Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Letland – Nieuwe podcasts
Revpanda LIVE brings you insider knowledge from top experts in iGaming and digital marketing. Hosted by Faruk Aydin, this podcast explores innovative growth strategies, the latest industry trends, and key leadership insights to help you stay ahead in business. Tune in for inspiring real stories, practical tips, and actionable advice directly from some of the sharpest minds shaping the future of business and marketing.
Здесь PRO смыслы, философию Дела Жизни, Шаги смелости, стратегии личностного развития, монетизацию, метафизику и энергию созидания.
Автор подкастов ЛИНА БАРСЕЛАТ собственной персоной — твердый предприниматель, бизнес-ангел и трансформационный бизнес-тренер. Ментор более 20 лет, с тех пор, когда инфоцыган ещё и в помине не было.→ Личный ТОП-результат:
построила твердый бизнес с идеи и 0💲 до 2,5 млн.💲→ Фейеричный опыт выхода из 15-летнего партнерства с потерей в 1,5 млн💲. Пережила «темную ночь души» с потерей всех смыслов, внешних опор и окружения. Вернула себе проявленность и успех.
Духовный проводник, метафизик и птица Феникс, которая, возрождаясь, набирает мощь, мудрость и истинное Знание.
И благодаря этому, сейчас феячу экспертам и предпринимателям вИдение, концепции, СТРАТЕГИИ личностного и бизнес-развития, создаю НЕшаблонные бизнес-модели и СИСТЕМЫ монетизации личного бренда.
Использую симбиоз бизнес-инструментов, метафизики, мудрости и разума человеческого в поиске ответов на вопрос: «ГДЕ ДЕНЬГИ и в чем МОЯ СИЛА?». Ответ даёт возможность каждому человеку создать свое Дело Жизни в понимании своего Служения себе, другим и миру без «должен» и «надо»Аудит запроса и Программа ШАГ СМЕЛОСТИ:
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Business Leadership Experts is the premier podcast for your growth as a leader. You will hear from industry experts Mike Temple, Ann Holm, and Donna Febus who have advised experienced business owners since 2008 in strategy development, leadership development and business accounting. We provide you with Real and Practical leadership advice for your business.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, CEO or a department manager, this podcast will help you understand how to build success in your respective discipline. Don't wait and subscribe to never miss an episode.
Brought by Temple Executive Coaching -
We all understand the positive impact and drive that comes from being part of an effective team. When teams are less than effective, lack of productivity, frustration, and disengagement take over. Intentional and purposeful focus on building a culture of collaboration is the secret for leaders striving to make a difference.
In Building a Culture of Collaboration, Kurtis and Lorna Hewson will share simple tips, ideas, and strategies to take your organization's collaborative efforts to the next level. -
‘Dare to Lead: A Halian Podcast’ is a compelling podcast navigating leadership, career, and business in today's dynamic landscape. Hosted by Stuart Fry, Chief Executive Officer at Halian, each episode offers invaluable insights and advice for excelling in leadership roles through interviews with successful leaders from diverse backgrounds. Whether you're an experienced executive or an aspiring entrepreneur, this podcast equips you with the tools to excel in leadership and thrive in a rapidly changing business landscape. Tune in to unlock your potential for personal and professional growth.
Šajā podkāstā Jūs dzirdēsiet 1000 jaunas biznesa idejas, kuras varēsiet īstenot Latvijā. Šī podkāsta vadītājs ir Viesturs Meikšāns, Runas skolas un dibinātājs, kurš aicinās uz sarunām Latvijas vadošos prātus, lai kopā atrastu tās biznesa idejas, kuras varētu izmainīt Jūsu dzīvi.
“Money is Freedom” is a podcast that dives into the forces shaping our financial future and the pursuit of independence in an ever-evolving economic landscape.
Each episode explores the intricate relationship between money, freedom, and the shifting tides of global monetary policy, with a focus on Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and the power of decentralized finance.
Join us as we unpack how macroeconomic trends, political events, and market cycles impact not only the value of our investments but also our personal autonomy and freedom. Whether you’re a seasoned investor, an economics enthusiast, or simply curious about the forces that drive the financial world, this podcast will give you the insights you need to navigate your own path toward financial liberation.
“Money is Freedom” podcast is brought to you by @14kfeetup and narrated by @NotebookLM AI.
Disclaimer: The content of “Money is Freedom” is for informational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute financial, legal, or investment advice. Opinions expressed are those of the hosts and guests and may not reflect the positions of any affiliated institutions. Listeners should conduct their own research and consult with a licensed professional before making financial decisions. Investments in cryptocurrencies, stocks, and other assets carry risks, including loss of principal. We do not endorse or promote any specific investments, companies, or trading strategies.
