Zaken en persoonlijke financiën – Noorwegen – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Smooth Operator is a podcast exploring affiliate marketing and digital media hosted by Blake Saunders. The podcast interviews innovative leaders and delves into strategies and tactics that have driven their success in content and commerce. It is a go-to source for staying ahead in the rapidly evolving affiliate and content commerce space.

  • Hvor mye kunnskap er det egentlig mulig å dytte inn i en 20 minutters podkast?

    The Network Sørlandets Hege Larsen og Ungt Entreprenørskaps Tharald Lundvall og Richard Ekhaugen samler de klokeste hodene i arbeidslivet på Sørlandet for å dele sin kunnskap med lytterne. Med utgangspunkt i en Topp 5-liste blir gjestene utfordret til å dele av sin ekspertise på fagområdene det snakkes om i episodene.

    Vi lover deg masse ny kunnskap og tonnevis med godt humør - arbeidslivet er jo tross alt en lek!

  • Velkommen til Bak Flasken – Podcasten der drikke, mat og reiser står i sentrum!

    Er du nysgjerrig på hva som ligger bak de mest smakfulle drikkevarene, de uforglemmelige matopplevelsene, og de inspirerende reisene?

    I Bak Flasken tar vi deg med på en reise gjennom gode samtaler med mennesker som brenner for sitt fag, enten det handler om tradisjon eller innovasjon.

    Podcasten begynner med et spesielt fokus på Vestlandet – en region som bugner av unike smaker og historier. Men dette er bare starten. Etter hvert vil vi utvide perspektivet og utforske hele Norges og kanskje utlandets mangfold av mat-, drikke- og reiseopplevelser.

    I Bak Flasken hyller vi både det tradisjonelle, som holder våre rike mat- og drikketradisjoner ved like, og de modige utfordrerne som bringer nye ideer til bordet. Vi dykker dypt inn i samtaler om hva som inspirerer disse personene, og hvordan de skaper opplevelser som gjør en forskjell.

    Bli med oss når vi åpner en flaske, setter oss ned til en god prat, og utforsker de spennende historiene bak drikke, mat og reiser som gjør Norge til et unikt sted. Nye episoder slippes hver uke – du vil ikke gå glipp av dette!

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Danske sundhedsprofessionelle er blevet virkeligt dygtige til at diagnosticere og behandle, men det betyder også at vores forventninger til sundhedsvæsnet er skyhøje – og samtidig er det blevet rigtig dyrt at give alle borgere den behandling de fortjener og ønsker.
    Fremtiden byder på mange flere ældre patienter og på stigende udgifter. Så hvis alle borgere skal behandles efter nutidens standard, skal vi finde på nye behandlingsmetoder og hjælpemidler, hvis ikke sundhedsvæsnet skal kollapse om 20-30 år. ”Der skal mere innovation ind på hospitalerne”, lyder det fra politikere og fagfolk.
    Men hvad er innovation egentlig?
    I podcastserien, ”Sundhedsinnovation for alle” taler jeg med eksperter i både sundhedsvæsen og innovation, og giver dig et indblik i de mange værktøjer og processer, der udgør puslespillet ’sundhedsinnovation’.
    Du får helt sikkert brug for det i fremtiden...

  • This podcast is dedicated to people who happen to spend a lot of time trying to find a niche where they can grow quickly and get their ROI on their investment reasonably in short period of time.

    There are a number of things to be aware of in order to make good enlighten decisions. This is a place where there is warm, candid conversations that are conducive to growth.

    Join me as we can all contribute to each other's growth!

    Remember we are all just one perspective away...!


    Thank you for being here,

  • Storytelling For Social Impact gives you expert insights and practical tools to help you break through the noise and avoid common pitfalls with your storytelling, creating a greater impact as a result.

  • In each episode, Carey and Conor invite a guest from the world of data protection, information security, tech, or other interesting industries, to engage in a conversation where chance plays a key role. Guests pick a number that corresponds to a surprise question, blending industry insights, career wisdom, and personal life observations. Neither the guest nor the hosts know the question in advance, ensuring a fresh and spontaneous dialogue.While it's mostly focused on the guest's unique insights into their chosen career & industry, the charm lies in the unpredictable, human side of the discussion. Listeners will gain valuable insights, practical tips, and enjoy a few laughs along the way.

  • Join us as we dive into the stories of the builders, givers, and investors who are innovating and making a difference. And we strategize about how we might tackle the world’s greatest problems.

  • Tech tips to help you maintain a safe environment when it comes to personal and digital privacy.
    Every week, I’ll bring a new subject topic to discuss with you listeners, to educate yourself on how to make things safer.

  • بودكاست يناقش " علم نفس الأعمال" او ما يسمي بالـ

    business psychology

    وكل ما يتعلق بالشركات من الناحية النفسية مثل :( سلوك الموظفين- شخصية الشركات- تحليل بيئة العمل- ولاء الموظفين)

    حلقة أسبوعياً كل يوم أحد 8 صباحاً بداية من 21-4-2024

    يتم إنتاج البودكاست من قبل منصة: فرصة ثانية لتكنولوجيا الطب النفسي

  • Impulses and conversations to renew our senses for life, leadership and business by design. Lets lean into other ways of knowing, making and relating for enlivening and desirable futures, together!

