Gezondheid en fitness – Malta – Aanbevolen podcasts
Hello, I am a marital therapist, communications trainer and author. I have thirty-five years helping couples and individuals make better relationships. I have written twenty-plus self-help books which include the international best-sellers ‘I love you but I’m not in love with you’ and ‘How can I ever trust you again?’ My books have been translated into twenty languages. I trained with RELATE the UK’s largest counselling charity.
Perhaps it has been turning sixty but I have become interested in spiritual as well as psychological questions. Who am I? What are my values – as opposed to my parents, my teachers and the wider society? What makes my life meaningful? What do I believe about life, the universe and everything? Although my clients might come to me because of destructive arguments, falling out of love and infidelity, they are also interested in having more meaningful relationships and a more meaningful life.
So what is the meaningful life? Why do we so easily lose our way and get lost in depression, anxiety, doubt, addictions and obsessions: the swamplands of the soul? One thing I know for sure is that there is not one answer. Each of us has to find out for ourselves what makes our life meaningful. But we can learn from each other, share our experiences of how to navigate the journey, how to endure and learn from the swamp, and finally how to find solid ground.
I have decided to use my original training in radio and journalism to interview witnesses for what makes life meaningful. Each week, I invite someone who is a therapist, academic, self-help coach or who has an enlightening personal story to share their knowledge or experiences. I hope our discussions will help you discover what makes your life meaningful and find more purpose and contentment. -
A podcast exploring the inner workings of our brains, mental health, & disabilities and how film & television portray them.
Each episode, hosted by sisters Heather & Sarah Taylor, has an expert talk about a specific facet of our brains. Guests include therapists, scientists, and those with lived experiences and they share facts, insights, and how-tos with our listeners. We then discuss TV series and films that capture this specific aspect of our brains and tell it as it really is.
Please follow/subscribe on your favorite podcast app, listen to new episodes biweekly on Tuesdays (every two weeks), and let us know your thoughts about the show.
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For more information or to suggest a topic, please visit: -
Meet ’em, greet ’em, treat ’em and street ’em in other languages!
لأن الروح جميلة و متميزة و نقيّة بتكوينها، و لأن شوائب الدنيا من الترومات، الأنماط المكتسبة، العادات، التجارب المؤلمة، المشاعر المخدرة لعبت دورا في تلطيخ هذه الروح و التعتيم عليها بطلاء من التخدير تارة، و الانكار تارات، قررت أن أتكلم معكم بتجرد، لنتشارك مواضيع عميقة و حساسة جدا قد لا يجرؤ لسانكم على التحاور مع أحد عنها!
و لأنني أدرك مدى تعطشنا و احتياجنا للشعور بالأمان، للشعور بأن هناك من يفهمنا، يرانا، يشعر بنا و يشاركنا تجاربنا، بتسليط الضوء داخل عتمة نفوسنا على خيالات مواضيعنا الحساسة، و التي كنا قد أخفيناها حتى عن ادراكنا، و ذلك لنخترق بعد اللاوعي الى الوعي، و حاجز الغرور نحو حلاوة الروح! -
This show gives spiritual tools to find balance in a chaotic age, including sleep! It's humor with heart. I give breathwork tools from my Toltec lucid dreaming practice, talk about dreams and share answers to questions my lucid dreaming students ask me. I read short stories, self-help books and shamanic texts. This podcast is meant to enlighten and enliven you, inspire or calm you down.
It's a tour into ancient precious knowledge. See you soon! -
Metafizzical Life is a podcast that aims to guide listeners in exploring breath work, meditation, and hypnosis for cultivating mindfulness and finding inner stillness. The host, Fiona, offers a supportive environment for individuals to enhance their well-being through developing a strong body, a clear mind, a healthy spirit, and a peaceful soul. Donations are also welcomed to support the podcast. -
Welcome to the orange shoe podcast. Here we will dive into multiple health and fitness-related topics such as nutrition, stress, sleep, daily movement, and habit forming
We will also have some fun introducing you to some of the great people that make up our amazing orange shoe community!
Use the link below to send me a question! Would love to hear from you. -
Drs. Andrew Heller and Marisa Brunetti get together to discuss clinical and not so clinical issues facing veterinarians.
Welcome to Emergency Medicine Memoirs, a teen’s perspective on the fascinating world of emergency medicine. In this podcast, the tables are turned. A teen asks the questions, healthcare professionals answer. Join us, as we journey through the dynamic field of EM.
A podcast that interviews other practitioners that compliment what we do at R3 Physio. Also, conversations about health and wellness topics.
The Shoulder Physio Podcast is a podcast dedicated to exploring meaningful topics in musculoskeletal health care.