Podcast + newsletter that explores Atlanta's dynamic real estate market -
"Средний чек: Что это и зачем он нужен?"
В этом подкасте мы:
Разобрались, что такое средний чек и почему он важен для ресторана.
Узнали, как рассчитать средний чек.
Изучили статистику среднего чека в Казахстане.
Послушали шутки по-казахски на эту тему.
Получили рекомендации, как увеличить средний чек.
Узнали 2 совета, которые помогут вам поднять средний чек в вашем ресторане:
Предлагать комбо-наборы и комплексные обеды.
Использовать техники upsell и cross-sell.
Подписывайтесь на наш подкаст, чтобы не пропустить новые интересные выпуски! -
Как привлекать целевую аудиторию в гармонии с собой. Организация, монетизация и продвижение частной практики.Для кого этот проект?- Для профессионалов и начинающих. Для тех, кто начинает частную практику, для тех, кто переходит из найма, для тех, кто уже работает на себя.- Для специалистов из любой области, если вы зарабатываете на предоставлении услуг и/или продаже знаний: будь то психолог или юрист, it-специалист или маркетолог, дизайнер или репетитор, консультант или тренер. -
Raidieraksts mazajiem uzņēmējiem un biznesa sācējiem – izglītojošs un praktisks palīgs nelielu uzņēmumu veidotājiem un vadītājiem, kā arī tiem, kas vēlas spert pirmos soļus savā biznesā.
Small changes, made over time, can produce significant results. Much like a high performance engine, or an entire orchestra, when even a small part is not doing what it is supposed to do, everything suffers. And the same is true of your finances. This show is dedicated to the small things that make a significant difference.
Самое интересное и полезное из мира экономики и фондовых рынков за неделю. Здесь я делюсь новостями и статистикой, о которой редко говорят в российских СМИ.
Подписывайтесь, чтобы регулярно получать новые инвестидеи.
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Welcome to Pen Tales 🎙️— I’m Stefan aka Plastic Pen, a freelance artist from Münster, Germany. In this podcast, I sit down with other artists, illustrators, and creative minds to talk about the real stuff: how we stay inspired, tackle freelance life, and navigate the ups and downs of being creative. No filters, no fluff—just honest, open conversations between two people who turned their passion into their profession. -
Mani sauc Sondra un esi laipni lūgts podkastā 'IT pieredzes stāsti. Reāli. Atklāti. Godīgi.'
Vieta, kur Tu dzirdēsi īstus un autentiskus stāstus no cilvēkiem, kuri patiešām ikdienā strādā IT nozarē un veic IT darbus- programmē, analizē, konfigurē, realizē, testē,.risina problēmas u.c lietas.
Šim Podkāstam ir 2 galvenie mērķi :
1. Dalīties pieredzē - Ļaut IT dažādiem speciālistiem dalīties ar saviem pieredzes stāstiem
2. Atklāt IT nozari - Sniegt patiesu skatījumu uz IT no praktiskās IT puses. -
Welcome to Love, Work & Other Disasters—the podcast where we dive headfirst into the beautiful mess of modern dating, thriving careers, and everything in between. Join your hosts, Maya and Fatou, two experienced coaches who aren’t afraid to ask the tough questions, share unfiltered truths, and bring a little humor to the chaos of life, love, and work. Whether you’re trying to master the dating game, nail that job interview, or simply navigate the complexities of everyday challenges, we’re here to guide you through it all. Tune in, get inspired, and let’s make sense of the disasters together!
Growth mindset podcast will not only discuss my passion about being successful and how to achieve and live a good life through developing a growth mindset but will also be interviewing successful people and their stories.
Welcome to Helix Success Stories, the podcast where entrepreneurs from the Helix community share their journeys—the triumphs, the challenges, and everything in between. Each episode dives deep into the lives of inspiring individuals, uncovering the lessons they've learned in business and life.
Tune in for real stories, practical advice, and valuable insights from those who have walked the path of entrepreneurship. Whether you're starting your own journey or looking for a dose of inspiration, these candid conversations will empower and motivate you to reach your goals. -
Join Pace Morby, a leading expert in creative finance, as he tackles real-world challenges with innovative solutions. Each episode features renowned guests sharing unique insights and strategies to overcome obstacles in business and life. Get ready to rethink possibilities and unlock your potential with every conversation!
I made this podcast for you in mind so you can accelerate your Social Media & Digital Marketing! Get re-energized with lots of creative ideas plus Business Tactics! If you looking for it most likely...You got it here with me! There are new episodes dropped daily!
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