  • Are you sick of feeling unfulfilled in your career and life?
    Do you desire to make a transition but don’t know where to start?
    Do you wish you had the financial security to take a career break and explore other options?
    Are you tired of scouring the internet searching for ways to quit your job and live your best life?

    Me too, y’all. Me too.

    I recently embarked on a journey to discover what options I had to transition from my unfulfilling 9-5, while raising 2 boys with my husband, making sure all the bills get paid, saving for retirement, and still living my best life!

    If you’re also looking for a way out of the corporate grind and are ready to become financially free and design the life you desire - I invite you to join me on the journey!

    Welcome to The Kaizen Lifestyle podcast!

    I’m Ashley, a wife, mom and former full-time working professional. For the last 10+ years, I’ve worked as an engineer, turned consultant, turned product owner in the consumer goods, food manufacturing, healthcare and insurance industries. For most of my career, I’d been on a mission to find my “dream job” - the job that truly lights me up and brings me fulfillment.

    I eventually realized that there was no “dream job” for me and in 2020, began my journey to financial independence with the hopes of saving and investing enough money to retire at the age of 45 and never have to work again. I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I don’t want to wait until retirement to truly enjoy all aspects of my life and instead would prefer to create the life, NOW, that I don’t want to retire from. My husband and I decided that it was finally time for me to take a step away from full-time employment to take a well-needed career break after my maternity leave for my second son. Well, my planned career pause became unplanned when I was let go unexpectedly from my job at 7.5 months pregnant, BEFORE maternity leave. Thankfully, we were at a place financially where this turn of events could be a celebration, instead of devastation, as it allowed me to have some extended time off before I became a mom of 2. Although I’m unsure of if and when I will return to the corporate world, I’m grateful for the freedom and flexibility to live my life the way I desire without worrying TOO MUCH about the financial aspect.

    While working in corporate America, I was introduced to the term “Kaizen” - a Japanese word that loosely translates to ”change for the better” and is interchangeable with the phrase ”continuous improvement”. It’s a practice used in the workplace to implement small, incremental changes over time; however, it can be applied to all aspects of life, not just in business. Kaizen is a lifestyle.

    Join me as I share the steps and principles I’ve implemented over the last 10+ years to gradually create this beautiful life of freedom, flexibility and fulfillment and learn how you can begin to prepare yourself and your finances for both the expected and unexpected turns that life may bring! We’ll be talking about career breaks and transitions, lifestyle design, financial independence and so much more!

    Pull out those vision boards and post-its and get ready to dig into some spreadsheets - it’s time for us to start designing the lives we truly desire!

    Connect With Me!
    IG // @kaizen_ashley 
    Website //
    Email // [email protected]

  • We talk with the best people we know on how to attract and select better talents for service industry jobs.

  • Den bevidstløse brug af alle værktøjerne fra lederkurset er ikke ledelse. Det er derimod styring. Hvad vil det sige, at rent faktisk lede "personer"? Det er først, når du fravælger og prioriterer din styring, at det bliver til ledelse. Det handler denne podcast om.

    Personer er engagerede, relationelle og værdige. Tilvælg og fravælg styringsredskaber, så du skaber rammer for deltagelse – frem for fremmedgørelse.

  • The Offices at China Hall Coworking Podcast features people from Minnesota and beyond to discuss the state of internet marketing, social media in business, stories of success, and failures in business. Listen as this Minnesota Coworking space features conversations with people that have all types of backgrounds, experiences, and stories to share!

  • On this podcast, your host, Mike Acker, invites business owners and business leaders to share their stories of challenges and successes they encounter in leadership and training.

    We cover topics like soft skills, communication, systems, and of course leadership development and employee training. We also let our guests share on the subjects they’re well-known for. No matter the topic, you’ll be hearing real stories from real people.

  • In this podcast, Nigel Wilcock the Executive Director of the Institute of Economic Development will interview key leaders in the key fields of economic development and regeneration. The podcast will involve examples, policy and best practice in the current topics impacting professionals in the field. The podcast is intended as providing professional development content as well as being valuable to anyone involved or interested in the field.

  • Most things in life only take 20 seconds of courage. Let's discover new ways of living through conversations about life and finances with Amberly Grant Finance.

  • In 2019, I released my 2nd book Results-Driven Organizations: The 4 Keys for A High-Performance Workplace. The day it launched it became a #1 Amazon Best Seller in 2 categories; this podcast is designed to expand the conversation discussion of what it really takes to create, develop, and maintain a high performing organization.

    Results Driven Organizations podcast, will host curated conversations with C-Suite leaders and those who support organizational growth and development. Our conversations will be centered around my Results Driven Philosophy of Strategy, Leadership, Teams and Customer Experiences.

    The goal of this podcast is to create conversations that are:

    1. Inspirational: You have an amazing story that will inspire listeners.
    2. Educational: The listener will leave the podcasts with nuggets of information or a new way of thinking.
    3. Challenging: Listeners will be challenged to execute something new and innovative in their organization that will drive results.