Kind en gezin – Litouwen – Nieuwe podcasts
《Sophie 老師接鈴鐺》是一檔專為兒童及家長打造的節目,每一集都以溫暖、創意、奇幻或是結合生活增加經驗的故事陪伴小寶貝們入睡、成長。無論是甜甜的睡前故事、動手動腦的手作靈感,還是充滿節日氛圍的節慶冒險,我們都希望為寶貝們帶來一場場愉快的故事旅程,幫助他們發揮想像力,感受生活的美好與多彩。
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Добрые волшебные сказки для детей и взрослых.
Мы поднимаем темы взросления, любви, морали, поиска себя и своего места в мире. -
listeners will embark on real history facts and we'll have fun and we'll have some music I'm going around made by the podcast maker me Dr Ray tune in every week this summer and we'll have a fun time about history like what I always say to the books.
This will tell you all about dinosaurs and how they died
Hi, I’m Elle! I am a 34 year old stay at home mom of two kids under 3. And these are my confessions (yes just like real world or if you are too young for that, one of those videos on YouTube where the people cry and spill there hearts etc.)! Mine is maybe more laughter than tears
and just about my life and especially my life with two kids... And maybe more - only time will tell. -
Поведение — любое взаимодействие человека с окружающей средой.
Прикладной анализ поведения (АВА) — наука, изучающая поведение.
Здесь мы обсуждаем, как можно изменить поведение любого человека с помощью АВА.
Поведенщики — специалисты, которые применяют методы АВА для изменения поведения в своей сфере деятельности: обучении людей с РАС и другими особенностями развития, образовании, менеджменте, HR, маркетинге, спорте, политике и многих других.
Наверняка вы слышали про связку АВА-терапии и аутизма. Мы покажем, что АВА — намного шире!
Онлайн-школа прикладного анализа поведения ABASCHOOL создала подкаст Поведенщики, чтобы беседовать с гостями о том, как применять анализ поведения в разных сферах жизни.
Поведение — это просто!
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In this podcast, Pediatric Sleep Consultant and Founder of the “Tantrums No More” Program; Ghislaine Nnaji shares healthy baby sleep tips and advice to help solve your baby’s sleep troubles. Ghislaine talks about different and effective sleep training strategies as well as ways to make the sleep coaching process less overwhelming. She shares in interviews with other baby sleep experts, parents' journeys, and stories from sleep coaching.
The Parenting Athletic Kids Podcast delivers actionable strategies that parents can implement to help their sons and daughters optimize their personal and athletic growth.
Triumphant Birth with Jamie Raisleger explores the transformative power of healing through childbirth. Join us as we delve into the options, receive guest expert wisdom, and hear inspiring stories that pave the way for healing and wholeness throughout pregnancy, birth, and beyond. In a culture where birth is often viewed with fear, we aim to shift the narrative by showcasing pregnancy and birth as opportunities for personal growth, enhanced experiences, and generational healing.
Whether the journey is smooth sailing or filled with unexpected challenges, this podcast offers a supportive space for birth workers and individuals navigating their profound realities in the childbearing season of life. Tune in to the Triumphant Birth podcast and embark on a journey toward empowerment, resilience, and triumph. Your babies' babies' babies will thank you! -
Stories for kids
Laida apie žmogaus ir gyvūno ryšį. Laidos autoriai keliauja į svečius pas herojus, kurie gyvena su gyvūnais ir dėl gyvūnų. Kalba, kaip šie sugyventiniai keičia pašnekovų kasdienybę ir santykį su pasauliu, klausia, kaip jie atsidėkoja už atvertas namų duris ir širdis. Vieniems laidos herojams tai darbas, kitiems – laisvalaikis, tretiems – gyvenimo kova, bet visus juos vienija besąlygiška meilė gyvūnams.
Episode 1 about relationships,
I decide the theme and make a daily conversation between them. It is a short story about one minute.
Švelnios pasakos mažiausiems 🐭
Tai vienos mamos projektas, išaugęs stebint kaip kas vakarą su vaiku kuriamos pasakos skatina kalbos vystymąsi, nuoširdžius pokalbius, ir kaip stipriai tam tikros žinutės įsirėžia į vaikišką atmintį.
Dauguma pasakų yra apie gyvūnus. Jie mažiesiems yra saugūs ir artimi personažai, pamokantys apie netikėtas draugystes, pagarbą, meilę sau ir kitiems.
Ačiū visiems, pasirinkusiems klausytis!
⭐Jūsų parama pagelbėtų kiekvienai pasakai skirti daugiau laiko:⭐
📖 Pasakų tekstai:
🔗 -
This podcast channel is for sharing short and interesting stories to kids .The stories are written and narrated by a kid! Many kids will love these stories. You can expect some new stories and known stories narrated differently.
دنیای ما سرشار از موضوعات مختلفه که هر ذهن هوشیاری رو کنجکاو و مشغول به خودش میکنه. ما چند رفیق هستیم که تصمیم گرفتیم با هم روی دغدغههامون گفتگو کنیم. از موضوعات تازه عجیبی که بهش برخورد میکنیم گرفته تا مشکلاتی که سالهاست دور و بر خودمون میبینیم. فرقی نمیکنه اون دغدغهها چی باشن. مهم اینه که آدم تو این سن و سال نوجوونی چند تا رفیق پایه داشته باشه که بتونه باهاشون گفتگوهای دلچسب و مفیدی رو بسازه. ما تصمیم گرفتیم گفتگوهامون رو با شما هم در میون بذاریم. پس به پادکست ما خوش اومدین.
ВЯЗАЛЬНЫЕ ИСТОРИИ - это подкаст магазина пряжи iNitki о вязании, здесь мы обсуждаем наше любимое хобби и не только, ищем ответы на важные вопросы и конечно рассказываем свои истории.
Устраивайтесь поудобнее, берите в руки вязание и присоединяйтесь к нам)
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#вязальный подкаст #подкастпровязание #вязание #knittingpodcast -
O diário dos estudantes de Jornalismo do Unisagrado na quarentena.
Danelle Wasden is a high school teacher, a life coach, and a mother of five children. Danelle spends her time helping others reach their potential. This podcast will feature help for parents and teens trying to manage real life. It's not easy, and sometimes a bit messy, but life is beautiful. Let this podcast bring wisdom into your life that will help you enjoy the journey. Come laugh with Danelle and cry a bit too.
A look into a first time moms experience at single motherhood with twins. Not like your other mom podcast here you’ll get a range from alcoholic drinks to the time my daughter pooped on the floor. Also I’m using this as an outlet.
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