Wetenschap – Zuid-Korea – Aanbevolen podcasts
The Vet Times podcast is a weekly show in which we speak to individuals making the headlines or providing valuable information for Vet Times readers, delving into the subjects that matter to the UK veterinary profession.
POWER ON - This is the podcast for everyone who is interested in trends and challenges of the energy sector or who works in the field of energy technology. As host, Christian Schaider welcomes experts who discuss topics related to the energy transition, the transformer and new technologies in energy generation. Together, we delve deeper into topics related to the energy transition, power transformers and new technologies in energy supply. We will answer questions such as: What a transformer oil sample has in common with the human blood count, why the energy transition is taking place in the distribution grids and how green hydrogen will complement the power supply in the future. Stay tuned, and be sure to join us when we power on!
Visit our website: reinhausen.com -
Was bringt es, einen Krebstumor im Reagenzglas zu züchten? Und wie klein sind eigentlich Mikroskopaufnahmen von Dingen im Nano-Bereich? Was verbirgt sich hinter der „Wissenschaft des Wohlbefindens“? Und lernen Kinder wirklich leichter als Erwachsene?
Auf all diese Dinge sind wir an der Uni Regensburg neugierig. In unserem Wissenschaftspodcast GASTHÖRER laden wir deshalb Forscherinnen und Forscher aus den verschiedensten Fakultäten zu uns ins Studio ein. Im Gespräch mit Podcast-Host Katharina Herkommer erzählen sie von ihren aktuellen Projekten, von anstehenden Plänen, von gemeisterten Herausforderungen und wissenschaftlichen Glücksmomenten.
Aber uns interessieren nicht nur die Forschungsinhalte, sondern auch die Menschen: Wer sind die Leute, die hier an der Uni so intensiv an einem ganz bestimmten Thema arbeiten? Das erfahrt ihr im GASTHÖRER – einer Produktion des Bereichs Kommunikation & Marketing der Universität Regensburg. -
In this episode we talk about what DNA testing is, what it can be used for, what are the problems in regards to privacy and how we can protect our DNA to try and keep it private. We also dive into how Mary Shelly's novel Frankenstein links to DNA testing and privacy.
Discussing topics related to learning and teaching
What's happening in the clinical lab community including publications in JMSACL and interviews with the Early Career Network.
Fish enthusiasts Katrina Liebich and Guy Eroh journey across America on a quest to discover ALL THE FISH: big and small, common and rare, beautiful and downright strange. Diverse guests help dig into the latest science and bring their perspectives about how fish are woven into the fabric of communities and cultures. Listeners walk away from each episode with practical information about how to connect with and conserve our amazing, finned friends.
Yuramin is a podcast about sustainable living, art & permaculture.Isabel and Diogo started a journey across Europe in search of inspiring people.The intimate life stories of the "guardians of the land" inspire us to find new answers, opening new doors for the transformation into a regenerative human culture.www.yuramin.org
Coming soon....
ज्ञायतेऽनेनेति ज्ञानमात्मविद्याशास्त्रम्।
तस्य ग्रहणमध्ययनधारणे अभ्यासः सततक्रियाऽध्ययनश्रवणचिन्तनानि तद्विद्यैश्च।
सह संवाद इति प्रज्ञापरिपाकार्थे परिपाकस्तु संशयच्छेदनमविज्ञातार्थबोधोऽध्यवसिताभ्यनुज्ञानमिति ।
समापवादः संवादः । -
Sustainable Futures explores pathways to achieve a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for all. It aims to further the 2030 SDGs, focusing on gender equality, quality education, health for all, democracy and justice, and climate action. This podcast is hosted by the ESD Center at MUBS.
Erica, Samantha, Eurusalem and Kaleb join together to discuss euthanasia
It’s about getting a different perspective on a topic by listening to the other perspective than your own
This podcast is structured as a short scientific journal club where I will discuss scientific papers and relate their major findings. Generally, journal clubs have a scientific audience ranging from college science students to university professors. And the communication during the sessions is of scientific jargon that is very niche to the field of study. For this podcast, I try very hard to use everyday language to explain science. It is not going to be easy, but it will get better over time. I am also a science student, so in this podcast, we learn science together!
Welcome to Branching out: the forest podcast, where we connect forests, science and people. We aim to break down complex forest related topics so you can discover the role of forests and trees for people and nature, and also inform you about what is going on in the world of forest research. This podcast is brought to you by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, IUFRO.
The views and opinions expressed in the podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy and position of IUFRO. Their appearance on the show does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.
Neuroscientists Talk Shop is the University of Texas at San Antonio's (UTSA) Neurobiology Podcast, showcasing the current research of internationally renowned guest Neuroscientists. Each episode features a moderated discussion with a cross section of UTSA Neurobiology faculty, highlighting the featured guest's research, and the state of the art in the field at hand.
Join Gabby, a rising 2nd year Immunology PhD student at the University of Michigan, as she details her life and her tales as a grad student. She will talk about her journey to and through her PhD, as well as issues surrounding science, paper discussions, and interviews with science professionals. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @gablovestcells
A conversation with WWF conservation experts Charikleia Minotou and Wassim Amdrous, based in Greece and Tunisia. We discuss the impact of human activities (such as tourism) on the Mediterranean ecosystem and sea turtles and explore why empowering local communities to act as custodians of our Mediterranean heritage is a key factor in building a more sustainable future for all
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