Technologie – Noorwegen – Nieuwe podcasts
If you’re looking for a typical podcast interview, you’re in the wrong place.
Come hang out with Friends in Codespaces where Craig Dennis, AI Developer Educator at Cloudflare, invites some pretty awesome builders to share their story, battle an AI bot, play surprise games, and talk about the latest in emerging tech.
You’ll (hopefully) laugh, (likely) relate, but (definitely) learn something new!
I’m your host, Craig Dennis, and my Code Space is AI at the moment.
Follow us @CloudflareTV and @CloudflareDev
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Visit our YouTube channel @CloudflareDevelopers -
Elektrolytten er en podkast fra Elektroforeningen (EFO) der vi tar pulsen på det som skjer i elektrobransjen og løfter frem viktige temaer for bransjen. Programleder er Marie Loe Halvorsen, næringspolitisk direktør i Elektroforeningen.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
From Ordinary Industries, this is Kernel Extension -- the show where we dig deep into indie app development. What works, what doesn't, and everything in between. -
Visjonærene er en podcast av Techfolk, et IT-konsulentselskap i Oslo. Her snakker vi med toppledere i noen av Norges mest visjonære selskaper om innovasjon, gründerskap, teknologi, og mye mer! Les mer på
Podkasten er produsert av PLAN-B.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The two TypeScript Fools, Kamran Ayub and Erik Onarheim, get together once a week to bring you news, community highlights, and deep dives into the TypeScript ecosystem. Stay up-to-date on what's happening and learn new things to make you a better TypeScript developer along the way!
Looking at critical mineral questions from all sides -
Greene Street Talks is a podcast by OneChronos, a technology company of diverse thinkers innovating at the intersection of capital markets, mechanism design, and computer science. Listen in for thought-provoking conversations with builders in and around our ecosystem.
De beste teamene jobber hele tiden for å bli bedre.
Let’s warm up for the week together with the best stories and clips that set the stage for the rest of your week.
Artificial Intelligence will be the single most disruptive force the world has ever seen. It will change the way we work, the way we communicate, even the very nature of our existence. The world as we know it will be torn down and AI will build a new utopia from the ashes. Or . . . maybe it will do none of that! In reality, it’s way too early to predict the scope of AI’s impact on the world. But, one area we are starting to see AI have some mastery over is the world of advertising.
Welcome to ‘Brand New World,’ a podcast about this nascent moment in marketing and advertising as it all begins to take shape. Join ‘Fast Company’ senior staff editor Jeff Beer who takes a look at how creatives see their work evolving, how ad agencies are embracing this technology, and how big companies such as Google and Coca-Cola are leading the way in deploying AI to grow their brands. Jeff has been covering marketing and brands for the past two decades—during which he’s seen Burger King’s Subservient Chicken, Mac versus PC, Red Bull jump into the stratosphere, and a ‘Barbie’ movie—but never anything quite like this. -
Kunstig intelligens treffer alle. Så, skal vi bli skremt, eller omfavne den? Hva er nåbildet, og hvordan vil fremtiden se ut? I denne podkasten deler fageksperter i Sopra Steria sine beste KI-råd innen flere fagområder.
SaaS Marketing Makeover is Directive's live series that provides the audience the unique opportunity to watch a live audit of a randomly chosen SaaS company.
Our host, Garrett Mehrguth, is joined each week by a SaaS Marketing Leader to spin the Wheel of SaaS. During each episode they will work together to craft a working strategy for the random SaaS Company, giving insight into how winning strategies are made.
"Barn og Medier" er podkasten som gir deg den kunnskapen, innsikten og inspirasjonen du trenger for å navigere i barnas digitale hverdag!
Stian Barsnes-Simonsen og Silje Sirnes Winje, to erfarne formidlere med et brennende 🔥 engasjement for barn og unges digitale liv, vil dykke ned i alt fra skjermtid og sosiale medier, til kunstig intelligens og algoritmer. Sammen inviterer vi spennende gjester til studio for å diskutere de nyeste trendene på nett, og gi deg praktiske råd for hvordan du både kan delta aktivt i barnas digitale liv, samtidig som du setter trygge og sunne grenser for barna dine.👂
Denne podkasten er laget i samarbeid med Telia Trygg på skjem:
Produsert av Ramp
Ansvarlig redaktør: Silje Sirnes Winje
Produsent: Thea W. Thorstensen
Klipp: Kim Hafskjær / Ola Moen
Musikk: Christer Slaaen
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Wanja og Espen tar tempen på smått og stort innen digital sikkerhet, og blir kjent med menneskene som holder oss trygge.
Welcome to CISSP Central, the ultimate podcast for aspiring and certified CISSP professionals! Whether you’re studying for the CISSP 2024 syllabus exam or looking to sharpen your cybersecurity skills, this podcast is your go-to resource. Each episode dives deep into the critical domains of cybersecurity, offering insights, tips, and real-world experiences from industry experts.
Join us as we explore the latest trends, challenges, and solutions in information security, helping you stay ahead in a rapidly evolving digital world. From encryption to risk management, compliance to cloud security, CISSP Central covers it all!
Perfect for CISSP candidates, InfoSec pros, and anyone passionate about safeguarding information in the modern age. Tune in, learn, and become the cybersecurity expert you were meant to be!
Note: This entire podcast has been prepared based on a published book on Amazon named C(R)ISSP: The Most Concise Handbook for CISSP 2024, written by myself, which can be purchased directly from Amazon by clicking this link.
Between Two Rounds Hosted by Type One Venture's Founding Partner, Tarek Waked, Each week, Tarek will sit down with up-and-coming and established leaders, Founders, Thought Leaders, and Investors to bring you closer to the minds transforming our world. The Next Frontier, Real Conversations.
Watch the Video Podcast on Youtube: @BetweenTwoRounds
Like and Follow along for more updates:, @typeoneventurespodcast and @tarekwaked
Tik Tok: @typeoneventurespodcast -
The Autonomy Journals showcase leading voices, sharing insights, learnings, lessons and perhaps some confessions from the Autonomy Journey in transport and mobility.
SAMS, a private, non-profit innovation cluster for sustainable, autonomous mobility solutions, host the podcast. -
Simen spør folk om det han er nysgjerrig på.
Embark on a journey into the heart of ongoing tech research & innovation with 'New Era of Engineering' a series by Capgemini Engineering addressing key challenges for a more intelligent industry.
Curious to learn about how some of today’s challenges are being tackled to create a more intelligent tomorrow? Join us as we guide you, through the cutting-edge world of AI, Sustainability, Automotive, Digital Twins, 5G, and more alongside prestigious technological pioneers and researchers. -
Skyfritt er podcasten for deg som er litt lei av skyprat. Hei eg heter Tony Bardalen og mitt oppdrag er å gjøre IT enkelt - for deg.
Med meg har jeg med kollegaene mine Oscar og Emre, og vi diskuterer ting som berører vår hverdag. Det kan være ting som skjer i nyhetsbildet, gøyale opplevelser på jobb eller bare en god historie.
Selv om du ikke er i bransjen håper vi å være til inspirasjon, glede og muligens provosere litt med våre diskusjoner.
Også satser vi på å lande på begge beina til slutt.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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