Sport – IJsland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • MD, Maggi Stef, Breki, Friðbert og Natan taka á stóru málunum í Fantrax og ræða liðna sem og komandi leikviku⚽️

  • HoopWise, from New England Basketball Journal, covers all levels of amateur basketball around the region, including the prep school and AAU circuit. Its hosts will bring listeners advice and insight from basketball influencers and leaders at all levels.

  • Alex Smith, Shane Battier, and Ravi Gupta are coming together to cut across the worlds of sports and business and dissect the subtle art of making others better. Glue Guys explores the qualities that make individuals become better leaders, teammates, and humans alongside a trio with those same ambitions. In each episode, you’ll hear candid conversations on themes and life lessons drawn from their own high-stakes experiences. From strategies for effective teamwork to personal stories of success, the podcast covers a broad range of topics relevant to anyone looking to make an impact in their respective fields.

  • Gabrielle "Gabby" Thomas: A Track and Field Phenomenon Gabrielle "Gabby" Thomas has taken the world of track and field by storm with her extraordinary athletic abilities, academic prowess, and inspiring personal journey. Born on December 7, 1996, in Atlanta, Georgia, Thomas has become one of the most formidable sprinters of her generation, making headlines with her performances on the track and her impact off it. This biography explores Gabby Thomas's life, career, and latest triumphs, including her victories at the Paris Olympics. Early Life and Education Gabby Thomas grew up in a supportive and nurturing environment, surrounded by a family that valued education and athletics. Her mother, Jennifer Randall, is a Harvard-educated public health official, and her father, Desmond Thomas, is a Jamaican-born engineer. Gabby's twin brother, Andrew, and she shared a close bond, with both excelling academically and athletically. From an early age, Gabby displayed a keen interest in sports, participating in soccer, volleyball, and basketball before discovering her true passion for track and field. Her speed and agility quickly set her apart, and she began focusing on sprinting during her high school years at Williston Northampton School in Massachusetts. Her impressive performances on the track earned her multiple state titles and a scholarship to Harvard University. Collegiate Career at Harvard Gabby's time at Harvard University was marked by a remarkable balance between academics and athletics. Majoring in neurobiology with a secondary focus on global health, Gabby excelled in her studies while also dominating the Ivy League track scene. She set several school records and won multiple Ivy League championships, showcasing her prowess in the 100 meters, 200 meters, and long jump. In 2018, Gabby made history at the NCAA Championships, winning the indoor 200 meters with a time of 22.38 seconds, the third-fastest time in collegiate history at that point. Her victory marked Harvard's first NCAA title in women's track and field. This achievement highlighted Gabby's potential to compete at the highest levels of the sport. Professional Career and Breakthrough After graduating from Harvard in 2019, Gabby Thomas decided to pursue a professional track and field career. She signed with New Balance and began training under the guidance of coach Tonja Buford-Bailey in Austin, Texas. The transition from collegiate to professional athletics was seamless for Gabby, as she continued to improve her performances and set personal bests. 2021 proved to be a breakthrough year for Gabby Thomas. At the U.S. Olympic Trials in Eugene, Oregon, she stunned the athletics world by winning the 200 meters with a time of 21.61 seconds, the third-fastest time ever recorded in the event. This performance secured her a spot on the U.S. Olympic team and established her as a favorite for the Tokyo Olympics. Tokyo Olympics and World Championships At the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, Gabby Thomas competed in the 200 meters and the 4x100 meters relay. She delivered a stellar performance in the 200 meters, winning the bronze medal with a time of 21.87 seconds, behind Jamaica's Elaine Thompson-Herah and Namibia's Christine Mboma. Her bronze medal was a testament to her hard work and resilience, as she overcame a challenging year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and personal setbacks. In addition to her individual success, Gabby contributed to Team USA's silver medal in the 4x100 meters relay, running a strong third leg. Her performances at the Tokyo Olympics solidified her status as one of the top sprinters in the world. Following the Olympics, Gabby continued to compete at the highest levels, participating in the World Championships and various Diamond League events. Her consistent performances and competitive spirit earned her numerous accolades and further established her as a dominant force in women's sprinting. Academic Achievements and Advocacy Beyond her achievements on the track, Gabby Thomas