Waargebeurde misdaad – Litouwen – Nieuwe podcasts

  • This podcast discusses true crime cases. Some of the material is not intended for a younger audience.
    It gives information such as: timelines, history and evidence of each crime.
    All of the opinions expressed are my own, based on my knowledge and interpretation of the available information and evidence.

  • Jacob Haendel has been handed a death sentence. He has a terminal progressive disease that's eating away at the white matter of his brain. In six months, he'll be dead.

    As the months progress, Jake slips into a coma, laying there in total darkness. But something odd has happened... Jake is fully conscious.

    Nobody knows that he can hear them. They’re certain he's no longer in there.

    With the promise that Jake will never recover, friends and family visit less and less. Until there is just one person left. A person who begins to whisper strange admissions in his ear.

    It is here, helpless in his hospital bed, that Jake realizes what may have gotten him here in the first place. The scariest thing in the room is no longer the potential of dying, but rather, the person sitting right next to him.

    This is Blink, the untold true story and survival of Jacob Haendel.

  • Как я выходила замуж за политзека.

    Женя Кулакова живет на два города: в Петербурге — ее работа и дом, в Оренбурге — ее возлюбленный и подзащитный Витя Филинков. Витя — политзек, его осудили на 7 лет по так называемому делу «Сети», а Женя — его общественная защитница. Чтобы получить длительное свидание и впервые провести вместе больше, чем несколько часов, Женя и Витя решили пожениться. В январе 2024 года, за месяц до свадьбы, которая еще может не состояться из-за козней тюремщиков, Женя начинает вести аудиодневник. В этих записях — хроника жизни человека, чей близкий сидит за решеткой: свидания и суды, тюремные передачи и любовные письма, подлости сотрудников колонии и маленькие юридические победы, тревоги и нежность.

    Как писать письма политзаключенным — инструкция «Медиазоны»:

    «Весточка» — сервис «ОВД-Инфо» для отправки писем политзекам:

    Платформа взаимопомощи «Заодно»:

    Подробнее о деле Виктора Филинкова:

    И деле «Сети» в целом:

    Поддержите «Медиазону»! Мы не сможем продолжать работу без вашей помощи:

    Над подкастом работали:
    Ведущая — Женя Кулакова.
    Продюсер и звукорежиссер — Мика Голубовский.
    Редактор — Дима Перевозчиков.

    Звукорежиссер — Ильдар Фаттахов.

    Дизайн — Арина Истомина.

    А также Егор Сковорода и Андрей Борзенко.

    Подкаст подготовлен «Медиазоной» при участии студии «Либо/Либо».

  • Η Κοιλάδα είναι ένα γραφικό ψαροχώρι στην Αργολίδα που τα τελευταία χρόνια φιλοξενεί την τουριστική αφρόκρεμα της Ευρώπης. Εκεί, πριν δέκα χρόνια, συνέβη ένας μυστήριος φόνος.
    Ο Θανάσης Λάμπρου, καπετάνιος στα ταχύπλοα σκάφη γνωστού εφοπλιστή, βρέθηκε ξαφνικά νεκρός στην αυλή του καλύτερου του φίλου. Τι μπορεί να έγινε; Κανένας γείτονας δεν άκουσε κάτι. Κανείς δεν είδε τίποτα. Όλα τα στόματα ήταν κλειστά.
    Λίγους μήνες αργότερα συνελήφθη η γυναίκα του, Δήμητρα Βούλγαρη.
    Η Βούλγαρη βρίσκεται στη φυλακή και εκτίει ποινή ισόβιας κάθειρξης για την δολοφονία. Ισχυρίζεται ότι είναι αθώα. Μπορεί να είναι; Και κάποιοι να ξέρουν και να μη μιλούν;
    Ένα podcast του Βήματος σε συνεργασία με τη Melon Media.

  • В подкасте «Я иду искать» журналистки Юля и Яна с чёрным юмором рассказывают о самых необычных и мрачных тру-крайм кейсах и пытаются понять, что толкает маньяков на преступления. В каждом выпуске – сразу несколько историй, объединённых одной темой.

    Подпишись на наши соцсети! Там ещё больше подробностей, фото и видео.


    Авторы: Юлия Бабурина и Яна Лыкова.

  • Season Two is in production! Inside the Life is a podcast produced by The Mob Museum, the National Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement. It is hosted by two former elite undercover agents, Giovanni Rocco and Dutch McAlpin. Their stories of infiltrating everything from the American Mob and outlaw motorcycle gangs to the cartels will leave you stunned. This podcast will give listeners a one-of-a-kind look into the inner world of organized crime, featuring guests who have lived on both sides of the law, risked it all and emerged to tell the tale. Inside the Life promises to be a thrilling and educational listen for those interested in organized crime, law enforcement and true crime.

  • Guilty by Design is the TRUE(?) STORY of Interior designers Alexander and Frank, a gay American couple, who in the 80s, landed the jackpot of all clients – José Santacruz – Becoming his personal designers and the close friends of him and his family… But there’s a catch, José is the leader of the Cali Drug Cartel, one of the most dangerous cartels in history, and that's just the start… Alexander and Frank want to set the record straight, but what are they guilty of?

    Hosted by Omri Rose.

    Listen to episodes of Guilty by Design exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/guilty-by-design/ now.

  • It was the biggest gold discovery in history…until it wasn’t. In 1995, Canadian mining company Bre-X announced to the world it had found a significant amount of gold deep in the jungles of Indonesia. Stock prices soared as investors worldwide fought to stake their claim. But when Bre-X’s chief geologist mysteriously fell from a helicopter over the jungle, the story of the billion dollar discovery began to unravel. Nearly three decades later, no one has ever been held accountable. Now, host Suzanne Wilton takes listeners from the jungles of Indonesia to small town Alberta, Canada, to investigate what really happened and find out more about the man behind the biggest goldmine fraud of all time. Produced for the BBC World Service and CBC by BBC Scotland Productions.

