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“Det var en gang en podcast, der gamle, nye, spennende og morsomme eventyr ble fortalt på måter som du aldri har hørt makan til.…”
Hver uke leser Snipp Snapp Snute eventyr for barn og store, som du kan lytte til hvor du vil – i bilen, i senga før du legger deg, mens du tegner et troll, hos bestemor, på Spotify, iTunes, Youtube eller podcast-appen din.
«Den som leker som liten, får en rikdom inni seg som man kan øse av hele livet. En verden som gir styrke om livet blir vanskelig. Et sted man kan ty til i motgang og sorg», Astrid Lindgren.
Bli med i Snuteklubben for MYE MER fra Snipp Snapp Snute!Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Amelia Project is a secret agency that fakes its clients' deaths, then lets them reappear with a brand new identity! A black comedy full of secrets, twists... and cocoa. The series starts as a succession of interviews with clients who want to fake their deaths, then slowly a larger narrative begins to emerge... Each episode tells its own story, but we recommend starting with Season 1.
Podcasten for deg som trenger litt ekstra spenning i en ellers travel hverdag. I Erotikkpodden får du høre pirrende og spennende historier som setter deg i riktig stemning.
Podcasten er produsert av Gjenklang Oslo AS.
Musikk: Epidemic Sounds
Annonsere i podkasten? Ta kontakt med oss [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Nolira is an agronomist tasked with establishing agriculture in a new solar system, but when she wakes up on a now- empty colony ship, the whole of her plan disappears. The ship has been set adrift, with numerous mission-critical problems requiring immediate attendance outside of her area of expertise. Nolira is aided by the ship’s malfunctioning AI, which acts as her confidant and companion during the fight for survival.
Får du ikke sove, eller trenger du noe å koble av med? Vera Kvaal gir deg historier som senker pulsen og gir deg en fin opplevelse. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio
Jeg er Rune Nilson, og Nilsons Verden er min lekegrind. Denne podcasten er en ventil hvor jeg slipper ut ideer og konsepter som dukker opp på min vei gjennom tilværelsen. Her møter du både ekte og fiktive personer i skjønn forening, og du må selv avgjøre hvem du synes er hva. All lytting foregår på eget ansvar. God fornøyelse!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Listen Ad Free - Dive into the epic sea voyages and thrilling battles of Horatio Hornblower, a timeless naval hero. This podcast brings his adventures to life with gripping narratives and vivid soundscapes.
Ole Wold tar deg gjennom de mest minnerike, morsomste, og beste historiene fra Reddit!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Fiksjonspodkast for deg som liker krim, spenning og historiefortelling med overraskende vendinger. Produsert av Svarttrost.
In a world plagued by the undead, the stories of survivors are well-known and heralded as examples of hope, strength, and perseverance. Over time, they become fables, legends passed down from survivor to survivor. But those are the stories of the few, not the many who continue to walk the earth as shells of their former selves. These are their stories. These are the stories of THE DEAD.
An actual play podcast focused on two-player roleplaying experiences. Each week, host Jeff Stormer sits down with friends to play a two-player game, share some laughs, maybe a few tears, and have a really good time.
On the 19th of February, 1911, in the Valorian Socialist Republic, an assistant tailor named Colette Geise experienced a migraine that ruined her life. This is a historical account of what happened next.
THE KINGMAKER HISTORIES is a steampunk weird fiction podcast about being gay and doing crime, brought to you by the freaks who brought you Less Is Morgue. -
Wolfstar fanfics written by various authors created through Text-to-Speech (TTS)
Cover Art by dar.a_art | -
Stories are a big part of the African culture and growing up in the city of Port-Harcourt, these stories shaped my childhood. Times are different now and these bedtime stories which were passed down through generations are not as popular with children as they once were. This podcast aims to bring these stories to the new generation of African children and introduce everyone else to these wonderful stories from the motherland. The lessons and values learnt from these will never be forgotten. Welcome to Stories Mother Told.
Kleine Häppchen Thriller: Minithriller aus dem Alltag, dem Kopf, dem Leben. Dauer: ca. 5 bis 10 Minuten.
Zum Lesen auf
Die Minithriller gefallen dir? Einen Beitrag, dass es weitergeht kannst auch du leisten:
Wirf ein paar Münzen in den virtuellen Hut! Darüber würde ich mich RIESIG freuen! :-) -
Gamle menn over 70 år slipper alt for lite til i samfunnsdebatten.
Det skal vi rette på i podkasten «Hvite menn som pusher 80» - en podkast
om å begynne å bli gammel,
om å ha vært ung,
om å ha barn og barnebarn og bonusbarn
og om å leve i et samfunn i hurtig forandring og der mange eldre føler seg fremmedgjort, tilsidesatt og diskriminert.
Men tonen i programmet – podkasten! – skal være morsom og (selv)ironisk, med skjevt blikk på verden og oss selv. -
Jay Sherer wants to learn everything about storytelling. He interviews screenwriters, novelists, directors, literary agents, producers, and anyone else who knows about the business of storytelling. Plus he studies screenwriting, prose, writing, and the business models driving film, television, and novels. Learn along side Jay about How Stories Work--not just how to write them, but also how to sell them and get them made. Join the network of storytellers trying to improve, grow, and make valuable connections!
Norsk Litteraturfestivals lesesirkel-podkast! Et fast panel bestående av de eminente leserne Pedro Carmona-Alvarez, Kaja Schjerven Mollerin og Tone Selboe diskuterer noen av de mest sentrale og aktuelle nordiske romaner til årets festival. Bli med! Les deg opp nå - og møt forfatterne på litteraturfestival på Lillehammer 30. mai til 5. juni Se for full leseliste.
Denne tjenesten tilbys av Norsk Litteraturfestival. Musikken er gjengitt med tillatelse fra TONO. Uautorisert fremføring eller kopiering er ulovlig.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A Delta Green actual-play podcast.
Delta Green is a Lovecraftian-horror, X-files-like tabletop role playing game. If that sentence made no sense to you, just think of it as Dungeons and Dragons, set in the real world, with a twist.
Black Flare releases biweekly on Tuesdays.
For more information, visit our website at
To support the show, access the discord, get ad-free episodes and bonus content, check out
Kimmy Genheimer
Arlo Siemsen
Tiger Theobald
Isaac Theobald
Handler (GM):
Arin Colalillo
Sound recording and editing, theme song composition, some NPC voices, executive producer:
Caleb Genheimer
Andy Gryc
Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this podcast are © Black Flare Podcast, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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