is also recognized for her academic accomplishments and advocacy efforts. She completed her undergraduate degree in neurobiology from Harvard and went on to pursue a master's degree in epidemiology at the University of Texas Health Science Center. Gabby is passionate about health equity and uses her platform to raise awareness about racial disparities in healthcare. She is a vocal advocate for mental health, emphasizing the importance of mental well-being for athletes and individuals alike. Gabby's dedication to both her athletic and academic pursuits exemplifies her commitment to making a positive impact on and off the track. Latest Victories at the Paris Olympics Gabby Thomas's career reached new heights at the Paris Olympics in 2024. Competing in her second Olympic Games, Gabby delivered spectacular performances that captivated the world and solidified her legacy as one of the greatest sprinters of her generation. In the 200 meters, Gabby showcased her remarkable speed and technique, winning the gold medal with a time of 21.55 seconds. Her victory was a historic moment, as she became the first American woman to win the Olympic 200 meters title since Allyson Felix in 2012. Gabby's gold medal was a testament to her perseverance and dedication, as she overcame numerous challenges to achieve Olympic glory. In addition to her individual success, Gabby played a crucial role in Team USA's triumph in the 4x100 meters relay. Running the anchor leg, she powered the team to victory with a time of 41.60 seconds, securing another gold medal for the United States. Her performance in the relay demonstrated her exceptional speed and ability to perform under pressure. Gabby's victories at the Paris Olympics were celebrated by fans and fellow athletes alike. Her achievements inspired a new generation of sprinters and highlighted the importance of resilience, hard work, and determination. Personal Life and Future Goals Gabby Thomas is known for her positive attitude, humility, and dedication to her craft. Despite her success, she remains grounded and focused on her goals. She credits her family, coaches, and support system for their unwavering encouragement and guidance throughout her journey. Looking ahead, Gabby has set her sights on continued success in track and field. She aims to break more records, win additional titles, and inspire others to pursue their dreams. Gabby's passion for health equity and advocacy will also remain a central focus, as she continues to use her platform to drive positive change. Legacy and Impact Gabby Thomas's impact on the world of track and field extends beyond her impressive performances and accolades. She is a trailblazer who has broken barriers and set new standards for excellence. Her journey from a young athlete with big dreams to an Olympic champion serves as an inspiration to aspiring athletes around the world. Gabby's commitment to both her athletic and academic pursuits exemplifies the power of perseverance and the importance of a well-rounded approach to life. She has shown that it is possible to excel in multiple areas and make a meaningful impact on society. As Gabby Thomas continues to write her story, she remains a beacon of hope and inspiration for future generations. Her legacy will undoubtedly endure, leaving an indelible mark on the world of sports and beyond. Gabby Thomas's journey from a talented young sprinter to an Olympic champion is a testament to her hard work, dedication, and unwavering spirit. Her achievements on the track, coupled with her academic accomplishments and advocacy efforts, make her a true role model and inspiration. As she continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in track and field, Gabby Thomas's legacy will inspire countless individuals to pursue their passions and strive for excellence. Her story is a powerful reminder that with determination, resilience, and a commitment to making a positive impact, anything is possible. Thanks for listening and remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts .

  • The Athletic Shoulder Podcast provides In-depth & practical conversations for practitioners interested in improving their management of shoulder health and performance. Through collaborating with industry leading peers around the world, we’ve filled a knowledge gap in shoulder health and performance. At Athletic Shoulder, we share that knowledge with you to create solutions to the problems most commonly found in the space.

    (Powered by Inform Performance)

  • Turninn Jón Páll fær til sín hina ýmsu turna úr íslensku íþróttalífi.

  • Í þáttunum eru nokkrar af hetjum og skúrkum Ólympíusögunnar til umfjöllunar. Gullverðlaunahafinn sem hvílir á Íslandi, Ólympíufarinn sem er eini Íslendingurinn til að vera dæmdur fyrir kynvillu, hlauparinn sem laug til um æsku sína, hetjan sem varð að skúrki fyrir lyfjamisnotkun eru meðal þeirra sagna sem eru sagðar í Ólympíusögum. Umsjón: Þorkell Gunnar Sigurbjörnsson.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Podcast þar sem farið er yfir hin ýmsu málefni í tengslum við íþróttanæringu, íþróttir og þjálfun.