    Please note, this series contains references to suicide and has some graphic content.

  • Step into the enigmatic world of "Synth Sleuths," where the past’s most bewildering unsolved mysteries meet the cutting-edge wit of modern investigation. Hosted by the intrepid journalist and acclaimed author, James Renner, alongside his sassy AI cohost, Sky, this podcast melds cold, hard facts with razor-sharp humor to dissect infamous cases like the Zodiac Killer, Amy Mihaljevic, and D.B. Cooper, along with lesser-known enigmas that still haunt the annals of crime.

    "Synth Sleuths" is more than just a true crime podcast; it's an adventure that takes you through the twists and turns of investigation, with James's old-school journalism prowess and Sky’s digital-age sass. Together, they explore the mysteries, the missteps, and the mayhem of each case, all while keeping the victims' memories respected and alive.

    Expect a mix of deep dives into historical puzzles, updates on current investigations, and a unique synergy between human curiosity and artificial intelligence wit. With new episodes weekly, "Synth Sleuths" is your go-to destination for a fresh perspective on the cases you thought you knew and the stories you've yet to discover. Tune in to unravel the mysteries with an unforgettable duo at the helm.

    #truecrimepodcast #artificialintelligence #ai #syynthsleuths #jamesrenner

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Explore the horror and crime and controversial era with us

  • Crime in the Coalfields is a true crime podcast hosted by 59News Anchor Julia White, and 59News Producer Harper Emch. Based in Southern West Virginia, each episode Julia and Harper will tell the stories of the tragic and bizarre crimes that take place in rural Appalachia.

  • We talk with people that have had scary but true story’s happen to them

  • A toxicology focused true crime podcast with Kayla Woods and Venus de Neko, covering all manner of crimes using drugs, toxins, and poisons from the common to the obscure.

  • I'm Kendra, your official ✨shitshow connoisseur✨ and unconventional guide into the world of cults, crime and crooked culture. I grew up in a cult and made a break for it at 18 leaving with nothing but a dark sense of humor, a metric ton of trauma, and a knack for puns and wordplay.[Cult]ure Shock is where all those things collide as I tackle taboo topics and sensitive subjects using a linguistic lens of levity.If you like shaking up perspectives and poking fun at the absurd, let's get this (shit)show on the road. Have a story or suggestion to send it? https://forms.gle/DH1WWaubzR6X2iHKA Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kendra-bryan/support

  • Crimes and Cannabis is the place to be if you like to get lifted and listen to True Crime stories. Tune in every Wednesday to hear a witty sister with a degree in criminal justice dive into some crazy tales of murder, mystery and even paranormal with her crime oblivious brother. Lots of research with a dash of humor to keep ourselves sane.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/crimes-and-cannabis--5619789/support.

  • A charming young Czech promises staggering returns. An entire country’s oil industry is up for grabs. America’s top investors want in. Sounds too good to be true? Damn right it is. 

    This is a story of private jets, $20,000 dinners, and suitcases stuffed with cash. It’s also a tale about the collapse of communism, the free-for-all that followed, and the birth of the oligarchs. And it’s a story of plain-old human greed...of just how far the rich may go to get even richer. Viktor Kožený smooth-talked his super-wealthy Aspen neighbors and a Wall Street titan into investing huge sums of cash to snap up Azerbaijan’s state-owned oil company. Host Joe Nocera and investigative journalist Peter Elkind follow the trail, beginning in the Bahamas, where the charismatic financial genius has been lying low. 

    The Pirate of Prague is an Apple Original podcast, produced by Blanchard House. Follow and listen on Apple Podcasts.


  • Tinklalaidė skirta diskusijai apie nusikalstamumą kaip reiškinį, nusikaltimų keliamą žalą visuomenei, aktualius mokslinius tyrimus ir konkrečius rezonansinius įvykius. Daugiausia dėmesio tinklalaidėje bus skiriama visuomenės paraštėse atsidūrusioms grupėms (kaliniams, sekso darbuotojams, narkotikų vartotojams ir t.t.), tačiau taip pat bus analizuojami ir galingųjų daromi nusikaltimai. „Baltųjų apykaklių“ nusikaltimai ir „didžioji“ korupcija. Kodėl vargšai keliauja į kalėjimą, o turtingieji išvengia atsakomybės?.Laisvės atėmimo bausmė Lietuvoje. Kodėl mes vis dar turime tiek daug kalinių? Narkotikai ir nusikaltimai. Kaip narkotikų vartojimas siejasi su nusikaltimais ir kaip galima būtų šią problemą sumažinti? Vedėjai: Matas Tamošaitis ir Mindaugas Lankauskas.

  • Researching the court documentation and roasting the criminals, so you don’t have to!

  • Are you ready to venture into the shadows? Dirty Deeds unravels the hidden stories of the fraud and deceit behind some of the biggest international scandals in recent years, told by the investigative journalists who uncovered them.

    We’ll bring you reporting from the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), a worldwide network of journalists who cross borders and bad guys to shine a bright light on some of the world’s most dangerous criminal networks. We’ll travel the globe from the oil fields of Venezuela to the rosewood forests of Namibia to the steppes of Central Asia. And don’t forget the posh London real estate where much of the dirty cash ends up. These are the inside stories of how the powerful, unscrupulous, and well-connected can acquire unimaginable wealth — and of what it takes to expose them.

    Dirty Deeds is a Little Gem production for OCCRP. The host is Nick Wallis. The producer is Lindsay Riley at Rethink Audio, with research from Phoebe Adler-Ryan and Riham Moussa.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.