Onderwijs – Kenia – Populaire podcasts
Welcome to Toni Told Me, the cozy corner of the internet where real talk meets real tea with the internet's big sis, Toni Tone! Each episode Toni will dive into the everyday dilemmas you face—relationships, family, career choices and everything in between. Toni’s got your back and is serving up heartfelt advice. Whether you're feeling stuck, seeking guidance, or just want to share a laugh, take a seat - and join the conversation. Let’s navigate life together, one episode at a time!
If you're interested in sponsorship and advertising in Toni Told Me, then we'd love to hear from you. Just email sales@audioalways.com and we'll tell you more!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
القران الكريم الشيخ ماهر المعيقلي
BUUNDO waa madal kulmisa dadka ka lib keenay hammigoodu iyo dadka barbilawga taagan. Waxaanan bulshada kula wadaagaan xikmad, qisooyinka yididiilo leh, aqoon, wacyi iyo tabo u shaqeeyay dadka aan ku kula sheekaysanno madashan. Ujeedadu waa in aan abuurno horseed lagu dayan karo.
In this podcast we will talk about topics that are important for you as a somali parent. The children are the most valuable we have! The pod is in somali.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Halkani waa Somali scholars Podcast waxaad ka heli doontaa muxaadarooyin,duruus,dhiiragelin,iwm kuwaas oo ku baxaya afka soomaaliga. Ku soo dhawoow Somali Scholars Podcast.
I am a life coach and professional motivators. I encourage youth and my target is young people. I encourage them to be self-sufficient self standing. If you visit this podcast regularly you will find many things that will make you happy.
I always speak about psychology ,self development and business development. Especially those who speak Somali Language. -
Thank you for coming into my page. For now, I am taking a hiatus from my podcast and will be back soon! Instagram: @soulfullyfeminine
In today’s world, a Black Woman’s journey, despite many obstacles, often goes unnoticed. What we need most is a safe space to pour into and align with one another uncovering our true selves. We are all subject to our own individual stories that produce the nourishments to grow through anything!
If you’re a black woman looking for a space of empowerment and inspiration, join Shanell Lamere, as she initiates inspiring gems, stories, and discussions on becoming mindfully aware of our thoughts and emotions. There we can authentically evolve and Bloom on the journey to self-discovery. -
Welcome to The Best Kept Secrets Podcast hosted by Sharon K Mwangi where we share our best kept secrets about God, love, life and everything in between.
Kusoo dhowow Khayr-dayska Noolays.... Warqabad ma ahan ... wargays ma ahan ... idaacad ma ahan .... waa khayr la sii daynayo ... sidii geedkii iftiinka bixin jirey ee Noolays ...
Dhagaysoo ka dhereg .. wanaagana ka raac ... haddaad ka faaiididna .. aanu khayrka qaybsannee ee sii faafi... o
Jazaakumullaahu khayran -
Finding Direction is a podcast where we help people who feel lost in life find direction. We interview the most passionate and fulfilled people and reverse engineer their life and get strategies, tactics and actionable steps our audience can apply to find direction.
The heart of this podcast is to share, speak, and encourage you with love and truth.
On this podcast, we will be talking about all things life. Relationships, purpose, identity, worth, faith, and navigating your twenties and beyond.
Our greatest hope and intention of this podcast is to lead you in love and truth. Whether you’re looking advice, a glimpse of hope, lifestyle chats, or a podcast to pass the time, we’re so thankful you’re here! We pray you listen and leave feeling more inspired, joyful, worthy and uplifted.
xx -
Have you been watching the TV show Shamba Shape Up? We are bringing you a podcast that you can listen at your own convenience.
We have been listening to farmers from all over East Africa. We want to celebrate you while giving you the knowledge that we hope will help you adapt, make your farms more productive, and increase your income. We want to support you and give advice on how you can turn your farm around even as the climate changes.
Let's talk farming and Shape Up your Shamba! -
Qisooyin, Talooyin & Dhiirigelin.
Hi, I am Madame Kabongo. In this weekly podcast, I bring you insights on how to cultivate the attributes of an elegant lady who is not only elevated in terms of appearance, but also on a much deeper level.
Welcome to "Society Forward," the podcast that dives deep into the heart of social development. Each week, we explore the transformative ideas and actions that are reshaping communities across the globe. From the grassroots initiatives breathing new life into urban and rural areas, to the cutting-edge policies driving societal progress, we bring you to the forefront of social change.
Une lecture et discussion de textes philosophiques, pour donner matière à penser et transmettre dans une tradition orale des idées exigeantes.
Je suis ingénieur, éducateur, expert en science des données, et je m'intéresse aux conditions de la fabrique et de la transmission du savoir.
Ainsi, mes sujets sont le design de l'information, le storytelling, les statistiques, pour mieux comprendre le monde à travers les chiffres. -
On YOUR WORLD OF CREATIVITY, best-selling author and global brand innovator, Mark Stinson introduces you to some of the world’s leading creative talent from publishing, film, animation, music, restaurants, medical research, and more.
In every episode, you'll discover:
- How to tap into your most original thinking.
- Inspiration from the experts’ own experience.
- Specific tools, exercises, and formulas to organize your ideas.
- And most of all, you’ll learn how to make connections and create opportunities to publish, post, record, display, sell, market, and promote your creative work.
Listen for the latest insights for creative people who want to stop questioning themselves and overcome obstacles to launch their creative endeavors out into the world.
Connect with Mark at www.Mark-Stinson.com -
Introduction to the mechanical engineering
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