  • allá, afuera es un espacio donde la gente cuenta sus historias de vida, de un día, de un momento, allá, afuera. Donde han sufrido, aprendido, gozado, llorado, sido felices. Es un espacio donde cualquier persona puede contar cómo es su vida allá, afuera, cómo le gustaría que fuera, cómo fue. Es un espacio donde la gente se conoce, se conecta, se inspira, o inspira a otros. Es un espacio de libertad, de crecimiento, de conocimiento, de sí mismo y de los demás, de lo que somos o podemos ser. Es un espacio, donde nada importa más que la experiencia propia y lo que eso significa para cada persona.

  • The Use The Game Podcast is geared towards individuals who have used Athletics to push them forward in their careers. We will interview former and current pros, successful student athletes as well as important contributors of the sports world.

  • Betkastið er fyrir alla þá sem finnst gaman að spá í spilin um úrslit íþróttaviðburða eða annarra viðburða og keppna sem eru til umræðu í samfélaginu hverju sinni eins og enski og íslenski boltinn, Gunnar Nelson að keppa í UFC, lýðræðislegar kosningar o.s.frv. Í hlaðvarpinu eru rætt við landsþekkta viðmælendur og sérfræðinga í hverju fagi fyrir sig á léttum nótum og fengin innsýn inní hvað þau telja líkleg úrslit hverju sinni. Lögð er áhersla á að hver skoðun og spá hefur rétt á sér og er tilgangurinn að skapa umræður og vekja fólk til gagnrýnnar hugsunar. Betkastið var stofnað til að stuðla að ábyrgari spila hegðun fyrir þá sem stunda slíkt og vekja athygli á að hægt sé að hafa gaman að veðmálum án þess að það fari út fyrir velsæmismörk með hógværð í fyrirrúmi. Fyrst og fremst er hlaðvarpið ætlað til að velta upp líkinda reikning og svala forvitni þeirra sem vilja vita hvernig möguleg úrslit gætu litið út orðið óháð því hvort fólk stundi veðmál eða ekki.

  • Hlaðvarp um golf. Allir léttir.Þáttastjórnendur eru Logi Bergmann & Jón Júlíus Karlsson

  • Upptökur frá viðtölum Útvarps KR í tengslum við leiki Knattspyrnufélags Reykjavíkur.

  • Weekly podcast, with host Phil Costa, covering all the leading stories from European football and beyond, with insight, opinions and some laughs from experts who know their subjects best.

  • PT Ullis och Sidekick-Sara bubblar om längdskidor och andra roligheter

  • From the Men in Blazers Media Network, everything you need to revel in the biggest stories from women's football around the world, hosted by former USWNT World Cup Champion Sam Mewis. Weekly show with Lynn Williams and Becky Sauerbrunn drops Tuesday mornings. Big Interviews drop Thursday mornings.

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  • Í klefanum þá skoðum við hvernig við náum árangri og komumst nær markmiðunum okkar. 

    Í Klefanum þá talar allt íþróttafólk sama tungumálið!

  • Fødderne i pedalerne, kamera over skulderen og grus i hjernen.
    Derude er en gravel podcast der stiller skarpt på oplevelserne, grejet og ikke mindst livsstilen.

    Derude aka Yonder er et livsstils projekt af Paw Friis og Nick Dehn der langsomt bevæger sig ud på dybt vand i cykelsportens verden, og forsøger at dokumentere vores rejse med alt hvad vi kommer fra, subkulturer, foto, video, design, kreativitet og ikke mindst dårlig kondi. 

  • Lýsendur Ljósleiðaradeildarinnar, Tommi "izedi" og Jón Þór "demaNtur" fara yfir allt og ekkert sem skiptir máli varðandi counterstrike senuna, hér heima sem og erlendis.

  • We empower greatness in coaching. iPhone apps for sports coaching, download our practice planner app!