based on IATA DGR, IMDG code, RID, ADR, Dangerous goods national regulation, local wisdom and best practices
And I glad to invite some experts related to any Dangerous Goods handling matters to discuss further. Please contact wyndrizaldydgman@gmail.com -
Perlu ruang untuk menyapa diri dan bilang kalau #TakApa untuk apa-apa. @gideonjalgie @veiinev_ @rbeccaimelda @tanviskevin @gabemahaputra @renatakussoy @christo_aldrich hadir tak hanya sekedar bersuara tapi juga hadir bagi kamu yang perlu untuk disapa, didengar dan dipeluk dalam doa.
Alat Pembayaran
Just a simple podcast about Canadian and Immigration and Citizenship with a touch of Mortgage Advice. Please feel free to reach out to us for your Canadian Immigration and Citizenship and Mortgage questions.
Maria Aprilia Subernawati
Sebagai sarana dakwah dan syiar islam ke penjuru dunia,insya Allah membantu syiar,Dakwah Nabi s.a.w
Calling all early childhood dance educators! Welcome to the DiscoverDance Podcast. I'm your host, Andrea Trench. Join me each week as I share how to create and deliver a solid early childhood dance education dedicated to the developing child. From classroom management, conceptual teaching, and best practices, we will cover it all. It's time to DiscoverDance!
Mau tau cara gua belajar bahasa inggris menggunakan aplikasi secara otodidak ? y
This comprehensive examination of trade wars traces their evolution from historical mercantile conflicts to modern technological and economic warfare. The series explores how trade conflicts have transformed from simple tariff disputes into complex multi-dimensional competitions involving technology, finance, and strategic resources. Through detailed analysis of key episodes and emerging trends, we see how trade wars reflect and shape the changing nature of global power relationships.
This podcast is about empowering you to be the best YOU in your career. To be fearless in your pursuit of success. We’ll tackle topics such as intuition, soul growth, developing leadership skills, finding mentors, and leveraging networks to foster career growth. I interview inspiring individuals, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who have achieved great things in their careers and give advice on how they overcame challenges to make their career dreams come true in the modern work place. In short, this show will be a hub for accomplished professionals who want to make an impact and level up in their careers.
I'm Tunisha, the V.V.S. Life Coach and author of The Real Pain of Stress: What to Do When Bubble Baths Won't Fix It. I help moms shift from strict old-school parenting to an enhanced authoritative approach called Damage-Free Discipline™ that builds strong, connected families.
I believe moms are the CEO of the home. Effective CEOs lead by example and to do that, you'll need some tools.
The purpose of this channel is to help you equip yourself to lead your kids without using fear tactics, without feeling guilty about enforcing boundaries, and without living with regret.
I'll speak from the heart, from my experiences, and from what I've learned to help moms be at their best so they can feel confident as they raise kids who don't need to heal from their childhoods.
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