Sport – IJsland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Not Your Average Weightlifting Podcast is presented by Jangho from We Lift Weights, Julius Irvin Naranjo, and Yilin (The Squat Jerk Journalist). Our goal is to share our unique knowledge regarding weightlifting to the world.

  • We are a sports psychology and energy company who want to Boost & lift the ENERGY in football, BY CONNECTING EVERY athlete TO THEIR true- SELF energy'I AM more than an athlete I AM Myself'

  • For more than four decades, the Seattle SuperSonics were among the NBA’s most iconic franchises. But in 2008, they packed their bags for Oklahoma. ‘Sonic Boom’ tells a story of basketball and politics, wealth and power—revealing new truths about the NBA’s greatest heist.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • CNBC Sport brings you the convergence of sports, business, and investing. Each week, we sit down with the biggest names in sports - from league commissioners and top athletes to team owners and influential executives - uncovering the strategies, deals, and inside stories shaping the industry's future.

  • Boltinn Lýgur ekki hefur verið leiðandi í körfuboltaumfjöllun á Íslandi síðan árið 2018. 

    Umsjón: Sigurður Orri Kristjánsson og Helgi Sæmundur Guðmundsson

  • The Elite Clubs National League was founded in 2009 and continues to lead by daring to do things differently, embedded with grit, collaboration and tenacity – all things learned from the beautiful game. The ECNL protects and propels the integrity of the game and everyone it impacts by facilitating the perfect symmetry of excellence and humility, exclusivity and accessibility, freedom and community. We believe that challenging everyone to rise to their best creates game-changers that live well, long after cleats are unlaced. Born out of the belief in a better way. Continued in the ever-evolving pursuit of excellence.

  • Welcome to "The Fighting Life", where we explore the lives and times of the boxers who've risked it all in ring. "The Fighting Life" takes you on a captivating journey through the decades, exploring the evolution of boxing, from its bare-knuckle origins to the glitzy, high-stakes showdowns of today. From the tales of iconic champs to stories unsung heroes, we're your ringside seat to it all.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Helstu fréttir af íþróttafólki íslands í ÖLLUM íþróttum. Spjallþættir, viðtöl og fleira!

  • This is Manchester United: The Lost Tapes. Stories about United's rich history, told in a way you've never heard before. Written by Wayne Barton, narrated by Patrick Barclay and produced by Ed Barker, Studio 1878.


    Episode One: Cantona

    Eric Cantona’s arrival from Leeds United transformed Manchester United after a 25-year title drought, reshaping the club’s fortunes and igniting the Premier League’s imagination. Internal conflict at Leeds and Cantona’s infamous disciplinary issues under Howard Wilkinson, culminated in a startling twist when Leeds approached United about signing Dennis Irwin. Instead, United countered with an offer for Cantona—setting in motion one of football’s most pivotal transfers and redefining what it meant to be a United legend.


    Episode Two: Bitter Rivals

    In the late 1990s and early noughties there were no more fierce rivals than Arsenal and Manchester United. From the mass brawl at Old Trafford in 1990, to trading titles in 1997, 1998 and 1999, two epic FA Cup semi-finals and pizzagate, no holds were barred.


    Episode Three: Knighton

    It is 1989 and Michael Knighton is on the Old Trafford pitch juggling a football and scoring at the Stratford End in front of a bemused crowd. Knighton had secured a £20m acquisition of Manchester United, agreeing to purchase shares from then club Chairman Martin Edwards. Yet, within a fortnight the deal had collapsed amid acrimony and accusations that Knighton didn't have the money to complete the deal. This is the inside story from those who covered it on the ground.


    Episode Four: Welcome to Hell

    In 1993, Manchester United ended the 26-year wait to win a league title. Their reward for that piece of history was to compete in the European Cup. United had qualified for the semi-finals in each of their five campaigns under Sir Matt Busby, winning it in 1968. The club's first foray into the tournament tin almost a quarter of a century was to end in stunning, controversial fashion, with one of the most memorable ties in the history of the competition. This is Manchester United's Welcome to Hell.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Win, lose, draw or liquidate - comedians discuss the lows, the highs and the overpriced pies that come with committing to a Football team.

  • Hér getur þú kynnst landsliðsfólkinu okkar á skemmtilegan hátt og peppað þig upp fyrir komandi stórmót.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Twin sisters, passionate about soccer and personal growth, are launching a podcast to explore the intersection of sports, body image, confidence, and leadership. Drawing from their own experiences both on and off the field, they aim to empower listeners to embrace their unique selves while navigating the pressures of athleticism and self-esteem. With a mix of inspiring stories, expert interviews, and candid discussions, their podcast offers a platform for athletes and fans alike to build confidence, challenge stereotypes, and lead with authenticity. These two retired division 1 athletes will explore what life looks like after the final whistle.

  • Welcome to the BaseCamp Community endurance coaching podcast! Each episode will feature timely topics related to training and nutrition strategies that you can apply to get the most out of your season. Check out BaseCamp’s coaching, community training programs and camps over at

  • A podcast for anyone who loves the sport of running. We cover some of the running news ranging from the collegiate level to the professional level, mixed with other random topics!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • My name is Cody Winstead and welcome to my Win The Day podcast. My goal is to solve all the sports world's problems, one podcast at a time. Would love to hear your feedback. You can comment on here or on my twitter @CodyWins25. Music provided by @MelvinDarrell

  • 22.000 manns á Íslandi spila fantasy leikinn í enska fótboltanum. Hugarburðarbolti er nýtt fantasy hlaðvarp sem alla fantasy spilara þyrstir í.
    Vignir Már Eiðsson og Gunnar Georgsson sjá um þáttinn.
    Gunnar Georgsson er einn allra sterkasti fantasy spilari landsins. Hann er í 10 sæti yfir allt Ísland og er efstur í mörgum öðrum deildum. Hann veit allt um fantasy.
    Vignir Már Eiðsson er annar stjórnandi Ofurdeildarinnar og einn allra sterkasti draft spilari landsins.

    Við förum yfir hverja umferð. Allt rætt fram og aftur. Verðum með deildina Hugarburðarbolti og sigurvegari fær verðlaun.

  • Við fáum til okkar þjálfara úr hinum ýmsu íþróttagreinum og förum með þeim á dýptina í öllu sem snýr að þjálfun. Við ræðum erfiðleikana, mannlegu hliðina og hvað við skiljum eftir okkur. Mögulega liggur meira að baki en bara það að fara út á völlinn og berjast.

  • Körfuboltakvöld stækkar bara og stækkar og hér erum við komin í hlaðvarps form. Í vetur ætla þeir Hörður Unnsteinsson og Heiðar Snær Magnússon að gera upp alla leiki hverrar umferðar í Bónus deild karla og kvenna ásamt góðum gestum.

  • GAZið er frjáls og flæðandi íþróttatengdur þáttur með áherslu á körfubolta. Þó getur þátturinn tekið óvænta stefnu hvenær sem er því þú stjórnar ekki gasinu, það stjórnar þér.