The answer to most digestive ailments today results from poor choices in our diet, chronic stress and alterations in the microbiome or gut bacteria. Medical research has drastically changed our understanding of many G.I. diseases. Stomach ulcers are no known to be caused by an infection with H. pylori bacteria. So successful eradication of the infection prevents stomach ulcers from recurring. Bleeding ulcers and esophageal ulceration from acid reflux is rarely seen now with a very potent proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole. On the other hand autoimmune disease of the bowel such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis is on the increase although biologic agents are now able to alter the disease course so that the overall prognosis is better in these patients. Irritable bowel syndrome is more often diagnosed and its treatment leaves much to be desired. Screening colonoscopy has decreased the death rate from colon cancer. We also have a better understanding of anorectal disease and it's management. I am a professor of Medicine and have been practicing for over 30 years and offer my insights into our digestive wellbeing.
Hey there, I’m Dr. Kyle Farr, DNP, NP-C. Im a Board-certified Nurse Practitioner and the founder of Kyle Farr Aesthetics in Plymouth, Michigan. I practice full-time in aesthetic medicine and this is The Aesthetically Honest Podcast!
The Aesthetically Honest Podcast is born from my drive to bring AUTHENTIC and HONEST insight into the aesthetic industry. It’s a collection of topics that truly has something for everyone. It will spark interest in the first-time aesthetic patient to the most experienced injector.
How did this all come about?
It came from my experiences renting a tiny salon suite on a week-to-week back in 2014 to inject a little bit of tox and dermal filler. That side hustle organically evolved into being the founder of one of the most well-respected medical spas in Metro Detroit.
It came from my passion for education and mentoring others that would spill over and help me become one of the most utilized trainers with major aesthetic companies. From there, I built and developed the widely successful aesthetic training and mentoring program I have today. It also brought numerous opportunities to speak and teach at national conferences and seminars nationwide.
It came from how I would quickly learn how hard it may be to realize the aesthetic industry is, quite frankly, full of so much bullshit.
The Aesthetically Honest podcast came from all those experiences and much more that I want to share. The aesthetic industry sometimes seems impervious not only to providers, especially newbies, but clients as well. It’s hard to know what’s authentic and what’s not. However, authenticity is one of my core intrinsic values, something I won’t ever compromise.
Join me for these honest conversations about all things related to aesthetic medicine. I’ll share my experience, knowledge, and the mistakes I have made with you; and have others join us as well. I invite you to collaborate and grow with me; we all have something to learn from one another. -
Crixell Counseling presents its, ‘Hope Through The Journey’ podcast. We’re talking all things mental health in a simple way that everyone can understand. We’re bringing you helpful strategies and techniques to use as you navigate life. We’re taking the stigma out of mental health so you can be your very best! Hosted by licensed professional counselors and mental health advocates, the brother and sister team of Alfred Crixell Jr. and Ana ‘Lettie’ Crixell will guide you and provide hope through your journey every step of the way.
Integrated guided mindfulness sessions bringing together the frontiers of psychology, neuroscience and alternative philosophy: this podcast will help ease stress, anxiety, mild depression and sleep problems. My name is Luc Swarbrick and I’ve spent the last 4 years studying psychology and neuroscience, before this, I traveled Sri Lanka spending time in Buddhist monasteries. I have been through personal journeys with my own mental health and will share different strategies integrated from all fields, paradigms and approaches to ensure you can rest and explore your consciousness in a safe way.
Rachael Wonderlin tackles common challenges in dementia caregiving and seeks to make everyone a better care partner and professional by promoting education and empathy. Rachael has a Master’s in Gerontology and owns Dementia By Day, a dementia care consulting firm. She is the author of 3 books with Johns Hopkins University Press. You can find her on Instagram @dementiabyday and download her “16 Things I’d Want If I Got Dementia” list from
Bienvenue !
Nous sommes un groupe de 6 étudiants en troisième année de licence STAPS (Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives), mention APA-S (Activité Physique Adaptée et Santé) à l'USPN. Nous serons à l'issue de notre licence des enseignants en activité physique adaptée (EAPA) !
Vous partager une définition de notre futur métier via différents professionnels nous a semblé pertinent. C'est pourquoi tous nos podcasts traiteront d'activité physique adaptée.
Bonne écoute ! -
Welcome to the Roundtable. A space created for authentic sharing of struggles and triumphs that we ALL face in our day to day lives. Our episodes will include dialogue with individuals from all walks of life with a space for them to share THEIR story. We will also discuss spirituality, the metaphysics of human reality, psychology, fitness and everything in between. We're here to connect our pieces of the puzzle of life, one BE-U-TIFUL soul at a time!
Hardcore Professional Bodybuilding
Hosted by IFBB Pro Robin Strand and IFBB Pro Morgan MacDonald. - Laat meer zien