Kunst – Luxemburg – Nieuwe podcasts
stemcel tragics use THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP to read litfic and classics
Les médiathèques de Gennevilliers se mettent au podcast pour vous offrir lectures et critiques de livres, d'albums et de films.
அனைத்து தமிழ் புதினங்களையும் ஒலி வடிவில் வழங்கும் முயற்சியில் இந்த துவக்கம்.
புத்தக பிரியர்களான நீங்களும் , ஒலி வடிவ புதினங்களுடன் நானும் .. நம் பயணத்தை இனிதே துவங்குவோம்..
YouTube link - www.youtube.com/c/PesumKathaigal
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Pesum.Kathaigal/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/Pesum.Kathaigal/
#Tamilaudiobooks #tamilaudionovels #audiobooks #tamilstories -
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Embark on a magical adventure with the "Classic Children’s Stories Library," where cherished stories are brought to life with warmth and character. Perfect for introducing kids to the world of literature, this library nurtures a love for reading through delightful tales and relatable characters, making every story a journey.
Classical poetry forms, specifically those with rhyme and meter, can make excellent contemporary songs. While many lend themselves to ballads and other slower paced songs, it's also quite possible to orchestrate these poems as grunge, electronica or rap songs. In this podcast, we'll explore some of the possibilities.
Late Night Reading is a podcast about readers for readers. A book club that is for anybody and everybody. Pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea and sit and listen to some good friends talk about some good books.Beware, little readers, spoilers and good times will occur.For any book recommendations, comments, or unfiltered rants: email [email protected] & Zabryna x.x.
Auteurices,éditeurices,libraires,médiathécaires,lecteurices,chroniqueurices ,organisateurices de festivals. Nous allons à la rencontre des gens qui font battre le cœur vibrant de la Littérature dans toutes ses couleurs.
English podcast; produced by Sandro Alberti
Histórias infantis
Dédié à toutes les personnes qui entreprennent ou qui envisagent de le faire, ce podcast questionne nos façons d'entreprendre, en donnant à entendre les noeuds et les déclics, les défis et les ressources.
Chaque épisode s'articule autour d'un sujet précis et met en perspective différents témoignages d'entrepreneurs et d'entrepreneuses. A la fin, il y a une conclusion surprise... qui engage nos corps. Parce qu'une idée qui a cheminé dans notre corps a plus de chance de résonner dans le monde...
Bonne écoute !
Jeanne Dobriansky
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Eine Tiefling-Hexenmeisterin, die Menschenhass auf ein ganz neues Level bringt. Ein Zwerg, der zu viel an Bier und seine frühere Nanny denkt. Eine Tiefling-Zauberin, die sich jeden Moment in eine Topfpflanze verwandeln könnte und eine Klerikerin, die den Untergang der Welt vorausgesehen hat, aber ansonsten eigentlich keine Ahnung von irgendwas hat. Eine Truppe, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnte, versucht in diesem Pen & Paper-Podcast, die Welt namens Aretreya zu retten. Zwischen Drachen, Portalen und mächtigen Göttern bleibt ihnen nur eine Option: Würfeln, bis der Tisch (und hoffentlich nicht die Welt) brennt.
Si vous aimez la littérature, le podcast Le livre à lire est fait pour vous ! Le chroniqueur littéraire Bernard Lehut vous donne rendez-vous une fois par mois pour évoquer la sortie d'un livre en compagnie de son auteur ou de son autrice. Un podcast en collaboration avec Ouest-France et Lire Magazine.
A limited series podcast about how different artists and performers made it "work" from home this year. Hosted by Karen Shantz @karen_shantz @homeworkthepod
The point of this podcast is to give voice to my writing, experimenting with soundscapes and mini documentaries. The joy of podcasting is it’s limitlessness. Twelve years into the medium, others have developed their voices. I will be continuing this tradition. A radiophile since childhood, I experienced the Cultural Revolution from The People’s Republic of China on short wave through a valve radio encased in bakelite and fabric covered speakers.
The joy of the spoken word, the noises of life, the voices and the imagination triggering effects of audio are what drive me to podcast. -
Compilado de tragédias realizadas em áudio pelos alunos de Artes Cênicas da UNESP.
Powered by Dance Afrikana and hosted by Dr. Lindsay Gary, Dance Afrikana, Dance Podcast highlights the African Dance tradition from Houston, Texas to the African continent. Its episodes specifically celebrate Black dance artists of the past, present, and future; the history of Black Dance in Texas; and African and Diasporic dances from around the globe. Our “Black Dance in Texas:” episodes are also a part of a larger oral history project to document the history of Black dance in the region.
Pod in the Park sees a host of A-list guests join Simon Rimmer in his fantasy boozer, The Park Inn, to swap tales of food, drink and great nights out in that most magnificent of institutions, the public house. Recorded live at Pub in the Park over the course of last summer, Simon celebrates pub culture with an eclectic mix of patrons from the worlds of food, music, television and comedy - finishing off with a game of darts. Among the many luminaries propping up the bar in season one: a Spice Girl, Dr Who, ex-Prime Minister, King Of The Jungle, Dragon and undisputed queen of the culinary realm.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
What is Design Thinking? More importantly how does it fit into compliance? Join two fans of Design Thinking for the compliance profession, Tom Fox, the Compliance Evangelist and Carsten Tams, Ethical Business Architect and Founder of Emagence LLC as they explore how the compliance profession can use Design Thinking to more fully operationalize a compliance program.
Sejam muito bem-vindos, sintam-se em casa e vamos falar de vida cristã de um modo acessível
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