Onderwijs – Malta – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Til Death Do Us Part is a podcast dedicated to restoring marriages and reigniting hope. Join us on a transformative journey where we explore stories of resilience, share expert insights, and provide practical tips to mend the bonds that connect us. Whether you're navigating through challenges or simply seeking inspiration, our heartfelt conversations will guide you toward a path of healing, understanding, and rediscovery.

  • Welcome to The Redesigning Life Podcast, where we explore the art of self-love and the beauty of living authentically. This podcast is all about embracing who you truly are while learning how to cultivate self-compassion and build a life that aligns with your core values. Join us on a journey of personal growth, self-discovery, and empowerment, as we discuss practical strategies and inspiring stories that will help you redesign your life from the inside out. It's time to live with intention, purpose, and authenticity.

  • Third Eye Open is all about higher learning. Watering that most important muscle the brain. Post-George Floyd there’s lots of work to do on anti-racism and the uplifting of black people

  • As a BOSS WIFE I am constantly balacing the roles of a successful professional and a loving partner and mother. It takes dedication, communication and compromise to thrive in all three arenas. I believe in leading by example and supporting my husband in his gaols and my children, while also pursuing my own ambitions. Its a fulfilling journey that requires constant growth and learning. Let's continue to inspire and support eachother in our journey towards success and fulfillment as fellow BOSS WIVES!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/bosswife-live--4792360/support.

  • Bienvenidos a mi podcast, un espacio donde comparto mis experiencias de vida mientras persigo mis sueños viviendo en el extranjero. Aquí encontrarás tips prácticos, historias inspiradoras y reflexiones honestas sobre lo que significa salir de la zona de confort para vivir la vida que siempre has deseado. Únete a mí en esta aventura y descubre cómo puedes transformar tu vida, superar desafíos y alcanzar tus metas, ¡sin importar dónde te encuentres!

    Instagram: @marimonterolife

  • Карьерный стратег и коуч Оля Полищук собирает истории о том, как выглядит нелинейная карьера и как к ней приходят. Нелинейная карьера — это новое явление, которое принято объяснять на примерах. Чем мы тут и займемся.

    В каждом выпуске вас ждет новая история нелинейной карьеры. Со сменами индустрий, ролей, форм занятости, саббатикалами, своими проектами, выгоранием и перепридумыванием себя в карьере… В общем, всем, что сопровождает работу в реальной жизни.

    А Оля подсветит, что взять на заметку из этой истории, если вы тоже задумались, что пора что-то менять.

    Герои первого сезона — выпускники курса «Как перепридумать карьеру». Заходите на него посмотреть: perepridumai.com

  • Welcome to Shameless Leadership! This show is dedicated to women, gender minorities, and allies who are committed to advancing their leadership and advancing the leadership of those around them. In this space, we believe everyone deserves to feel seen, heard, valued, and supported. Our mission is to help you foster these feelings within your own circles of influence to build trust, psychological safety, and a culture of belonging.
    In each episode, we dive into essential topics impacting women in leadership - everything from shutting down your inner critic and imposter syndrome to overcoming perfectionism to using your voice in new ways to advocate for yourself, your ideas, and other folks carrying marginalized identities. You'll hear practical tips, effective strategies, and inspiring stories that will not only enhance your leadership skills but also broaden your perspective to become a more confident, intentional, inclusive, and empathetic leader.
    Our stories come from voices that are often underrepresented, underestimated, and excluded. By sharing their experiences, we aim to provide you with invaluable lessons that will transform your leadership journey. We are thrilled to have you join this community of Shameless Leaders who are actively creating a world where women leaders intentionally lead through a more confident, empathetic, and inclusive lens.

  • About The Host…

    Randolph Love III, is the Founder and President of, ShieldWolf Strongholds, a Fractional CFO company that specializes in providing Business and Franchise Owners with all of the perks and benefits of having a full time Chief Financial Officer and Business Succession Planner, but for a fraction of the price.  He is a Partner and Consultant with The Franchise Consulting Company; the largest American owned franchise consulting company in the world. He is the Author of the forthcoming Financial Literacy book, "The Miracle Money Vehicle: How To Make Money Make Babies;" which gives individuals and business owners a step by step guide on what they need to do to have the option to retire, or exit their current position in less than 5-10 years, with properly structured, and funded Trusts and Tax Strategies.  Also, he is the host of, "The Entreprenudist Podcast: The Place To Hear Real Entrepreneurs and Business Owners BARE IT ALL;" ranked in the TOP 10% of podcasts for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs by ListenNotes.com.

    Are You An Entreprenudist Listener?

    This podcast is for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Innovators, Thought Leaders, Creators; and those who aspire to be so.

    The Entreprenudist Podcast is sponsored by ShieldWolf Strongholds, A Wealth Protection Company. ShieldWolf Strongholds helps business owners, and other high net worth individuals have the option of retiring comfortably, and successfully in 10-15 years or less.

  • Author of A Mug of Insights Newsletter Robin Waldun answers readers's questions on education, literature, the humanities and lifelong learning, combined with a few fun digressions into his research.


  • Community Development about Citrus Farming Community in Kintamani

  • Toni Quest discusses life with some of the most interesting people on Energy Stoners™ Cafe

  • There’s a million things you “should” be doing, but can you be bothered? 🤔

    Our plan was to stop "living for the weekend" and finally find a hobby we both enjoy. That hobby, is now a podcast, about trying different hobbies! (Or basically anything we hear people talking about, or saying you "should" try). The goal? See if they really are worth all the bother of getting up out of our comfy seats to actually try.

    We'll test them and discuss as many as possible, so you can stay put in aforementioned, "comfy seat"!

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • O Pré-RicoCast é o podcast oficial do Dawison Barbosa, canal onde o autor compartilha conteúdo em Finanças e Investimentos. Dawison, criou os Hábitos dos Pré-ricos e Pré-ricas, com vídeos intitulados minuto da riqueza, entrega sacadas importantes mudando a mentalidade dos seus seguidores.

    Educador Financeiro Certificado CFEd, Especialista em Finanças pelo CEDEPE BUSINESS SCHOOL e Pós Graduado em Metodologia do Ensino. É formado pelo Banco Central em Gestão de Finanças Pessoais. Fundou a Empresa Minuto da Riqueza para democratizar o acesso à Educação Financeira também é Escritor do Best-Seller

  • A chatty podcast raising awareness about vocal health and wellbeing, from voice, performance and wellbeing coach Leigh Martyn Thomas and her guests in media, education & the performing arts.

  • Become a stellar voice teacher and grow your singing studio! Learn from world class voice experts what it takes to be a truly great voice teacher. Gain science backed insight into the voice and learn from those with decades of experience.

  • The artists and  voice coaches Matilda Lindell and Kristy Hunter having fun and open conversations about all things voice! Be ready to dive deep and totally geek out! 

  • Christendom College hosts a distinguished speaker each year on or around the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas (January 28) to speak on a philosophical or theological topic.

  • Wellness platform for women to engage in telling their story to provide healing for someone else through their story.