TV & film – Litouwen – Nieuwe podcasts
Join us as we revisit one of our favorite shows, Mad Men. We’ll watch each episode and analyze our favorite moments and characters. Come get toasted with us and watch these rich people shenanigans in the 60s
Two former movie theater employees share their thoughts on movies, television and everything in between.
Esu jaunuolis, kurio aistra – kinas. Filmai man tai galimybė pabėgti nuo kasdienybės ir patirti istorijas visiškai kitomis akimis. Kino salėje pamirštu aplinką – atrodo, kad nebėra pasaulio už ekrano ribų, esu visiškai įsitraukęs į filmą. Jei kinas jums taip pat įdomus, kviečiu pasiklausyti mano tinklalaidės „Pezuliai apie kiną“, kurioje dalinuosi mintimis apie filmus, jų kūrimo užkulisius ir dar daugiau!
Millennial hosts Chris and Allison analyze book to movie adaptations with themed drinks in hand. S1 covers ”Holes” and S2 is currently covering Collen Hoover’s ”It Ends With Us.” Grab a drink and read along with the Cover Girls! Please subscribe and rate if you enjoy the content and want more. Let’s dig in!
Hand crafted studies of genre fiction.
Hey guys. This is the podcast were I talk about old school related stuff. Stay tuned for more episodes!!
Welcome to K-Dramas with Keji, your go-to-podcast for Korean drama reviews! From heart-stopping romantic hits to mind-bending crime dramas, I discuss it all - with plenty of laughs, theories and deep dives into the characters and storylines. Whether you're a seasoned K-Drama connoisseur or a newcomer curious about the world of Korean dramas, let's chit chat!
Rate, subscribe and leave your comments and thoughts here or on Instagram @kdramas_withkeji!
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A film & TV podcast from Melbourne, Australia run by a couple of fans who are self-proclaimed cinema experts. We review movies & interview actors and filmmakers who work in the industry. Please also subscribe to our YouTube channel and give us a follow on Instagram @finefilmpod.
Filmes , músicas e podcast .
Hablamos de las series que te podrían llegar a interesar, esperando que en algún momento puedas disfrutarla
Join four friends on the journey you didn't know you wanted (but at the same time you very much needed?) as they revisit the best comedy of this or any generation, Reba. On October 5, 2001, Reba changed the pop cutlure landscape and became the comedic touchstone that's influenced every thought and decision since. Each week, we'll recap three episodes of Reba (aka a Three-ba) - join us on this important journey!
Join lifelong nerds JD & Steve as they journey to a galaxy far, far away and beyond! Rebel Nerd Radio is your ultimate hub for all things geek culture!
We’re a couple guys who like movies and like to talk about movies. We’re not movie critics, we’re movies fans! We’re a couple guys who would be having a drink and arguing movies no matter what, so why not invite you along? Now grab your popcorn, fill up your drinks and leave us a comment or two so we can tell you how bad your take is! ;). Enjoy the show!
Podkasts "Ačiū už pamainą"- kuriame kalbamės su kino industrijoj dirbančiais žmonėm.
Podcase de film Petit Prince
Bla bla bla
Friday at 7 PM CST on Twitch, Nick hosts Jake and new member, Josh Steelman, on the Nevans Island Podcast. This is where the guys are able to bring different topics to the table ranging from breakups, to OnlyFans, to lemonade.
A deep dive into film. Actor/Writer Ben Cockell (“Goosebumps,” “The Mysterious Benedict Society”) will talk to film industry guests about the movie of the week. Each season will focus on a different theme with curated movie picks.
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